Once he tasted her lips thoroughly, he released her from his arms.

" Wifey...what about one quickie! " He asked, pulling her to the bed.

" You… idiot…. Your son is awake and in the home. And you are talking about sex" She wriggled.

" Without having sex, do you get him!! Huh!! " He questioned her back.

" you… Shameless...fellow ..leave me…" she shouted.

" Promise me ….that all night...you are mine… " he asked her seductively.

" Not only tonight, but I am also always yours…" she kissed his forehead.

He smiled with her answer and released from his grip.

" Then I want this night….so memorable…" he said.

" Yes...my dear husband…whatever you say"

" Join quickly for breakfast "she informed him and left the room hurriedly.

She ordered the maid to inform everyone to come for breakfast. Then she served breakfast on the plates.

Maria and Little Sam joined first. After a few seconds, Adrian descended the stairs. On hearing the footsteps, Maria saw her son coming towards them.

" Good morning, Mom, " he greeted.

" Sons are generally more genuinely connected to their mums than dads, however, there is no denying that for the most part sons grow up to be particularly similar to their dads. " Maria said, watching her son and her grandson.

" So….you like my idea of father and son matching, Am I right? " He asked his mom.

" Yes ...very much " she replied with a bright smile.

As it was their favorite breakfast, Adrian and Sam ate them without talking much. Then they both left for the playroom on the first floor. On the other side, Maria and Katherine discussed the lunch arrangements as Martin, Ruby, Thomas, Jasmine, and baby are going to come for lunch. 

Katherine instructed the cook to prepare the list of items for the lunch. Then she went to play with Adrian and Sam in the playroom. They spent the time playing video games in the room. 

After a while, the maid knocked on the door. " Master, Mr. Thomas along with his family came to visit you " she informed, bowing her head.

" Sam ...let's go. Little princess came to our home, " Katherine said and came out of the playroom.

" Dadda !! Who is this little princess!! " Sam asked Adrian.

" Why are you asking me questions! Why don't you see with your eyes! " Adrian said.


They came to the living room and saw Katherine and Maria talking with Thomas and Jasmine while Kathie holding the baby girl in her arms.

" Momma...is she the little princess!! " Sam asked Kathie. 

Kathie smiled at him and showed her face to him. Sam touched his fragile hands.

" She is so cute and so soft, " Sam said excitedly.

" Uncle Thomas, please give this baby girl to us. She is so pretty. I want to play with her " Sam asked Thomas innocently.

" Small baby needs her mother. If you want to play with her, come to my home every Saturday and Sunday, " he advised.

" Dadda...I want to play with this little princess. Please ask your friend to give her to me, " Sam said to Adrian.

" You can't take their baby. As you are baby to your mom likewise this little princess is baby to Aunt Jasmine " Maria explained.

" Dadda...you said you love me and also promised to give me anything on my birthday as a gift. When I am asking you for a gift then you are not giving it to me…" Sam whined with an angry face.

Maria laughed looking at them, " like father, like son .. stubborn.."

" Sam...you should not talk with your dad like that " Katherine said in a serious tone.

" Say….sorry to him" she added.

" I don't apologize because he lied to me…" Sam left his room with a sad face. 

" Addy...Why don't you plan for the next kid? " Thomas suggested.

Katherine excused herself from that place as she was worried about him and followed Sam to his room. 

" Sam… Dadda loves you so much. You should not talk with him like that in front of his friend. You should behave like a good boy, " she said, caressing his hair.

" Is it a way to behave! " she questioned.

"…. Momma… I like small babies. My friends have siblings. But I don't have one. Even Uncle Thomas refused to give me his baby to play with, " he said in a sad tone.

" I am there to play with you, " she kissed his cheek.

" And remember one thing in your mind. If you want to have siblings then you should be strong and big to protect them from danger, not just playing with them, " she said.


Adrian silently heard their conservation and walked inside his room. 

" Sam…." He called his son.

" I can't give you the gift which you asked me, right now. But I promise you for your next birthday, Mom and I will give you a beautiful little angel, " he said, kneeling on the floor.

" Really!! " Sam asked enthusiastically.

" If you don't trust me then ask your mom" Adrian informed his son, looking at Katherine.

Her cheeks turned into a tomato red color instantly. Then she nodded her head with a blushful smile. 

" If Mommy smiled at me. That means, your words are true, " Sam said, looking at his father.

" Okay now. Don't keep that sad face on your birthday " Adrian said, ruffling his hair.

" Don't spoil my hairstyle…." He pushed his hand.

" He is just you, isn't he!!" Katherine asked him.

"Yeah….He is a mini-me" Adrian replied proudly.

"But don't tell this news to anyone. It should be our secret…." Adrian winked his eyes to his son.

"Yes. Dadda...It will be our secret '' he kissed his dad.

" Let's go….Uncle Thomas, Aunt Jasmine, and granny are waiting for us" Katherine informed.

Adrian stood straight on the floor while Sam and Kathie were walking out of the room.

" Dadda…" Sam called him before going out of the room.

" I love you, dad…" he blew a kiss in the air towards Adrian.

" I love you too….my little Champ " Adrian smiled with happy tears.

He never thought that the four words( I LOVE YOU, DAD) from his son's mouth made him happy which the success in his career didn't give him in the past.

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