Chapter 21: Lin Huang Flipping Out

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

George Kang saw the way Lin Huang was staring at him and felt a chill going down his spine, immediately planning his retreat.

“What are you staring at? You think you’re better than us just because you’re an imperial censor? George’s family is royalty, you can’t afford to offend him!” The tall, skinny guy raised his voice at Lin Huang as he was ignored by him.

Lin Huang frowned when he heard the guy mentioned ‘royalty’. In this world, only families that were higher than the gold-rank could be approved as royalty by the Union Government. Now he understood why this guy spoke for George Kang willingly.

Meanwhile, George Kang who thought Lin Huang was strange began getting jealous of Lin Huang.

“What did he do to deserve to be an Imperial Censor? He’s 15 and he isn’t even iron-level, it’s obvious that he’s a poor kid without good background. What’s so great about being an imperial censor, I’m going to show you what I’ve got today!” George Kang thought to himself.

“Bro, we would not force you to do something that you don’t want to do, but your attitude is humiliating. Since my bros don’t like you, there’s nothing that I can do.” George Kang was smart as he sensed Lin Huang was not the person that he should mess with so he tried to get away from him.

Although the reason that he argued was irrelevant, at least it was not awkward. That was one of the things that he learned from his family.

A normal 15-year-old would really reflect on what he just said but Lin Huang was not a kid.

He knew what this guy was up to where he attempted to avoid conflicts. If a fight was to happen, no matter which side won, it would be none of his business.

However, it was not a good news to Lin Huang as they were a gang.

Although he was fearless, he did not want to offend the royalty for no reason.

The tall and skill guy did not understand what George Kang really meant. He thought he did not want to fight Lin Huang himself and he wanted the rest of them to do it instead.

He was willing to do anything for the young master of royalty.

Regardless of how the results of the assessment turned out, as long as he managed to build a good relationship with royalty, he could always ask for job opportunities and work on their properties.

The four of them were thinking about the same thing.

George Kang took a few steps back while the four of them looked at each other.

Xue Jie saw what was happening and was terrified as he attempted to escape with his injured shoulder. As he ran, he screamed for help, “George, help me!”

George Kang was in a pickle. Although he did not want to be involved in this, he could not let Xue Jie die here.

If Xue Jie was dead, he would be alone and who knew if Lin Huang would kill him as well.

He used his right hand and waved in the air, the black ring on his middle finger became a giant shield in front of Xue Jie.


Tyrant’s giant claw landed on the giant shield and a spiderweb crack appeared on the shield.

George Kang was shocked. He did not expect the Sand Monster’s hit to create such cracks on his iron-level equipment.

He did not know that this Sand Monster’s strength was near a bronze-level monster.

George Kang then called out to Lin Huang, “Lin Huang bro, please stop the violence, we can talk this out!”

“Tyrant!” Lin Huang then stopped Tyrant from attacking Xue Jie.

Tyrant was getting in the zone, it then stopped and looked at Lin Huang in confusion.

“Stop for now.” After Lin Huang gave out his instruction, he looked at George Kang and Xue Jie, “I need a proper explanation.”

The duo was relieved when they saw Lin Huang asking Tyrant to stop.

George Kang said loudly to Lin Huang from far away, “Lin Huang bro, it’s our fault. We should not put you in trouble, we would like to apologize.”

“George, this kid would not dare to kill us. Killing is prohibited in the assessment. If we were to die in the assessment, not only he would lose his eligibility, he would also be blacklisted by the Hunter Association and prohibited from all forms of hunter assessment. You are a member of royalty. If you die in the assessment, the Hunter Association would definitely investigate the matter. Killing a member of royalty is considered a very serious matter to the Union Government…”

“Shut up!” George Kang stopped Xue Jie from talking. He could not believe that Xue Jie was still picking a fight with Lin Huang, “Lin Huang bro, all my weapons that were over iron-level were taken away. The most valuable thing I have with me is this black armor.”

George Kang then took off the black ring on his left ring finger and tossed on the ground in front of Tyrant, “Please take this as our apology, I hope we can forget about what happen today and be friends.”

Lin Huang kept quiet for a moment and said, “I accept your apology. You can take the three guys who are lying there…”

“But he’s not allowed to leave.” Lin Huang pointed at Xue Jie who was behind George Kang.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

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