MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 691 Four Pillars: To Become More Human

As he searched for traces as to where Vaughn went, Valyr was slightly surprised to find out that the memory allowed him to explore the entire place in detail.

Even areas that looked like something Vaughn wouldn't frequently enter had been recorded into the memory, causing the young man to wonder for a bit as to whether or not the man was indeed the focus of the memory.

Nevertheless, since what had transpired earlier had confirmed that Vaughn had created the aberrations that roamed the plains, it went without saying that Valyr assiduously searched as to where the man went.

Of course, by the time a few minutes had passed, the young man had found Vaughn once more, considering how the place was only of a decent size.

Though, just as he was about to peer over Vaughn's shoulders to find out what the man was doing after the previous experiment…


'What the hell?' Before Valyr could even react, he was thrown into the world of darkness once more, causing a slight frown to appear on his face.

'And here I thought collecting all of the memories meant that I wouldn't be thrown into the darkness anymore,' thought the young man to himself, briefly grumbling as he thought about how he wouldn't be able to get a general idea of the situation anymore.

Fortunately, after taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself down and think over things rationally, a light appeared to envelop the world of darkness once more.

Watching as the same place he had been in earlier was gradually being rebuilt by the memory, the young man eventually found himself in the same area as before.

However, this time, when Vaughn had entered the room to go through documents and test tubes, it seemed as if he had aged by a few years.

"Hey, Aria. What experiment are we on at the moment? I think I've lost track."

"The previous experiment was nicknamed Experiment 727-A, Master."

"727-A…" repeated the man to himself, eventually nodding after a brief moment of silence.

"Alright. Aria, record what I'm about to do and name it Experiment 727-B."

"Understood, Master."

Ignoring the fact that the man looked more disheveled when compared to the previous memory, Valyr watched as Vaughn went through the documents for a bit before picking up some of the test tubes placed on the table before him.

Though, unlike in the previous memory where he had only picked up a couple, the number of test tubes he had brought along with him had now increased to five.

'I guess in between the previous memory and the current one, he's finally found a way to counteract the mutation that was happening that turned the sample into an aberration,' thought Valyr to himself as he followed Vaughn to where he had to go.

Surprisingly, rather than head to the place he had gone to in the previous memory, Vaughn instead headed to an area that Valyr was quite familiar with.

Realizing which place Vaughn had gone to, Valyr slightly furrowed in brows.

"Isn't this the place I saw in the north quadrant leader's memory fragment?"

Even though his perspective at the moment was not from the perspective of one of the beings within the large glass tubes he currently saw from afar, Valyr was more certain that he had arrived at the same place.

"Aria, take out Subject A-001." Looking at his surroundings for a bit, Vaughn took in a deep breath before proceeding further, eventually arriving at what Valyr thought was a table made for surgery.

"Understood, Master."

In the meantime, a series of robotic arms appeared from the ceiling and headed to one of the large glass tubes, slowly extending themselves to grab the being that was contained within.

Then, in one smooth movement, the arms took the being out of the glass tube before placing it on the table Vaughn was in front of.

"Aria, record this as part of Experiment 727-B. Also, set security level to S."

"Understood, Master."

Fsh! Fsh! Fsh!lightsnovel

Hearing a series of hydraulics going off from afar in response to Vaughn's command, Valyr watched as the man calmed himself down, staring at the unconscious being that was laid on the table.

Though the young man had no idea what Vaughn planned on doing in this memory, Valyr was more than certain that the being on the table was none other than an aberration.

Then again, due to what looked to be a couple of modifications from Vaughn in between the memories, the aberration's defining features had become less pronounced, allowing it to resemble a human more.

'Why is he trying to recreate humans, though?' asked Valyr to himself, curious as he watched the man finally make a move.

Letting out a long and drawn-out sigh, Vaughn went ahead and dumped the contents of two test tubes into the mouth of the aberration, causing the latter to become wide awake.


In response, the aberration began to scream itself hoarse as its body flailed about on the table.

At this point, Valyr wondered whether the man had expected something like this to happen, taking a peek at the man's expression to find out.

Surprisingly, Vaughn remained stoic throughout the aberration's throes, intently watching it gradually return to its initial state.

"The previous two are to stabilize its condition," murmured the man as he poured the three remaining test tubes he brought along onto the aberration's body.

"These three are to bring about change."


At the very moment the contents of the three test tubes made contact with the aberration's body, the aberration's skin quickly turned pale as it began to scream itself hoarse once more.

lightsnοvεl However, rather than gradually return to a lull, the aberration did not stop in screaming as its body continued to flail around.

Wondering what the man was trying to achieve as the aberration turned as white as a sheet of paper, Valyr's eyes widened in surprise once the aberration's upper and lower extremities began to shrink.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the aberration's limbs gradually looked more and more human, causing Vaughn's eyes to blaze with fervor once more as it seemed that success was just around the corner.

Yet, as if the memory wanted Valyr to witness all of Vaughn's failures, the aberration's positive change did not last for long.


Within seconds, the aberration's entire body inflated like a balloon, causing panic to appear on Vaughn's face as he wracked his brain to come up with a solution.

After all, he did not want it to explode all over the place and contaminate the area.

In the end, he stared at the aberration for a bit before stabbing it at the center of its chest with a pocket knife, deciding to end the aberration's life rather than letting it explode.

Yet surprisingly, after stabbing the aberration with the knife, the aberration's vitality became more stable, causing Vaughn to wonder what was going on.

Nevertheless, such a situation was short-lived as the aberration began to balloon once more.

In response, Vaughn continued to cut into the aberration's body, returning its vitality to a stable state.

By the time the aberration's vitality had become consistently stable, a large hole had been carved in the place where a human's heart would be, with Vaughn panting in exhaustion from what he had done.

'Have I…' Gasping for air, a wry smile appeared on Vaughn's face as he saw that his experiment had taken on a different direction.

'Have I done it?'

Not long after that, he fell unconscious.



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