382 A sudden change

Helen and Dave looked at each other and were both stunned.

In Dave’s impression, Helen was still the child who followed behind him, babbling and asking for a hug.

However, he had overlooked the fact that Helen had grown from a child to a beautiful young girl in ten years.

Through the transparent vision cabin of the scavenger mech, Helen saw her grandfather, whose hair was white and one of his eyes was even equipped with a mechanical telescope.

Link, who was stuck in the middle, looked at the two people who were crying and couldn’t help but say, ” although I sympathize with the two of you, I still have to say that this place is very dangerous. A team of robot warriors came here just now, and we might be discovered at any time.

Dave, who was in the mech, quickly wiped his tears and said, ” Helen, we’ll definitely be discovered if we bring you out like this. We’ll have to trouble you to continue hiding in the nourishment chamber. We’ll lie and say that we’ll send you to the experimental area for maintenance.

I’ve waited for ten years! Helen nodded with certainty. I can wait for now!

Helen lay back down in the nutrition chamber, and Dave closed the door himself.

The nutrient solution began to ‘boil’ and fill with oxygen, quickly reaching a level suitable for human lungs to breathe.

Link helped Dave place the nutrition chamber on the back of the scavenger mech. The oxygen and power supply were all connected to the nutrition chamber.

Immediately after, Dave pressed the start button, and a few folded steel plates rose from the back of the scavenger mech, covering the nutrition cabin and protecting it tightly.

your mecha is too perfect, ” link couldn’t help but exclaim. you even thought of this? ”

Dave looked at the tightly sealed and completely protected nutrition chamber on the holographic screen, and his hanging heart finally settled down. “For the past ten years, I’ve been asking myself every day what I should do to get Helen back if I have the chance to sneak into the city. He would run simulations every day and then find his own flaws. It’s been ten years, and both the mecha and the plan have matured.”

Dave looked up at link. but what we’re going to do next is no longer in my plan. It’s all up to you, President Lin!”

“Don’t worry. With me here, I’ll definitely help you two return to Shandu successfully.”

Link’s lips curled into a confident smile.

In Lin Jie’s previous life, Dave had successfully infiltrated the city just before the players attacked it. As he had said, his plan was perfect and flawless. however, when they fled from the city, the freedom federation’s frontline began to push forward. the city’s steel torrent was dispatched.

Dave happened to be caught between the two armies. In the end, in order to protect his granddaughter, he was shot by a stray bullet and died. The grandfather and grandson had not seen each other for ten years, but they had been separated forever after meeting for less than a day. Since then, Helen had an extreme hatred for machinery. In order to completely get rid of the machinery faith, she actively devoted herself to Machinery Research and looked for the weakness of the machinery faith. She used machines to fight against machines and obtained the title of [ Mother Goddess of Machinery ] as a mortal.

Link was very familiar with this part of the plot. After all, he had experienced it himself. It was also the only B-Rank mission he had received on wasteland.

Link and Dave went downstairs and left the energy center. The two of them let out a breath of relief at the same time.

Dave’s mission was completed. As long as everything went well on John’s side, the operation would be a success.

however, they had only taken a few steps when the treasure-hunting mouse in link’s pocket squeaked in warning.

Soon, link saw a group of robot warriors walking over. Behind them were rows of huge, transparent glass containers filled with a grayish-green solution. Link could vaguely see the shadows of humans in these containers.

“What do we do?” Dave’s voice trembled a little, afraid that these robot warriors would see through his plan.

Link examined it and said in a low voice, ” “Don’t show your fear, follow me.”

The two sides were on the same road, and they saw each other hundreds of meters apart. They sized each other up.

When they were 50 feet apart, link spoke first, ” “brothers, did you come from the experimental area?”

the other party bared his teeth and pointed at the rows of large jars behind him. ” “Send some new batteries over. By the way, why are there only two of you?”

link’s features scrunched up and he waved his hand.”hey, don’t mention it! I was down there picking out the zealots for the Ascension ritual. After I finished and just returned, I was immediately called up to help deal with the newly transported mummies. The transportation team left because of an urgent matter. This zealot and I who successfully ascended have just finished the post-completion work.”

the robot warrior looked at dave, who was in the scavenger mech at the side. after sizing him up for a while, his facial expression suddenly changed to one of shock.

“This … Green energy Kasaya!”

“That’s right, this person had a pioneer resonance during his Ascension!”

The Mech Warrior in charge of rhyme looked at the dark green energy ball on the back of the scavenger mech, and the envy in his eyes was almost overflowing.

to be able to gain the resonance of a pioneer, he would at least be an apostle in the future and would be able to come into contact with more truths than mechanical warriors like them.

if there’s nothing else, we’ll take our leave. I still have to bring this newcomer to report.

The other party also nodded, and the last bit of doubt disappeared.

A Mech Warrior with the potential to become an Apostle was not someone they could offend.

As they passed each other, link glanced at the glass jars and confirmed that they were indeed filled with people.

At that moment, link froze. He saw a familiar face in the grayish-green jar.

“Eh? Was she captured?” Link’s mind was filled with thoughts.

The person in the gray-green jar was none other than the number one singer on wasteland planet, ally.

if there was a real superstar on wasteland planet, it wasn’t the leaders of the three cities of the freedom federation, the leaders of the major forces, or the killer god john. there was only one real superstar on wasteland planet-wasteland singer aria.

Ally’s voice was like the sound of nature, but it was also like a demonic sound. Anyone who heard it would fall into the illusion created by the song.

There was a saying among the players in his previous life.

If you had 50000 wasteland coins, would you choose to buy a piece of good equipment or a ticket to the last row of the wasteland singer concert?

At that time, 98% of the people had voted for the latter.

Ally’s profession was a soul singer, a special profession after the class change of the enigma singer.

Of course, everyone flocked to ally’s concert. On one hand, it was indeed nice to listen to. On the other hand, after listening to it, players would randomly receive various powerful buffs that lasted for a week. The Buffs would not disappear even after death. The effects of the Buffs were much more powerful than a piece of equipment. It could be called a kind BUFF machine!

Before clearing an instance dungeon or an important plot, many players would choose to listen to ally’s tour in the wasteland to give themselves a strong status and temporarily increase their strength.

However, because ally only had one concert at each location, there would often be a large number of players and NPCs chasing after the concert of the wasteland singer, which was a wonder of the wasteland planet.

Link clearly remembered that a few months ago, the Shatu papers had published an article about the wasteland singer, Aria, starting a new tour. Shatu station was one of them. But now, the concert was over, and they saw another Wufu who looked exactly like her in the floating mech city.

The two of them were far away from the energy center and could not help but speed up.

Dave saw that Link’s expression had been serious since just now and seemed to understand something after some thought.

“President Lin, did you see someone familiar in those glass jars?”

link came back to his senses and explained,”Maybe I’m mistaken. They just look similar. “Alright, let’s not talk about this anymore. We’re almost at the laboratory. There are many members of the machinery faith here, so we have to be careful with our words and actions!”

dave nodded with certainty. it was not easy to save helen, and this time he would not allow any accidents to happen.

after entering the experimental area, the number of machinery faith members increased visibly, and it was much more lively than the cold and quiet energy area.

However, this excitement came with risks.

Because Dave’s Green energy ball was too eye-catching, the mechanical Warriors who passed by the two of them all turned their heads to look at it, their eyes full of envy.

Some of the mechanical apostles with higher ranks also showed a rare sense of agreement on their cold faces after seeing Dave.

Link’s expression relaxed. And no matter how big Dave’s heart was, being stared at by so many people, he was still nervous and sweating.

The two’s different expressions also reflected their respective identities.

One was an experienced mechanical warrior who had gone down to select ascendants, while the other was a young and inexperienced zealot who had just ascended.

Link sent John a message on the way.

[ is the progress going well on your side? ]

A moment later, John replied with a message.

[six Inhumans have been sent away. You’ll know the rest when you come.(Coordinates)]

John didn’t say much in the message. He knew that Link’s message meant that Dave’s problem had been solved.

Link furrowed his brows. He didn’t expect the players to be sent away. Also, John’s ambiguous reply meant that he had encountered something difficult that he couldn’t do anything about.

If it was just a single robot warrior, link had no doubt that John could kill them all.

however, since it left john speechless, it was obvious that something that wasn’t fatal and wasn’t exposed but difficult to deal with had happened.

Following the coordinates John had sent him, link found one of the laboratories in the research area.

The architectural style of the experimental area was different from that of the energy area. The architectural style here really highlighted a kind of mechanical thinking.

the huge laboratory had distinct edges and corners. the exterior was covered with dust-free solar panels, which reflected the light of other catalytic towers, roads, and neon lights in the night. it was gorgeous.

However, in Link’s eyes, the huge laboratory was like an eerie coffin.

The two of them stood at the door of the laboratory. Dave let out a breath and said, ” “You can go back to Yingluo after you’re done here.”

But before he could finish, link stopped him.

Good fellow!

The matter wasn’t settled yet, and he had already raised a flag.

When link heard the first half of the sentence, he felt that something was wrong. Fortunately, he had reacted quickly and stopped Dave. Otherwise, Dave would have finished the whole sentence and it would have been difficult to go back today.

Link and Dave were scanned by the robot at the door and successfully entered the laboratory.

The inside of the laboratory was just as link had expected. It was dark and eerie.

The laboratory building was more than ten stories high. The hall was dark, and the four corners of the building were shimmering with a red light.

This place was not like an energy area. The laboratory was related to the future development of the machinery city. Other than the machinery giant where professor Zhao was from, this place was the most important. There were cameras everywhere, and there was no place to hide.

Link knew that with the machinery Faith’s abilities, these cameras would not have any blind spots. Thus, every move would be monitored from now on. He had to be extremely careful, be it his actions or words.

Walking through the hall, there were only dim lights in the corridor, and everything else was swallowed by darkness.

In the huge laboratory, other than link and Dave’s footsteps, there was no other sound.

Occasionally, one or two robots would pass by like silent ghosts. Dave’s nerves were extremely tense.

” don’t be nervous. you’re someone who has achieved the resonance of a pioneer. no one here would dare to hurt you. ” Link tried to calm Dave down. Dave nodded, understanding what link was trying to say.

The two of them stood in front of the elevator and pressed the button. The elevator started to come down from the 17th floor.

While waiting for the elevator, link used his talent [ bug commander ]. The next second, the locations of all pets within 14.5 kilometers appeared in his mind.

Link first controlled the tentacles Dragon and had it follow the trajectory of the mech city in the Garnia Grand Canal.

Then, he focused all his attention on the pets in the city.

In his mind, link could clearly see the positions of all his pets. The self-destructing rats were still curled up at the base of the mech. Link immediately gave the order for them to be evenly distributed among the four major areas of the city. Next, he mobilized all the spy mice to rush to the building where the experimental area was located and get ready to steal the information.

The last was the silver army ant. It had already followed link into the laboratory building and was waiting with the five mice on the basement level, waiting for Link’s orders.

link exited his commander’s state from the mind.

The elevator reached the first floor and the door opened.

John’s laboratory was on the 13th floor, and it was called the immortality laboratory.

it was used to carry out various research in the eternal life plan.

In a moment, the elevator reached the 13th floor.

The two of them had just stepped out of the elevator when they stopped in their tracks.

The lights along the corridor were a strange, dark red. On both sides of the corridor were black mirror-like glass. Link and Dave saw themselves in the mirror, very clearly.

Link patted his pocket, signaling the treasure-hunting mouse to start searching for John’s room.

Xiao Bao timidly popped his head out of Link’s pocket. The next second, he covered his eyes with his two little paws. He was also frightened by the strange atmosphere in the building.

Its meaty nose trembled as it analyzed the smell in the air, trying its best to analyze the familiar scent of John.

Squeak, squeak ~

Link could feel where Xiao Bao was pointing and walked over with Dave.

The entire 13th Floor was like a huge maze. After many turns, link stopped in front of a door.


Link knew that this was the place!

Hu la ~

Link pushed the door open, and John appeared in front of him. Beside him was a brainless researcher who laughed in a creepy way. interesting, interesting. I’ve never seen a memory extraction and output from a vegetable before. This can be one of the new research topics in the project eternal life!

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