571 Beach landing

The sudden turn of events stunned the soldiers on the other attack helicopters. They watched as the pilot exploded and fell into the water.

However, before they could come back to their senses, a ‘shadow dog pyramid’ once again gathered on the surface of the sea. Another mutant demon stood on the ‘tip of the wave’ formed by the shadow dogs and quickly rose.

“raise the altitude, quickly raise the altitude!” The passenger’s back was soaked in cold sweat.

The pilot saw the alien demon grinning and suddenly reacted. He quickly raised the control stick with both hands, and the helicopter rose at an extremely fast speed. The two soldiers who were shooting and launching rockets in the back seat shook violently. If not for their seat belts, they would have been thrown out directly.

The mutant demon saw that the helicopter was rising quickly, but it was still not close enough to attack. It bent its knees slightly and jumped up. The shadow dog’s head under its feet was crushed, and its brain burst.

The next second, the mutant demon used its ability [ advance ] in the air and quickly approached the helicopter, leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

However, due to the pilot’s quick reaction, the helicopter had already been pulled up. Even though the mutant demon used the sudden attack, it couldn’t catch up to the helicopter. Instead, it appeared about ten meters below the helicopter. Its body was slightly sluggish. It had reached the highest altitude and could no longer move forward.

The soldiers on the helicopter heaved a sigh of relief and showed a relieved expression.

However, before they could celebrate, the demonic beast raised the torch in its hand and threw it at the helicopter.

There was a flash of fire in the air, and the torch accurately hit the helicopter’s fuel tank. The front half of the torch directly pierced into the fuel tank, leaving only half of the handle outside.

all the soldiers on the helicopter were dumbfounded. the helicopter’s outer shell was made of reinforced metal, and the fuel tank was covered with several layers of armor plates. it could be said to be the thickest and hardest part of the helicopter, no less than the armor of a tank.

However, even this kind of armor plate had been penetrated by the mutated demon’s torch. The power of the attack was terrifying!

Before the soldiers could react, the helicopter’s fuel tank burst with strong sparks and was swallowed by the flames with a bang. It broke down into countless pieces and fell into the sea.

In the blink of an eye, two of the assault helicopters were destroyed by the alien army. The remaining aircraft no longer dared to stay at a low altitude. They all increased their altitude and dodged the attacks of the demonic creatures.

Unable to attack at low altitudes, the helicopters could only fire and fire rockets from high altitudes. As the shadow dogs scattered, the number of hits decreased. They no longer had the effect of blowing up a group of fish. From time to time, a few shadow dogs would float up from the water with their bellies turned over.

The remaining three helicopters had run out of ammunition and reluctantly returned.

As soon as the helicopter left, the shadow dogs gathered again, set off a white wave, and swam quickly to the North.

Two assault helicopters were lost in the first operation, and the appearance of the new otherworldly demons taught the wasteland soldiers a lesson. This valuable information was all sent back to the terminal, and then compiled by the staff for Benjamin and the Duke.

Looking at the precious information that the soldiers had exchanged their lives and blood for, Benjamin and the Duke’s faces turned ashen.

“i think we’ve still underestimated the ability of this alien army. in the previous small invasion, we only saw the characteristics of the shadow dogs themselves, but we ignored the fact that they were actually a group of people who fought in groups and had strong cooperation abilities. The strength of the demons might be even stronger than we imagined.” Benjamin clenched his fist and said.

The Duke agreed. He had been numbed by the scattered shadow hounds because he thought that the shadow hounds had high resistance and high movement speed, but he had neglected the most important ability of teamwork. The information they brought back this time was very important. The shadow dog and the demonic beast were able to destroy two helicopters, which showed their strength and tacit cooperation.

“If the shadow dogs can be stacked and lifted, then our reinforced concrete defense on the beach won’t be very effective. It seems that we have to arrange another method.” Anxiety appeared on Benjamin’s face again.

“Why don’t we spray tar?” The Duke suddenly said.

Tar could make the wall slippery. In addition, if the shadow dog’s body was stained with tar, it could be ignited and increase the killing effect.

after the duke and benjamin exchanged glances, they understood each other’s intentions. they immediately stood up and walked out, ” “I’ll make the arrangements!”

After the helicopter formation returned, they did not set off again. Due to the alien Army’s extreme speed, the enemy should have already reached the coast by the time they set sail again. At that time, the helicopter formation and the enemy would be exposed to the attack of the artillery.

Not long after, the Duke ordered people to bring tar and began to sprinkle it on the concrete walls, the ground, the trenches, and the sea.

The tar floated on the water’s surface. The shadow dog had come ashore from the sea, so its back must be stained with tar. When the time came, a fire would be enough to make the battlefield heated.

“Quickly, look into the distance!” Following a player’s shout, everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw a fierce white wave on the sea, as if the tide of the Qiantang River was approaching the shore quickly.

“They’re here, the alien army is here.” The rest of the players were dumbfounded at first, marveling at the number of enemies. some of them with quick reactions immediately returned to their positions and checked their ammunition and weapons.

When Benjamin and the Duke heard the news, they immediately ran out of their tents and went to the observation tower to take a look through the telescope.

Through the telescope, the shadow dogs were scrambling to swim quickly, and under the lens, there were densely packed shadow dogs. In the rare gaps, the water waves were surging, squeezing out white waves. What entered his eyes was a lump that was like a giant ship speeding on the sea.

get the artillery team ready. Once the enemy enters the range, we’ll begin carpet bombing.

The alien army advanced very quickly, especially the shadow dogs that stretched for a kilometer or two. They seemed to be filling up the entire sea area, and one could not see the end of them.

The alien army had already fused with the tar floating on the sea and entered the attack range.

Before Benjamin could say anything, the soldiers at the other sentries who were responsible for monitoring the distance had already transmitted the enemy’s entering range to the artillery position in the inner ring of Essia in real time.

The gloomy sky suddenly burst with Thunder, and then a series of dense and bright light curtains appeared in the sky, followed by a gray-white trail. It was as if ten thousand arrows had been shot at the same time, wave after wave, drawing beautiful arcs in the sky and steadily landing on the Army of the opposite sex.

The powerful firepower of the mortars and artilleries stirred up water columns several meters high after they fell into the water. Suddenly, a series of water curtains burst out on the surface of the sea, as if the water had suddenly boiled. The bodies of the shadow dogs were blown everywhere, and the White waves were soon dyed red, mixed with tar.

The frightened shadow hounds quickly dove into the water and scattered, and the otherworldly demons also followed.

The White waves on the sea disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the broken limbs of the shadow dog floating on the surface.

The players on the shore cheered when they saw such a dense attack and the free cannons. They were simply too happy to see and hear about the head-on attack on the enemy. The more he killed now, the greater his chances of winning later.

The artillery force seemed to have held back for a long time. All kinds of cannonballs were scattered on the sea as if they were free. The flames above their heads were wave after wave, and it was extremely spectacular. The ferocious shadow dog Army had disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared. Only a few shadow dogs, which were hit by cannonballs or stray bullets, emerged from the water with their bellies turned over.

The cheers came wave after wave, and more and more bodies of shadow dogs were overturned on the sea.

the tense atmosphere from before had completely disappeared under the continuous bombardment of the cannons. more and more corpses floated on the sea, and the players were getting more and more excited.

benjamin and the duke looked at the sea of floating corpses and felt that this was a great start.

The Duke frowned as he watched.

Benjamin, quick, get everyone on the front line back to their positions and get ready!

Benjamin took a look at the shadow Hound’s corpse that was gradually floating up from the sea, and suddenly, as if struck by lightning, he reacted and immediately shouted, ” “Everyone, return to your positions and prepare to face the enemy!”

They only saw more and more floating corpses, but they ignored the fact that the location of the floating corpses was getting closer and closer to the coastline.

Now that he had come to his senses, Benjamin immediately gave the order for everyone to return to their posts.

The soldiers and players were still in the midst of cheering, and were a little confused when they were interrupted by Benjamin’s roar.

But before they could come to their senses, countless shadow dogs in the sea suddenly jumped up, jumped onto the beach from the water, and began to rush towards the defense line.

The shadow dog’s thick red skin was covered in tar, and as it ran, the tar dripped and dyed the beach Black.

The soldiers and players were shocked. They had no idea how the shadow dogs had suddenly appeared on the shore. They hurriedly returned to their respective positions, only to be greeted by the sounds of gunfire and flashes of fire.

The poured city walls were indeed useful. The firing points from high above formed a dense net of fire, and light spots poured down. in addition to the wire rings, trenches, and traps on the beach, the charging red ocean was forcibly stopped.

In addition to guns, there were also some explosive throwing objects and arrows. When the sparks came into contact with tar, they burst into flames. Soon, there were ignited shadow dogs rolling on the beach, spreading the flames everywhere.

the players sniped and watched as the shadow hound was killed or set on fire. the experience points in the system flowed like a waterfall. the experience points in the experience pool jumped rapidly, which greatly stimulated the players ‘enthusiasm.

An alien army that could sink a helicopter at sea through cooperation definitely wouldn’t just charge blindly. On this side, the shadow dogs rushed to the shore without any regard for their own safety, attracting a large number of firepower. On the other side of the coastline, shadow hounds began to land, and the fire resistance they encountered was much smaller.

On the southern coastline of Essia, the length of land that could be reached was dozens of kilometers, and the construction of the defensive wall was far from this level. Therefore, there were relatively few defenses and players in other places. At this time, the turbulent shadow dogs ran out of the sea. Although some players opened fire to stop them, they suffered much less firepower.

When the Duke saw this, he immediately drove the Jeep to change his position and threw metal balls the size of bowling balls to the front line.

The metal ball quickly unfolded after landing on the ground, forming a miniature machine gun station. At the same time, armor plates rose from the ground to provide a shield for the machine gun station. Other than that, the Duke also opened up all the weapons on his body. The launcher on his shoulder popped open, revealing eight times eight miniature missile launchers. The miniature missiles flew out, and their small bodies contained great energy. They landed on the beach and exploded with a series of powerful explosions.

The players who were gathered together to defend were all stunned when they saw the Grand Duke, who was a mechanic and a bounty hunter.

Micro missiles, vehicle-mounted artillery, portable machine gun array, Spider mine detection, the number of means left people speechless, and he suppressed the shadow dog Army that rushed up with his own strength.

Oh my God, this is too cool. A one-man army with suppressive fire!

is this the strength of a mechanic? I love it.

isn’t this firepower a little too strong? this person’s firepower is even stronger than our group of people!


The players were all amazed by the Duke’s powerful firepower, and he single-handedly stopped the enemy’s attack, which had a weak defense.

Among the players, the mechanic players ‘eyes were sparkling. They were only slightly involved in weapon modification, and at most, they could enhance their weapons and equipment. a slightly more powerful mechanic could only create a small intelligent mechanical detection device. they were far from the duke’s level of being able to force back thousands of enemies.

However, seeing the Duke’s power, the mechanic players were filled with anticipation. As long as they became stronger, they could be like the Duke.

the coastline was still too long. even with the duke’s one-man firepower suppression, the shadow hounds in the distance still managed to land successfully and attack aisia. at this time, the fox hunting special forces and the wolf cavalry stepped forward and forced the shadow dog back.

Just when everyone thought that they could successfully suppress the shadow dog Army, a few blue-purple People with muscles all over their bodies suddenly appeared in the enemy’s formation. They had T-shaped skulls and no eyes, nose, or ears. They only had a ferocious mouth and sharp teeth. he was wearing simple armor and holding a short torch in his hand.

This was the first time the players had seen an alien creature other than the shadow dog. The appearance was absurd and strange.

However, when the players began to focus fire on the new creature, the bullets landed on the armor and burst into dazzling flames, but the devil’s tendon man looked completely unharmed. When more firepower began to pour down, the otherworldly demons began to move.

An afterimage flashed past, easily breaking through the barbed wire and trenches, and arrived at the bottom of the city wall.

the players were shocked. this kind of movement speed was completely beyond their imagination.

Before they could aim and fire again, something even more terrifying happened.

The bottom of the city wall where the demonic beast was located was suddenly enveloped by a dark blue spherical barrier. The barrier had a diameter of more than ten meters, and all the players inside the barrier were frozen and unable to move. It was as if they had become dolls that were waiting to be slaughtered. What was even more terrifying was that inside the barrier, the demons could move freely without any hindrance.

The mutant demon walked to the bottom of the city wall, looked up at the players above, and grinned, revealing his fangs.

He raised the torch in his hand and smashed it on the reinforced concrete wall.


Countless cracks appeared on the city wall, and the city wall trembled.

another attack!

[ torch ] “s afterimage flashed—[ Multistrike ]!

boom! The crack in the city wall expanded infinitely.

When the dark blue time barrier dissipated, the broken city wall could no longer hold on and collapsed.

even the players on top of the city wall fell down and were buried under the debris with the broken wall.

for a moment, everyone was shocked!

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