Mushoku Tensei

Volume 8 5 — The Genius Youths Secret - First Half

Volume 8 Chapter 5 - The Genius Youth's Secret - First Half

Part 1

Cliff Grimoire. The grandchild of the Pope of the Milis Faith. Young and excellent with magic, a genius youth.

He was a bit quick to pick a fight, his self-respect was strong, and he had a habit of seeing himself as a big deal. As a result, he had no friends.

He had talent. However, he didn't rely on this alone and was diligent in his training. Though his mouth was terrible, his actions weren't. Though they were few, there were those who thought well of him.

Cliff was now 16. Though he had become an adult a year ago, there wasn't anyone to celebrate that.

His reason for coming to the Magic University was simple. In a few words, it was due to a power struggle.

A few years ago in Milishion there was an attempt on a miko's [Shrine Maiden's] life. Because this incident was the work of the Pope's faction, the internal struggles intensified. During the conflicts, naturally the Pope had his grandchild take refuge on the other side of the world, in the Kingdom of Ranoa.

"Cliff, you possess great ability. Be not conceited and look outside of yourself."

The Pope sent Cliff away.

Cliff understood that there were expectations for him. It was natural. Though he had lost to Eris, he was still a genius after all. So Cliff thought.

After a long journey, he arrived in the Kingdom of Ranoa; a harsh land. The food didn't suit him, the climate was harsh, and there was a fuss because his way of thinking was drastically different to the locals'.

Even so… Cliff continued to believe that he was a genius. He was a Special Student, the grandchild of the Pope, and as someone who would carry the Milis Faith in the future, he was different to others. So he thought.

In his first year he received two major shocks.

The first time was by a person named Zanoba Shirone. He was a miko. He was a person who was loved by the gods since birth. Though he was a bit messed up, his power was the real thing. He'd been seen lifting someone thrice his weight up by the head, and then throwing them.

Though he had such power, he was at the Magic University. He was learning magic, focused completely on earth magic.

From Cliff's perspective, his growth was slow. However, to begin with there shouldn't have been a need for a miko to learn magic. One of the theories regarding magic stated that it was a means for the weak to imitate the acts of the gods in the ancient past. Miko were people who possessed the power of the gods. They didn't have a need to learn things like magic. Thinking that, Cliff went and asked him,

"Why are you learning magic?"

"Mm. There's something that I want to do."

Saying this, Zanoba brought over a box and produced from it a doll. He then began to talk for a long time about the doll. Cliff only understood half of what Zanoba said. However, he at least understood from Zanoba's talk that this doll was something wonderful.

"I've become the disciple of this doll's creator, and I wish to spread dolls throughout the world with him! For this reason I must be able to create dolls! If I'm not capable of the fundamentals of doll creating by my next meeting with Shishou, I won't be able to face him! However, I do also want to be able to create dolls myself, you see!"

It was what people called a 『dream』.

That was something that Cliff didn't have. Nay, it was something Cliff had given up on.

Even though a miko would be burdened with the expectations of his homeland… Even though upon his homecoming, he probably wouldn't have any freedom… This man hadn't given up on his hope, in the chance that one day he might suddenly gain his freedom. And he planned to do what he wanted to do the moment that day came.

Incidentally, Cliff didn't know about the circumstances surrounding the Shirone Kingdom and Zanoba. The conclusions he came to were a result of his common sense.

He misunderstood. However, it left Cliff with a deep impression. He thought Zanoba was quite the person.

"What kind of person is this shishou of yours?"

"He's a person named Rudeus Greyrat."

Hearing this, Cliff received an incredible surprise. Rudeus Greyrat. Since the day he was rejected by Eris, this name had remained in his heart. He hadn't thought that he'd hear it again here, and furthermore from the mouth of the person who had left such an impression on him.

The shock was huge.

The second time was because of a senpai.

Though this was as to be expected, Cliff had been under the impression that he was the strongest in the school. If you included close combat, then he was absolutely no match for Eris. However, he believed that there wasn't anyone who could beat him as a magician. He was a genius after all, and the ones enrolled in the school were student-level. Even among the teachers there were many who couldn't use more magic than he could. As a result, he concluded he was the strongest in the school.

This was simply him being conceited and was something he would learn roughly 2 months into enrollment. It was when he lost to the two Beast Race girls who were also rumoured to be top class amongst the school; Rinia and Pursena.

Just who was it that started the fight?

Cliff had a bad mouth and everything that came out of it was intolerable. At the time, though Rinia and Pursena had already relatively calmed down, as expected, an impudent first year would rub them the wrong way.

Cliff couldn't remember just what he had said that had angered them.

However, he remembered the battle that followed. When Cliff used advanced level magic, Pursena used elementary level magic to deal with it and at the same time put a stop to Cliff's chanting and movements. Rinia then drew closer and thoroughly beat him down.

Because he had been beaten to a pulp in public, he cried once he was alone. 'Since it was two on one, it couldn't be helped. I didn't lose.' he told himself. And then one day, a senpai named Fitts defeated the two of them by himself, and Cliff received his second major shock.

There was always someone stronger. Since coming to this school, Cliff realised this obvious fact. And that just being able to use advanced level magic didn't make you strong was something that Cliff finally understood.

Then two years after he first entered…

He received two more shocks that were even greater.

The first shock; Rudeus Greyrat entered the school. He had an expression that lacked confidence. He was wearing a shabby grey robe. On first meetings, he would ingratiate himself to others while debasing himself. He'd lower his back and took an attitude that could be called servile. When he saw women, his gaze would stick to them. He had no appeal as a man…

He was too far from the person that Cliff had envisioned based on the things he had heard from Eris and Zanoba.

'A guy like this?' he thought. 'It's probably just someone with the same name', he thought. However, Zanoba called him Shishou and he knew about Eris as well.

In that case, he had lied to them, Cliff concluded. Piling up lies upon lies, he fooled Zanoba and Eris, he thought.

As proof of that, even when Rinia and Pursena provoked him, he simply smiled foolishly and lowered his head. If he were truly strong, he'd beat the two of them down.

Or so Cliff had judged. However, his true character would immediately be revealed, he thought. Zanoba was the real deal as a miko, and he was a hard worker as well. Rinia and Pursena's ability was also assured. He wouldn't be able to get by with lies or deception.

Though he had also heard the rumour that Fitts was defeated by Rudeus, there was surely some mistake or perhaps Rudeus had lied again, or he had used some sort of cowardly trick.

That was what Cliff had thought.

But Rudeus showed his true power. He was a user of chantless magic. To start with, Zanoba's adoration for him further increased. Rinia and Pursena also withdrew. That Fitts had recognised him as well, and it was said that once every few days they would study together in the library.

Though he had this much ability he was seen going to classes too. They were classes in 『Elementary Level』 divine-attack and barrier magic. Even though he'd have no use for them after all this time, he still greedily made to learn the things that he was lacking in.

Rudeus Greyrat had more ability than him. He was more diligent than him. He produced different results from him.

It was a reality that Cliff shouldn't have wanted to recognise. However, it was probably because he had met with Zanoba, and had been defeated by Rinia and Pursena. Unexpectedly, he readily accepted it; that this youth was far, far ahead of him.

Even so, it wasn't as though he had come to like him. Accepting this reality and coming to like Rudeus were completely different matters after all.

Then the final shock.

It was something that happened on a certain day. It was something that happened when it had turned into the evening. It was something that happened while he was walking down the road. It was something that happened when he had looked up by chance.

There, stood a goddess.

She had magnificent golden hair. She was leaning against the window and with a languid expression she was looking outside. Her face, dyed in the red of the evening, was beautiful.

Cliff's heart was pierced. His gaze was stolen at a glance.

However, it was purely physical. During his childhood when he was yearning for the life of an adventurer, he had said something like 'It'd be nice if my bride were someone beautiful' or something like that. The reason was because the alumni of the orphanage that had become clerics were beautiful.


At the time, the woman by the window noticed Cliff. She gently smiled and waved at him.

That gesture, that smile, that situation; all of it hit Cliff head on.

Cliff thought,

'I was born to meet this woman.'

'She was born to meet me.'

In that instant, Eris changed from the target of his first love into someone he simply admired.

Part 2 - Rudeus' Point of View

I'm attending the once-a-month homeroom.

Presently, lined up around me are Zanoba, Rinia and Pursena. As expected, it's a nice thing to have your friends' desks lined up along yours. Incidentally, Julie is sitting on Zanoba's lap.

As always, Rinia has her feet on the desk and her healthy thighs are freely revealed before me. This lifestyle where I can see these up close is really not bad.

"Boss' eyes are always nyailed to our legs nya. So Boss is also a hungry male huh… Lookie, lookie …Gyaa! Don't put your hand up my skirt nya!"

Since Rinia occasionally provokes me for no reason, I feel her up without hesitation. However, no matter how much I may touch, it's all in vain. The libido that has nowhere to go turns into sadness, and it just piles up.

"Nya!? What's with those eyes nya! Even though you touched me yourself, why are you making such a face nya!? Just what is it that you didn't like about me nya!?"

Honestly speaking, these days I'd rather just touch their ears and tails. Cat ears and cat tails can heal you.

"Rinia is like, an idiot nano."

Pursena is sitting just outside of reach and eating meat. Dried meat, grilled meat, fresh meat… though there are a lot of types, it's essentially always meat. Though she normally pretends to be the cool type and makes fun of Rinia, if you lure her with meat her tail will wag about like an electric fan and she'll come towards you. Her fur is softer than Rinia's so it feels great to stroke.

It's something that's been on my mind for a long time now, but the members of the Beast Race don't have human ears. Their hairline is sort of diagonally to the side of where we humans would have ears. However, it depends on the species and there are also those who have their ears further to the side. It's because their skull structure is different. It's probable that the internal structures of their ears are different as well. Were I a biologist, I'd probably love to dissect one of them for analysis. However, I'm not a biologist. The type of analysis I'd like to do is completely different. However, everything starts after I'm cured.

Unlike Rinia, unless I offer her meat she won't let me pat her. On the other hand, as long as I give her meat, she'll let me do so. Though she's quite chaste, I'm still a little worried about her.

"Shishou, for a while now, the angle of the ankle has been getting worse."

"Goshujinsama, I'll fix it."

"Julie, call me Master. And call Shishou Grandmaster."

"Yes, Master."

Zanoba is the same as always.

However, his position in this group has dropped to the lowest. Since the one who did all the work in the duel the other day was just me, Zanoba just ended up as a tag-along. 'I can't accept someone who just borrows someone else's authority', or so Rinia said.

In response, Zanoba asserted 'I am Shishou's first disciple'. However, I've also taught Sylphy, Eris and Ghyslaine, making him the fourth. Since Ghyslaine was also my master, excluding her puts him third. When I told him this, Zanoba made a miserable expression, and I felt a bit like I'd done something bad. I followed up and told him that he was my first disciple in doll making.

The second doll-making disciple Julie listened earnestly to Zanoba's lectures on the Roxy doll. It seems she's quite brainwashed now. She's also become quite motivated about doll-making and will ask questions herself. Though I say that, she's still far from the level of Zanoba and I when it comes to talking about dolls.

Also, though it's still unskillful, she can use chantless magic. As expected, you really can increase your mana capacity when you're young, you can also use chantless magic, and so it seems that Fitts-senpai's theory was on the mark.

"…Grandmaster. I couldn't do it."


However, it might be because she's still young, but she fails a lot. Just now she made the bubble on the Roxy doll's leg bigger. It's probably impossible for her to create small-sized earth magic.

Of course I'm not angry. I teach her to try things herself. I teach her not to feel bad about failing, and to try to redo it as many times as it takes. Failure is the mother of success, and if you give up upon failing once you're on a straight track to becoming a shut-in.

"It seems it's still a bit early for you to fix the Roxy doll, huh."

"I'm sorry."

The eyes that she looks at me with are sometimes a little fearful.

'Why are you so afraid of me? Aren't I the one that saved you?'

When I tried asking this, I was told about a dwarven bedtime story; 『The Hole Monster』.

It lives inside of a hole, and occasionally comes out to abduct bad children. Even if they try to escape, the ground beneath their feet will turn into a bog and they'll be trapped. The monster then stuffs them into a sack and brings them back into the depths of his hole. Though the bad children are taken by the Hole Monster they will one day suddenly return, and be good children, almost like different people.

I see, now that I'm told this it does make sense. I used a bog to defeat Rinia and Pursena, and then I stuffed them into a sack and abducted and confined them. While Zanoba and Julie weren't there, Fitts-senpai helped me out and we concluded their punishment. Rinia and Pursena were talking big to me. Perhaps that's how Julie saw it.

"Faaa, I'm sleepy nya."

"Like, lately it's gotten warmer nano."

"Boss, next time we'll show you our napping spot nya."

"Eh? Is it okay to mess around with you while you sleep, Rinia-san?"

"…Don't you think about anything but perverted things, Boss?"

"Shishou thinks about dolls before anything."

"Whenever you open your mouth complicated stuff comes out, so like, be quiet."


"Like, just do it and go buy me some meat."

"The teacher is about to come nya."

"Like, dash for it then."

"In that case, I'll,"

"If you're going to go, Boss, then I may as well."

"Go ahead, go ahead."


Until the teacher arrives, we just continue to chat like this. Well, it was probably noisy. Without a doubt, it was noisy.

Well then, there's another person in the room. He's sitting in the front. A youth studying by himself. A youth who's studying in earnest. Cliff. He got angry at our chatter and stood up in anger.

"You're noisy! I can't concentrate! If you're just here to play around then just go home!"

I shut up. Zanoba stopped chatting as well, and returned to Julie's lectures. However, the two former delinquents took that as an invitation to a fight.

"Just who the hell do you think you're talking to, nya?"

"The insides of your bag are like, all my meat from now on nano."

"!?"s are suspended in the classroom.

Usually those who have just been done in would be all show. However, I've heard that these two have already fought with Cliff. When Cliff first entered the school, he was done in by the two, and since then he's been earnestly studying. Using failure to feed growth. He's a diligent youth. It'd be better not to disturb him.

"We apologise. It seems we've gotten in the way of your studies; we'll be quiet. Come on, you two sit down, sit down, I said to sit, SIT!"

"…If Boss says that then there's no helping it nya."

"Like, fakku nano…"

With unhappy expressions, Rinia and Pursena sat with a thump.

"Hmph, if you get it then good. God, even Zanoba, what are you all doing…!"

Cliff snorted. Rinia and Pursena clicked their tongues. I won't get in the way of those who are living their lives seriously. I don't have any intention of living otherwise either though.

Whatever the case, I probably won't cross paths with him. So I thought at the time.

Part 3

After that a week passed. As usual, I was researching teleportation with Fitts-senpai.

It's something I realised recently but there are some similarities between teleportation and summoning. The magic circles are similar. The colour of the mana light is also similar.

However, there are some decisive differences; that is 『People cannot be summoned』.

No matter the summoning magic, people can't be summoned. Magic beasts, ghosts, plants… all of these can be summoned but people can't be.

Whether in literature, documents or stories, there are no mentions of human summoning. Humans, demons, beast people… though there are many types in this world, as long as they're designated as people they can't be summoned.

However, neither I nor Fitts-senpai are experts in summoning so though I say they're similar it's not a strong assertion. However, there's a part that I'm stuck at.

The 『summoning of living people』 can't be done.

Then what about just their 『soul』?


I don't speak of it. However, I thought that it would be good to ask an expert about it. The wandering soul of someone from another world. Would that be possible to summon?

"Fitts-senpai, could you see if there's a teacher who's knowledgeable about summoning?"

"Eh? Mn, got it. But I don't think there's anyone at this school who knows about anything but enchanting-type summoning, you know? Are there really any teachers who know about what we're researching…?"

Is that so? Speaking of which, there really wasn't 'summoning magic' listed amongst the available courses, huh. I noticed the things that I was familiar with, but didn't pay much attention to the things that I wasn't. However, enchanting was categorized under summoning? Did I see that in a magic textbook?

"For now, there's probably nothing we can do but try searching for one."

At that time, unease sprouted in my heart. I didn’t let it show. It's a needless worry.

There shouldn't be any connection.

That disaster happened when I was 10. It had been 10 years since I had reincarnated. Right, in those 10 years, nothing had happened at all.

There shouldn't be any connection.

Part 4

In this world, it might be that the sunrise and sunset are affected by the seasons. It was evening at the time when I first entered but on the way back to the dorms, it's night now.

A characteristic of the north, now that the snow has completely vanished, is that only the reddish-brown ground remained. While walking along the stone-laden path embedded in this ground, I happened to hear a voice.

"Oi, wait!"

"Don't think you can use your chants!"

From behind the school building appeared a fallen youth. Chasing them were 6 men.

The youth had been gaining distance to chant. At first he had tried to use a large magic but were stopped by the men, but even when he used elementary magic it made no difference due to the numbers. The youth was cornered, beaten, and thrown about. The six of them were attacking the youth who was like a turtle, unable to move, just bearing with it.

It was bullying. It was the scene of bullying. It was something that hurt to see.

Unconsciously, I raised my voice.

"Oi, oi, you guys. Don't bully people (turtles) who can't escape."

When I unconsciously ran up while saying that, the six of them simultaneously turned towards me with a glare. Because they were also a little taller than me, it felt daunting.

"The hell you say!?"

However, one of them noticed.

"O-, oi, Quagmire…"

"Quagmire…? R-, Rudeus!?"

"The one who confined Rinia-san and Pursena-san in his room and trained them!? That Rudeus!?"

I didn't train them!

"Nah, that's just a story right!?"

"Pursena-san called him Boss and wagged her tail at him you know…!?"

"But she'll basically wag her tail at anyone who gives her food!"

"But you know, those two really listened to what he said yanno?"

"Ahh, I saw them with scribbles all over their faces in class you know."

"What was it again? 『I'm Rudeus-sama's sex slave』 was it?"

"Nah, I didn't really see it but…"

"After he beat them in a duel, he kidnapped them as slaves…? Seriously…?"

"…Not just that, but someone from the Dorudia clan, you know?"

"Doesn't he think about consequences…?"

The men were just talking without even taking a glance at me. Finally, they nodded with a gulp, and with a shudder turned to look at me. After exchanging looks, they nod together. They then lower their gazes to the fallen youth.

"Oi, we'll let you off for today."

For today. I'm sensitive to words like that.

"By 'for today', you mean that you'll do the same thing another day? Six of you bullying a single person?"

When I said this harshly, the six of them openly showed on their faces that this had become troublesome.


"Hey, Rudeus…san, this is none of your business, right…?"

These guys are always the same. None of your business. None of your business. I was well aware that it was none of my business when I stuck my nose in you know.

"I don't know the circumstances, but 6 vs 1 is unfair, you know."


The six of them exchange glances, and then shake their heads. Don't have a discussion using your eyes.

"We get it. We'll stop it. But yanno, it's not like that guy is innocent."

One of the men said that, and went back behind the school. The other 5 accompanied him. The area behind the school building might be their hangout.


I sighed. As expected I get pretty nervous when faced with so many imposing guys. I've mentally simulated battles with multiple opponents, but even so, this is a matter of the heart. I wouldn't be afraid in a 1 vs 1 fight though…

"Hey, are you alright?"

I approached the youth who was getting up. While dusting off his clothes, he chanted Healing in a quiet voice. It's to be expected of a Magic University, but for even bullying victims to be able to use healing magic is…

While I was thinking that, the youth turned his head. It was Cliff.


Frankly speaking, I don't have any good memories of Cliff. Each time we meet he flares up and this time he'll probably just say "You had no business saving me!” I thought.

"You had no business…"

Cliff stopped speaking halfway. He then made an expression like he was sullenly thinking. He then let out a sigh.

"…No, you saved me. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Bowing once, Cliff quickly walked away.

I was shocked to see that. I certainly did save him. But for him to suddenly change his attitude like this. It's enough to make me wonder if he's scheming something.

No, it might be best for me to obediently accept this. Though Cliff has been really snapping at me up until now, I've never snapped back. Cliff might have finally recognised that I'm not an enemy. To begin with, I don't even know why I was hated so much…

"Well whatever."

I returned to the dorm.

Part 5

The next day. When I had just finished lunch, Cliff called out to me.

Then, I was summoned behind the school building after school.

Cliff was angry. I didn't know what he was angry about. But he was making a difficult expression.

He might want to fight, huh? Or so I vaguely thought. I'd already activated my demon eye. Whilst paying attention to my surroundings, I gathered mana to my right hand.

To pay back my kindness with evil… Turtles sure are cruel these days. Or so I was thinking.

"Alright. Here seems fine."

Making sure no one was nearby, Cliff turned around. His face was bright red.

I immediately understood. This wasn't a duel. He hadn't called me here for such a reason. On the contrary, it's a confession. That's basically how things are in a situation like this.

Oh man. No matter how many times I've failed with women, I don't recall ever becoming a Pants Wrestler. Phew, it's tough being popular. Just kidding.

"T-, the truth is…"


I've decided on what to say. I'll answer him with dignity.

'Let's just start out as friends first, then after that, once we get to know each other better, we'll still stay as just friends.'

"There's someone I like."

"A-, aye…"

With shyness written all over his face, the completely blushing Cliff cast his eyes down. Am I going to reject this? My stomach hurts. I think about how it would be were this a girl. Though my sword is a holy sword, I don't have that sheathe either.

But Cliff raised his head and pointed to a certain place.

"It's her."

His finger is pointed to the school building. Some distance away, a person can be seen through the window. Even from here I can see their swaying, long, blonde hair. Beholding the scenery of the school dyed in the colour of the evening, with a languid expression she looks out the window.

"Today, I saw you. Talking to her. Is she an acquaintance? That's, um, could you introduce me?"


The person who had appeared in the school building… That was a person I knew well. An oft-talked about problem child. A devilish woman who would 'eat up' her classmates like a succubus.

It was Elinalise Dragonroad.

Author's Notes

I was wondering just which of these I should pick as the subtitle,

"Cliff vs Elinalise"

"The Deceived Virgin ~The Impure Lust That Crushes a Pure Love~"

"I Became Intimate with That Boy That Bothered Me!? That Impudent Boy's Crush!"

but decided against it.

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