Seeing as Valyr was attentively listening to his explanation, Julian inwardly nodded in satisfaction towards Valyr's interest in the matter before proceeding to continue where he left off.

"For what many people with high class ranks in the kingdom have come to know as normal, the orc and human race had a mostly amicable relationship between one another, only settling disputes through battle if it was truly irreconcilable. In fact, the emperor of our own Meltierre Empire and the emperor of the orc race's Khagarax Empire are considered to be good friends, even going so far as to host tournaments that would allow the young talents of their respective races to fight against one another and expand both sides' horizons."

"From what I've been told, this relationship has lasted for about 200 years or so, only for it to undergo an abrupt change over a decade ago." At these words, Julian's expression became solemn as he soon let out a low sigh. "The emperor of the Khagarax Empire had stepped down from his throne and allowed his son, the heir, to ascend to the throne and become the new emperor."

"During the first few years, there was next to no difference regarding the relationship the human race had with the orc race. However, as time passed, our emperor found out more and more information regarding the personality of the new orc emperor, deciding to gradually distance himself from the orc race after coming to the conclusion that it was the safest decision."

"See, unlike the previous orc emperor, which was said to be wise and looked at things from a long term perspective, the new orc emperor, although wise in his own terms, was someone who allowed his feelings to dictate his actions, thinking that the orc race was the only race in Veldanyr fit to rule the entire world."

"Or at least, that's what I've been told through my sources." Julian briefly shrugged his shoulders, reminding Valyr to take his words with a grain of salt.

"Either way, after our emperor decided to distance himself from the new orc emperor, the latter decided to take offense at this and launch an offensive against our settlements. At first, the orcs would harass the smaller, less protected settlements, such as villages and towns. However, as time passed, the scale of their combat force grew larger, while the settlements they targeted grew larger as well."

"Eventually, the orc race decided to target their first human kingdom. The Algerie Kingdom."

"And that's more or less where we are at the moment," said Julian, wrapping up his explanation on the matter. "Depending on how it unfolds, we might be able to successfully push the orc race back to where they came from, or the human and orc race would engage in a large-scale war against one another."

"Either way, a great deal of stress." Julian let out a faint sigh. "Then again, it's not like I accepted this position without knowing of its responsibilities anyway."

"Has the elf race been affected by the change in the orc race as well?" Nodding in response to Julian's words, Valyr posed a question to him not long after, wondering if the third ruling race of the current age was affected in any way. Unexpectedly, Julian looked at him with a wry smile before shaking his head.

"With how they've decided to seclude themselves from the rest of the world, as well as the fact that they've built a near impenetrable defense surrounding their territory, probably not," said Julian in response, only to ponder over the matter for a bit before adding, "Then again, rumors did say that they sent out a few groups to inflict a bit of damage to the elf race… though no news about it appeared after that."

"Hmm…" Rubbing his chin as he processed all of the information he had heard from Julian so far, Valyr decided to check with the man before him if he had gotten all of the information correctly. "So, if I'm getting this right, because of the orc outbreak, and the fact that the Four Pillars' Inheritance is close to opening, you've nominated me as a candidate for the position of blacksmith as it would allow us to explore a greater portion of the inheritance… I think."

"You're correct." Julian nodded. "The rarer the classes the candidates have, the more of the inheritance would be unlocked once they begin to explore its surroundings. I have no idea why that's the case, but that's how it is."

"So, choosing me as a candidate increases the chances of us possibly discovering a piece of technology that would allow our side to gain an edge against the orc race?"

"Pretty much, though we don't really have much hopes on it."

"I see." Taking in a deep breath, Valyr eventually nodded in understanding. Looking at Julian, he then asked, "Is this the actual reason why you wanted to meet me?"

"Nope. I just really wanted to meet the candidate I've chosen in person and get an idea of how you and the other three might possibly fare once the inheritance opens," replied Julian bluntly. "The talk about the orc outbreak and such was just a tangent I did not mind delving into."

At those words, Valyr scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassment at the fact that his thoughts on what the main reason behind their meeting could be was actually wrong. Of course, Julian noticed the slight embarrassment on Valyr's face, letting out a bit of laughter in response, which only made the latter feel even more embarrassed.

"Well, with all things considered, you've definitely exceeded my expectations, Valyr." Julian smiled at Valyr before deciding to head back to the anvil to continue working on the equipment he was in the middle of forging. "Remember how the attendant told you that you'd be better off claiming your Technology Points once you're done meeting with me?"


"I fully intend to follow through with that statement." Placing the sheet of metal on the anvil into the large furnace behind him, Julian sent in a wave of mana through the furnace, causing the heat inside to raise at an alarming rate. "Plus, with the fact that you're a candidate for the inheritance and a Herald of the Zeihardt clan, helping you out in this manner is the least I can do to increase your chances of finding something special within the inheritance."

"With that, using the power vested within me as the Guildmaster of Algerie Kingdom's Blacksmith Guild, I, Julian Arthur Pyrrhia, shall increase your rank from Elite Member…"

"…to Core Member."

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