MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 633 Four Pillars: Not Two, But Three

"I'm guessing there are two types of humanoids roaming the south quadrant?" Staring at the corpse of the humanoid he had slain for a while, Hal eventually returned to the four with a slightly confused expression.

Valyr shrugged his shoulders in response. "No idea. After all, we've only killed a total of two humanoids so far. There may be a third type or a fourth type roaming around."

"So, I'm guessing there's no choice but to fight against them to find that out?" asked Faulus after listening to the short conversation between the two.

"Pretty much." Valyr softly nodded. "Then again, we would have to fight against them sooner or later, especially if we aim to enter the Gates of Awakening and reap rewards from it."

Hearing the phrase 'Gates of Awakening' come out of Valyr's mouth, everyone's eyes briefly glistened with expectation, their flames of ambition intensely burning deep within.

Being reminded once more of one of their important reasons for arriving at the four quadrants, Hal and Valyr briefed the other three about some things they noticed while fighting against the humanoids.

After that, the five of them set a few rules and reminders that everyone should follow while fighting humanoids. Once that was all done, only then did the five talk about how they would go about fighting them.

Since the number of primitive humanoids within each quadrant was limited, the five of them eventually agreed to divide the four quadrants among themselves. 

To no surprise, Hal and Valyr took up the south and west quadrant respectively, considering that they had the combat prowess to do.

As for the remaining three, it took a while for them to reach a conclusion that all of them agreed upon.

"I still feel like I've gotten the short end of the stick here, but I guess it's not all that bad," said Faulus not long after the three had finished their discussion, prompting both Vera and Loreina to look back at him with apologetic smiles.

According to the agreement the three had made, Loreina would occupy the east quadrant, while the north quadrant would be occupied by Vera. As for Faulus, he was free to go to whichever of the four quadrants he wanted, which Hal and Valyr did not have a problem with.

"If anything interesting appears while you're in the midst of grinding, feel free to send a message through the party chat to let the others know." After Valyr reminded the other four about their rules one last time, it was only then did the five finally head their separate ways to their chosen quadrants.

Seeing as he and the other three would take a while to arrive to their chosen quadrants, Valyr went ahead and cast skills that enhanced movement speed on each of them. As for the one who would be occupying the south quadrant, Hal cast a buff on all of them that decently increased their stats.


Running along the periphery of the south quadrant at the greatest speed he could muster, Valyr was quite surprised that Faulus did not accompany him this time around. 

Instead, the alchemist decided to accompany Hal for the meantime, sending a message to the party chat not long after that he would be heading to everyone else's quadrants after some time passed.

After giving Faulus the go ahead in his reply to the party chat, the young man returned his attention to where he planned on going, admiring the infrastructure that made up the city ruins. 

Eventually, the young man had arrived at the west quadrant after a couple of hours, taking in a deep breath as he looked at the primitive humanoids that roamed about.

"Around three hours or so left before sunset." Briefly gazing at the position of the sun above him, Valyr designated a spot he would use as his resting place before heading down to where the primitive humanoids were.

"Grroaagghh!!!" Unsurprisingly, as if the inheritance had instilled it within their blood to attack any intruder that trespassed their territory, a great number of the humanoids within Valyr's vicinity looked at him with anger-filled expressions.

In response, Valyr faintly grinned at the primitive humanoids before unleashing both his magic scepter and spear on each hand.

"[Limit Break]."

"[Refined Offense Aura]."

"[Crimson Blade Torrent]."

"[Arcane Tide of the Dark Night]."

Without hesitation, he conjured a barrage of physical and magical attacks against the primitive humanoids, kicking off yet another massacre within the Four Pillars' Inheritance.

As everyone did not have that much experience in fighting against the primitive humanoids, all of them considered the first hour of fighting against the humanoids a self-taught lesson of sorts.

After all, during this first hour, they gradually learned more and more about the primitive humanoids, such as their varying attack patterns, their methods of defense, as well as the weaknesses that the five could exploit to increase their killing efficiency.

Then, once they had gotten more or less used to fighting against the humanoids, only then did the five of them begin to go all out. With the knowledge they've accrued, even humanoids that were resistant to their usual combat styles fell to the ground within a couple of minutes.

Not only that, but it was during this time did the five finally find out that there weren't just two types of primitive humanoids they had to fight against…

But three.

The first type of humanoid was one that had near-impenetrable defense against magic attacks, but was extremely vulnerable to physical attacks.

On the other hand, the second type of humanoid was one that could easily defend and deflect against any physical attacks that was thrown its way. However, once hit with a magic attack, it would have no clue on what to do.

As for the last type of humanoid, it could be said that it could do what the two earlier types of humanoids could do, but to a lesser degree.

In other words, it had no problems defending against magic attacks, nor did it have a problem defending against physical attacks.

However, whether it was by design or intended by the inheritance, its defensive capabilities were still less than the first two humanoid types when it came to what they specialized in, meaning that the third type of humanoid was just a slightly harder being to kill.

With this in mind, the five of them smoothly went about killing the primitive humanoids that roamed throughout the respective quadrants they occupied.

Though, by the time Valyr had reached his 100th kill, a notification he had obtained prompted him to stop in his tracks.

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