MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 660 Four Pillars: Diverting Attention

Chapter 660 Four Pillars: Diverting Attention

Seeing that the four were looking at him with their eyes wide in surprise, Valyr inwardly let out a brief chuckle as he began to explain what he had been doing while separated from the others.

According to him, it took him a bit longer to achieve an authority level of 10 since the number of primitive humanoids in the place he was grinding for kills had thinned out.

At that point, a thought flashed in his mind that would allow him to kill two birds with one stone, which was to head to another spot within the west quadrant that had more primitive humanoids while being close to where the quadrant leader was.

With that, he went ahead and executed his plan, arriving at a spot that was only about a kilometer away or so from where the quadrant leader was.

Almost teeming to the brim with how many primitive humanoids there were in his new spot, it did not take long for him to achieve the kill count necessary to obtain an authority level of 10.

Then, after that, he began to slowly inch closer towards where the quadrant leader was, making sure to not attract the attention of the primitive humanoids he would come across.

At this point of his explanation, Valyr noticed that the four had become somewhat engrossed in his story, feeling a bit of suspense at the fact that he stopped talking all of a sudden.

Hearing a few comments from the others as to why he had stopped his story all of a sudden, the young man inwardly smiled as he had successfully redirected their attention.

While making his way back to the south quadrant, Valyr thought about sharing the information he had gotten regarding the quadrant leader and the underground area he had discovered with the others.

Though, after recalling the conversation he had with Ryvrthe regarding the city ruins and the Great Cataclysm, he wondered if it was better for him to omit any mention of the underground area and save it for himself.

'But that wouldn't explain why I returned to the south quadrant so late,' thought the young man in the middle of his flight, slightly frowning as he wracked his mind to come up with a solution.

In the end, the solution he came up with was to still talk about the quadrant leader and the underground area.

However, while talking about the quadrant leader, he would construct his story in a way that made them pay more attention to it.

By the time he talked about the underground area, he was certain that they would only be slightly interested at most, especially after omitting a great amount of the information he had obtained there.

Of course, he had also thought about swapping the underground area for another place along the way, but he decided not to do so as the consequences of his lies being found out would undoubtedly be fatal.

Especially in an inheritance where the other four were as comparably strong as him.

Continuing where his story had left off after the short period of silence, Valyr then discussed the appearance of the quadrant leader, causing Faulus and the two girls to faintly shudder as their imagination did the work.

Then, after the young man showed the status screen he had obtained from the quadrant leader to the other four, Hal and the other three became utterly silent, frowning as they stared at the numbers on the screen.

"Stats that are over 1,000…" muttered Hal as a solemn expression covered his face. "On top of that, an Intent that looks to be 7th Grade at the very least."

With how each subsequent stage on an Intent Seed increased its effect on one's Attack coefficient, it went without saying that comprehending one's Intent to a higher grade would result in a greater effect as well.

However, unlike the trivial increases each subsequent stage on an Intent Seed brought, the effects of a higher grade Intent were more pronounced, with each subsequent grade increasing its effect on one's Attack coefficient by an additional 10%.

Aside from that, improving one's Intent to a higher grade generally changed the name of the Intent to encompass a broader concept, such as how the Intent of Waves was a lower grade Intent compared to something like the Intent of Water.

With that, the Intent of Power the west quadrant's quadrant leader was not a weak Intent by any means.

In fact, if Hal's grading of the Intent were to be believed, then that meant that the Intent increased one's Attack coefficient by 30%.

For reference, Valyr's Attack stat, which had already surpassed 6,000 points thanks to high DEX, would roughly increase by 2,000 additional points thanks to such a high grade Intent.

And that was even before taking one's weapons into consideration!

Remaining silent for a bit after listening to Hal's words, Loreina eventually spoke up. "I think it's for the best if we attempt fighting against the first quadrant leader as a group."

In response, Faulus raised his eyebrow in slight curiosity. "Don't our current stats exceed theirs, though? Wouldn't it be a walk in the park fighting against them?"

"They aren't like the primitive humanoids we've fought, Faulus," said Hal as he shook his head. "Though I'm not sure whether they have it from the information Valyr gave us, I'm highly certain that they have empowering skills that push their stats even further."

At those words, the others faintly shuddered at the thought.

After all, the power of a being at the peak of Rank 5 that had four digit stats with a 7th Grade Intent was already destructive.

With that, how more destructive could it become if they had the ability to empower their stats even further?

"Well, it's not like we'll be facing against a quadrant leader at the very moment we wake up tomorrow." Seeing that everyone was thinking about their chances against a quadrant leader, Valyr decided to diffuse the situation by shifting the topic.

Faintly shrugging his shoulders, he continued, "Plus, it's not like we're forced to fight a quadrant leader on our own. We could team up to defeat one."

Watching the others visibly relax with every passing second, the young man inwardly nodded as he decided to talk about the other reason why he had gotten back to the camp so late.

"Anyways, aside from obtaining information regarding the quadrant leader, while I was making my way back to where I usually stayed in the west quadrant, I accidentally made a discovery."

"What did you find?" asked Loreina with a faintly curious expression, the others leaning closer to Valyr to find out as well.

"I found out that the city ruins actually has an underground area," said Valyr in response, acting lackadaisical as if the discovery wasn't anything big.

Then again, the same couldn't be said for the others.


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