MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 741 Four Pillars: Extreme Attrition


Before Valyr could even react to the man's attack, a ray of golden light appeared before him in the blink of an eye.


With him being hit directly in the chest, the young man was forced to take a few steps back.

Then again, even though he was caught off guard by the attack, the force behind it was still tolerable.


Stomping on the ground at full force, Valyr quickly regained his stability, assessing the damage his chestplate had received.

"I must say… you have quite the stellar defense yourself."

Taking a deep breath after finding out that his attack also did not work as intended, Amauris looked at Valyr with a solemn expression.

"It's definitely no match for the defensive skills in your arsenal," said Valyr in response, inwardly letting out a sigh as the chestplate only received a faint burn mark on its surface.

Keeping an eye on Amauris, the young man began to formulate a plan in his mind as to how he would land yet another hit on his opponent.

Though, just as he was about to make his move, his opponent already made a move of his own.

"[Magic Arts of the Luminescent Deity]."

"[Luminary Judgment]!"


Raising both of his hands into the air, Amauris sent out a great amount of energy as a large cloud of golden light above Valyr.

Seconds later, this large cloud soon rained down what looked to be golden spears, prompting the young man to change his plans.

"[Arcane Shadow Serpent Movement Style]."

"[Arcane Serpentine Sprint]!"


Expecting the barrage of golden spears to trap Valyr in place, the man instead watched as the young man accelerated to great speeds in less than an instant.

"That has got to be seriously unfair." 

Seeing his attack deal a pitiful amount of damage to his opponent yet again, Amauris let out a faint sigh before proceeding to distance himself from the young man as much as possible.

"…Not as unfair as the skills you've been unleashing so far."

With the ray of light piercing through his throat, Valyr quickly activated [Intermediate Heal] on himself as he looked back at Amauris.

"This… is going to take a while."

With the first few blows between them making the two realize that their fight would ultimately be that of attrition, both Valyr and Amauris steeled themselves for what was to come as they slung skills at each other back and forth.

Due to the limitation Amauris had put on the fight, the two of them were fighting against each other with pure magic.

Nevertheless, both sides were unleashing skills that seemed to cross over the boundaries of what magic was capable of, the might of their skills far beyond one's imagination.

With the magic Amauris had control over that allowed his attacks to move beyond the speed of light, all of them squarely landed on the young man, slowly whittling down his HP with every attack.

However, with the tyrannical levels of defense brought about by his True Wyvern Armor, a single [Intermediate Heal] was more than enough to make the man's efforts disappear.

Because of that, Amauris gradually began to lose his calm, realizing that even going all out would only result in a minuscule increase in the damage he dealt to the man.

Though, what truly made the man gave up on his hopes of winning the fight was not Valyr's nigh impenetrable defense.

It was one of his movement skills.

"[Arcane Shadow Serpent Movement Style]."

"[Arcane Wings of the Shadow Wyvern]."


Condensing Shadow Energy and mana onto his back, a pair of wings that oscillated between black and blue soon appeared as he swiftly took flight to the skies.


"Fuck this."

Seeing his opponent begin to move in the air as if it were second nature to him, Amauris' confidence in fighting the young man was completely shattered.

After all, he didn't have a flight skill to even out the young man's advantage.

And so, he conceded.

"I surrender."

"You win."

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