
The trip, which was made on a cart as opposed to the usual faster horseback riding, took a little over five days to complete, but at the end, Ash looked out the open cart sides and saw a city in the distance. 

She decided this was probably the best time to decide what she was going to do with all of the attribute points that she'd received from the battle of Sapphire. 

Level 38

MP: 150/150

Attribute Points: 20

EXP: 0/380


STR: 29

DEX: 13

CON: 10

INT: 18

WIS: 15

L: 100

Okay, so, let's break this down.  Ash thought, closing her eyes.  So, as much as I like training with Keiko, she was right when she said I wouldn't be making much use of my training since I have my Demon Form to fall back on. So, putting points into Dex is probably a waste. Same with Strength, right? It's pretty much what my Demon Form is meant to boost. So, that leaves three things. My Con, my Int, and Wis. I have 20 points, so which of these is the most important?

Ash breathed in as she pondered the question. 

Thanks to my traits, my spells are already strong enough, really. It's more about how many of them I can cast before I have to stop. And, right now, one of my biggest issues is that I can't take hits. 

She looked over at Kaori, to her left. The blonde noticed her and smiled. Ash put aside the warmth she felt in her heart and instead, focused on the matter at hand. 

The weaker I am, the more pain Kaori will bear to help me. 

She was reminded of when Takomaro held her and Kaori absorbed the lightning he'd sent to her. It hurt to think about. 

So... For her sake, it's probably for the best that I get my Con up at least a little. So, 20 points, how about... 

And so, she decided on 8 points for her Constitution, 8 for her Wisdom, 2 for her Strength, and 2 for her Intelligence, leaving her Dexterity untouched. 

Level 38

MP: 230/230

EXP: 0/380


STR: 31

DEX: 13

CON: 18

INT: 20

WIS: 23

L: 100

It's a bit all over the place, but that's the kind of fighter I am. Whatever. 

"We're just about there," Satsuhiro noted. 

"Finally," Ash muttered. She had not enjoyed the nights of camping that the group had done during the journey. "So, what are we going to do first?" 

"The Council said that they got someone to give us some new equipment. Specifically, something Kaori could use, which is good. We can go look for them first. After that, we'll go to the Grey Chamber and talk to the Lord of Onyx. They'll give us the info we need on the demons." 

"Grey Chamber?" Ash asked. 

"It's what they call the palace here. You'll get it once you see it." 

"Okay..." Ash nodded. She sat opposite Satsuhiro, with Keiko and Kaori next to her. Satsuhiro was next to Metsumi, who had Opah asleep on her lap, with Kasumi to the left. The cart rumbled along the road as the horses slowly pulled it along. Kaori yawned next to her. She'd been having trouble sleeping but assured everyone she'd pull through when the fights came. 

"Actually," Satsuhiro said, rubbing his chin. "I could pay a visit to that alchemist." 

"The one who helped with my Red Tear stuff?" 

"Yes," Satsuhiro said. "They live nearby. Just a bit south. The opposite direction of the Site of Power, unfortunately. Speaking of which, it's not too far away. Just outside the walls, so we can get that out of the way right now." 

"Sounds good," Ash replied. "So, Site of Power first, then we go visit this alchemist, and then we talk to the Lord?" 

"I'd say so." 

With that, their plan was decided. 

"So, Keiko," Kaori said. She yawned and gave a tired smile. "Did you go into the city when you came out here?" 

Right. The castle Keiko went to was close by. 

"Yes," Keiko replied. 

"What was it like?" 

"I... My opinion of this city is not a positive one," Keiko stated. 

"Oh. Damn," Ash said, "did anyone piss you off or something?" 

"You could say that. I... I should probably mention this, just so you all know," Keiko took a deep breath, looking down. "A guard tried to rob me, while I was here. He and a few friends, I believe." 

"Seriously?" Ash raised a brow. 

"Yes," Keiko replied. "And I injured him while I was defending myself." 

"Is this guard still with us?" Satsuhiro asked.

"I believe he's alive, yes." 

"Hm. That might be a problem," Satsuhiro noted. "But, we'll have to wait and see what our reception is like. They don't know you're with us after all." 

"I see." 

The cart rolled up to the walls where a couple of guards walked over. They saw Satsuhiro, who wore his Savior's Armor specifically so that they'd understand, and the group was allowed passage into the city. 

"No ID required?" Keiko asked. 

"Savior privilege," Satsuhiro replied. "We're risking our lives for this job, we may as well make use of that when we can. Metsumi," he turned to his wife. "Help me out?" 

"Of course," Metsumi replied and, after a while, they were all standing out of the cart. 

"I hope they take care of my horse," Keiko muttered. Ash looked over at her. "Ilyrum. I left her back at Jade." 

"Okay," Satsuhiro said. "Let's get moving." 

After telling the guards to let the Lord know they arrived, they went to the forest just beside the city. It was strange though, instead of the thick bark that Ash was used to seeing, these trees were tall and thin, like wooden poles. 

"So..." Kasumi walked up to Ash. "What exactly are we doing?" 

"We're heading for this old church," Ash explained casually. 

"... A church?" Kasumi asked, stopping in her tracks. 

"Mhm," Ash, who didn't see any issue here, nodded. "Basically, we sort of activate it and we get the buff. It's easy enough." 

Kasumi just stared at her for a moment. Ash put her hands on her hips. 

"You okay?" 

"No," Kasumi shook her head. "No, I'm not. So, what is this just us asking the gods for help?" 

She spoke those words with so much bitterness that it surprised Ash. 

"No," Ash chuckled, "trust me, this whole situation... It's more like them asking us for help fixing their fuck-ups." 

"In that case, I feel even less inclined to go now," Kasumi crossed her arms. 

"Huh?" Ash raised a brow. 

"So, what, we're supposed to help the gods when they've barely helped us? When every time a tragedy happens in our lives they look the other way? Is that what you're saying? What sort of crap is that?" 

Ash sighed. The others had noticed that Ash and Kasumi were speaking and stopped a bit ahead to give them time. 

"Look, I don't like this at all either, as far as I'm concerned, this whole war is something I was forced to fight in. I don't care for the gods, I don't care about humanity, I don't give a single shit about either of them. But," she walked up to Kasumi, "let's think practically. If we get this buff, the war becomes easier to win, and we can be done with this sooner. If we don't, the fights will stay just as hard as they have been, and I know you said you don't care if the Council throws you in a dungeon, but wouldn't you rather just be done with this in general? Without having to go to prison for that to happen?"

"Yes, but if this means working with the gods then..." 

"That's not what's happening though, we're just getting this buff and then you won't have to see or hear from them again," she hoped. She couldn't guarantee that after all, but she wanted Kasumi to get this buff. "You think I like the fact that I'm fighting on behalf of the same people who spit and shit on me throughout my whole life? No, but I'm doing it so that someday, I can turn around and buy some house in the middle of the mountains and never have to see any of them again. That's it. So, Kasumi," Ash said, trying to sound reasonable, "just get this fucking buff and we'll be done with this faster. Okay?" 

"... This is all I'm doing," Kasumi stated, walking ahead. "But once we're done here I'm heading straight back to Jade." 

"Okay, that's fair," Ash said. 

Later, the group was walking up to a large, abandoned-looking building. 

"This looks like a Compound building," Keiko noted, looking at the strange architecture of it. 

"Come on, let's..."

It was "abandoned-looking" and not simply abandoned though because as they got close to it, a woman emerged. 

"What the...?" Ash muttered. She moved slowly, walking down the wooden steps that led inside almost like she was floating. 

She was wearing a fox mask with a smile and was clothed in pink robes. Ash saw a katana at her waist, similar to the one Keiko had. 

She stood a few meters away from the group, her left hand on her sword's hilt. 

"Greetings, marauders," she bowed, speaking with a soft, delicate voice. "Prepare yourselves." 

Level 40

MP: 100/100

Wait, isn't she kind of strong? 

"So, I'd hate to sound dumber than I normally do, but what does 'marauder' mean?" She whispered to Satsuhiro. 

"She thinks we're raiders."

"Oh... Wait, so she's going to-"

Before Ash finished that sentence, the woman disappeared. It was when Ash heard a clash of blades that she realized she hadn't actually disappeared, she'd simply charged towards them so quickly that it looked like she had. 


The girl with the fox mask made a confused sound as Ash saw her eyes behind her mask move to where her sword was locked with someone else's.

Keiko had intercepted her. 

"K-Keiko!" Metsumi called out, and Opah hid behind her. 

Then, Keiko kicked her back and put her sword in front of her. The girl with the fox mask backed up, staring at Keiko. 

"Hm? These eyes of yours..." She tilted her head. "Are you family?" 

Hearing that, Keiko's posture softened. 

And that was when the girl attacked again. She moved so quickly, no one could react. Her blade was at Keiko's neck in an instant, but she didn't slash through it. Instead, she simply kept it there. 

Then, she retrieved it and sheathed her sword. 

Keiko was frozen in front of her, and the girl reached up and poked her on the forehead. 

"You must never let your guard down, dear," with that, she laughed a little. "However, if you are with them, then perhaps you are not marauders. In that case, I must ask, why are you here?" 

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