Chapter 68: Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Seeing that Lin Huang attempted to follow the team, Li Yanxing hinted to the young men.

One of them said to Leng Yuexin immediately, “Miss Leng, we have already fulfilled our mission to send him here, there’s no need to bring him along into the forest.”

“Although we’re heading on the same path where the Six-Armed Demon is, with this kid’s speed, he would definitely slow us down. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring him along with us…”

“I think so too, we can’t be carrying this kid on our back…” the other two young men added on.

“Since we need three to five days to arrive there, it doesn’t really make a difference even if he slows us down.” Leng Yuexin insisted to bring Lin Huang into the forest.

“Since Miss Leng wants to bring Bro Lin along, we’ll do so then. It wouldn’t make a difference with an extra person as we can take a slow walk and enjoy the scenery.” Instead of rejecting, Li Yanxing agreed to what Leng Yuexin said. “Bro Lin, you can follow us but just be careful for your own safety on the road.”

It was six in the evening and the sky was dark in the forest. Lin Huang estimated he was near his destination. If he did not follow the team, he would need at least two or three days to get into the forest carefully.

A monster roar came from not too far away distracting Lin Huang’s thoughts. Many bird-like monsters flew away from the fear of the roar. Lin Huang could tell that the monster was powerful that it could be at least silver-level. However, that did not bother Leng Yuexin and the rest at all. They proceeded straight into the area without hesitating for a second.

Soon, a gigantic Sky Dragon covered in crimson gold scales appeared before them. It was devouring a giant dead monster with its back facing them. The Sky Dragon was 30 meters long and more than 10 meters tall, it looked like a T. Rex that was at one time, bigger.

Lin Huang recognized it as a Sky Dragon but he did not know its actual name. He then asked Leng Yuexin softly, “Miss Leng, what is this monster? Why does it look like a Gold-Armored Dragon but the size of its scales and the sharpness of its claws and teeth seemed different?”

“This is a Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon, it was a Gold Armored Aragon that went through one round of mutation. Among the gold-level monsters, it is considered to be the strongest amongst creatures of its level.” Leng Yuexin explained calmly. “It seems like we’re lucky to be able to bump into a mutated monster in such good condition. It’s a bummer that we’re not with Imperial Censors, or else we could tame and deal it.” A prince in a hat said.

“You call this a good condition? This is a masterpiece! Don’t be pretentious, Ge Ping. I’m sure that you would run away if you were to fight this Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon on your own!” One of them teased.

“A gold-level rank-3 Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon’s ability is comparable with a hunter that is on the top 100 in the Gold Hunters Leaderboard. Myself aside; the both of you would be dead if you fought it yourselves!” Ge Ping said angrily.

“Only Miss Leng and Bro Li could handle such a monster.” The skinny young man said and looked at Li Yanxing. “This monster would be a great help if we can tame it. Too bad we have a mission with us. Even with the presence of an Imperial Censor, taming would take time. Seems like the only way is to kill it…” Li Yanxing said while looking at the Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon.

Although the Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon was eating earlier, it noticed them staring but it did not care. Lin Huang was stiff when he saw it staring at them, he could feel that death was near, his breath became heavier…

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