Chapter 49: A Piece of Bad News

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Most of them started to get tired of the intense attacks they were being pummeled with.

At four o’clock, right before dawn, the duration of attack was then almost 20 hours.

Lin Huang felt drained from all the fighting.

If not for his passive skill ‘Robust’ that was supporting him, he would not even have the strength to lift his sword.

The young men’s condition was slightly better than Lin Huang but they were not in any form to continue holding the line.

Lin Huang did not know how many monsters he and Bai killed.

The Life Wheel in his body had been filled with Life Light and it was almost overflowing. There were 357 columns that were filled with white light, and there were only three gray columns left in his Life Wheel.

“Xiao Hei, cut off the Life Light transfer between me and Bai now!” Lin Huang instructed Xiao Hei immediately when he noticed what was happening to his Life Wheel.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

“You have requested to cut off the transfer of Life Light with Bai. Disconnection is complete!”

Xiao Hei fulfilled Lin Huang’s request immediately.

The disconnection was to allow the Life Light to be transferred to Bai as the Life Light in Lin Huang’s Life Wheel was almost full.

Once the 360 columns were full, Lin Huang could get a Life Light Baptism if he was to kill an Iron-level monster and he would be upgraded to iron-level.

However, the upgrade to Iron-level would come together with a Life Seed.

The Life Seed was used to strengthen talents that one was born with or had the potential to wield so it was crucial to choose wisely.

Life Seeds were categorized into five which were the Elemental System, Strengthening System, Psychic System, Special System and Compound System.

Lin Huang knew which Life Seed he wanted since the beginning. He wanted the Sword Strengthening System, which could only be obtained by killing monsters with his sword.

However, no monster that fit the criteria existed in the monster horde so Lin Huang chose not to upgrade to iron-level at the moment.

With the piling corpses, the canyon mouth became smaller and smaller.

When it was near noon, the canyon mouth was only about 300 meters wide, which was what Lin Huang had hoped for at the beginning of the attack.

The people’s fear was finally reduced.

The monsters which attacked Lin Huang’s third line decreased from every few minutes to every half an hour.

Even the second line of defense was much relaxed now.

Yi Zheng stood on top of the giant rock and gave Lin Huang a thumbs up.

Lin Huang then pointed at Zhou Le who was next to him and sent a message to Yi Yeyu to explain that it was Zhou Le’s idea.

The next afternoon, everyone was more relaxed. They even had time to eat and rest.

Seeing that the sun setting behind the mountains, Yi Yeyu prayed that nothing would go wrong that night and that the human transcendent would arrive on time to kill the transcendent monster to end this once and for all.

It was six in the evening, and the sky was getting dark. The monstrous roars were getting more intense.

Yi Zheng stood on top of the giant rock and looked into the distance.

He saw a pack of what looked like 100,000 monsters approaching the foothold. He was about to say something when his Emperor’s Heart Ring vibrated.

Lin Huang and the rest’s ring vibrated at the same time.

Since he had a moment to respond, Lin Huang opened his Emperor’s Heart Ring.

A news alert popped up on the page.

“Since eight in the morning yesterday, a monster outbreak happened on the east side of Division7. The density and coverage of the attack this time was at the small footholds No.7D120, No.7D122 and No.7D123. A wide area was destroyed by the beasts. There were no survivors. The death toll has reached 670,000 people. The same has happened to the small foothold No.7D121, but the condition there is unclear. There are transcendent humans making their way there. We will give you a full update when we receive more details….”

Seeing the news, most of them who were relaxed became tense.

“That’s not good…”

Lin Huang frowned. The footholds nearby had been destroyed by monsters. The only one standing was Snowy Mountain Town. The transcendent monster must be targeting Snowy Mountain Town next. Since it was hurt by the human transcendent around that area, it would not stop until it has killed all the people around the foothold!”

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