MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 630 Four Pillars: Primitive Humanoids



[Primitive Humanoid (Mythic Elite)] (Level 75)

Class: Primitive Humanoid (Uncommon)

HP: 15,936/15,936

MP: 26,720/26,720

Attack: 3,340 - 3,340

Defense: 1,992 - 1,992

Stats: 498 VIT, 835 STR, 790 AGI, 408 DEX, 835 INT, 790 WIS, 328 PER, 218 LUK

Skills: [Intermediate Physical Damage Resistance], [Intermediate Magical Damage Resistance], [Basic Physical Damage Nullification], [Basic Magical Damage Nullification], and 12 other skills.

Remarks: They may look like a human, but they do not have the sentience and conscience to be one.


Staring at the words written on the identification screen in front of him, Valyr eventually looked back at the beings that roamed the south quadrant they were looking over.

Unlike the aberrations that littered the plains they stayed in for the past few days, the beings called primitive humanoids did not have extremely muscular limbs and a frail torso. 

If anything, they looked incredibly similar to them, which made the five of them hesitate in attacking them.

However, as they examined the beings a bit more, they began to notice some discrepancies among them. Some of the primitive humanoids seemed to lack fingers on their hands, while some had no toes entirely.

There were also those that lacked toes, though beings that lacked feet altogether also existed.

Looking around for a bit more, they were even surprised to see a few that had gaping holes on their bodies, making the five think that these beings had been living with missing organs.

Because of that, rather than think of the primitive humanoids as beings that they had to kill to proceed deeper into the inheritance, the five began to look at them from the perspective of humans that had untimely fates.

Nevertheless, they still forced themselves to look at these beings as beings wholly different from them, no matter how difficult it was. After all, not only did they not finish exploring the entirety of the inheritance yet…

They also aimed to enter the Gates of Awakening and obtain its riches.

"This inheritance is quite cruel if you look at it from another perspective." Closing the status screen that popped up after identifying one of the primitive humanoids, Hal looked away from the beings for the meantime and let out a sigh.

"In the plains, we had to face against beings that seemed to be an attempt at resembling humans. Now, in the quadrants, we have to face against beings that closely resemble humans, but are lacking a couple things here and there."

At the man's words, the other four went silent as it did not take long for them to arrive at a conclusion that everyone seemed to have arrived at. Looking at everyone else's gazes while looking at him, Hal wryly smiled as he felt that his conclusion was the same as theirs.

Taking a deep breath, the man let out a sigh once more. "At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if we would be up against beings that truly resemble humans once we head to the center of the city ruins."

"However, why is the inheritance doing this?" Hal looked at the others before asking a rhetorical question. "Is the inheritance trying to figuratively tell us that our current achievements have come from the loss of an inordinate number of lives?"

"Or is there no point into thinking deeper into the matter and it's just that the one who created the inheritance has a sick sense of humor?" Hearing these words, everyone let out a faint sigh. 

Though they wanted to know the reason behind it, they did not have any clue where to begin, nor did they have the necessary knowledge to come up with a conclusion.

Even Valyr, who had witnessed the memories from the First Forger, did not know why their enemies were inferior versions of humans.

Remaining silent for a bit as they watched the beings roam the streets of the south quadrant, Valyr decided to break the silence as he focused everyone's attention on him. 

"Though I share the same sentiments as you, the inheritance is more or less pushing us to kill these Primitive Humanoids if we want to move forward."

"Especially if we want to earn our chances of entering the Gates of Awakening." Saying these words, the young man was certain that this was the only reason the others would fight against the Primitive Humanoids at this point.

After all, Hal and the other three had only been facing against monsters for most of their lives when it came to combat. 

Sure, there were also times where they would fight against their fellow humans and kill them if necessary, but those incidents normally had an underlying reason behind them.

  Now, if one wanted to find someone who had no qualms killing their fellow humans if they didn't do anything wrong, then one would have to find a criminal…

Or someone who had been greatly desensitized by the battlefield.

As someone who had been a part of the final battle in his past life, it went without saying that Valyr was one of those people. However, that did not mean that he was desensitized to the point that he lacked common sense. 

After all, he fought against his fellow humans for a reason.

Unfortunately, as the inheritance was forcing them to do so, there was no choice for him but to go against his common sense this time around.

"Who wants to be the first to fight against these Primitive Humanoids?" asked Valyr, looking at the others.

Unsurprisingly, all of them seemed to have conflicted expressions on their faces. Inferring what he could read off their expressions, the young man was certain the four were weighing the pros and cons of fighting against the beings.

Eventually realizing that they would be at an impasse if he let the others decide, Valyr let out a faint sigh as he began to head towards the primitive humanoids. 

Thankfully, this action caught the attention of the others, prompting them to look at the young man with perturbed expressions.

"What are you doing?" Faulus asked, only to inwardly admonish himself for asking such an obvious question.

In response, Valyr looked back at the four. "What else would I be doing? Cause the buildings to collapse?"

"Obviously, I'm gonna fight against the Primitive Humanoids."

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