My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 538 - Chapter 538 – The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

Chapter 538 – The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

“Sister Su, I just heard that tomorrow Ling Mo and his group will leave.”

Li Wei tagged along behind Su Qianrou like a little shadow, saying.

Su Qianrou walked while browsing through the materials on the bookshelf, responding without even turning her head, “What’s that got to do with me?”

“But… didn’t you say last time when you came back that you wanted to teach him a lesson or something…” Li Wei’s words seemed more like a probe.

However, Su Qianrou didn’t catch on, her slender and pale fingers paused on a pamphlet, and her gaze became somewhat cloudy.

“Forget it, we can’t beat him anyway,” Su Qianrou muttered under her breath.

“Oh…” Li Wei responded with a note of understanding, but a smirk involuntarily crept onto her lips.

Unexpectedly, Su Qianrou suddenly turned around, startling Li Wei into hastily adjusting her glasses as a cover.

“There’s someone outside…”

Su Qianrou didn’t look at her, instead stepping past Li Wei and quietly opening the room door.

Out in the hallway, three stunning figures were slowly passing by…

“Sister Ye Lian, look, that person down there…” Xia Na leaned on the railing, pointing at the person below and said, “Isn’t that person staring at you?”

“Mmm… Mmm!” Ye Lian peeked out and nodded seriously after taking a look.

“How does it feel?” Xia Na asked again.

“Not… not good…” Ye Lian frowned and replied.

Xia Na’s mouth curled into a sly grin, “Do you want to just leap down there, grab their arm, pierce right through their belly with your hand, throw them to the ground, and crush their eyeballs?”

Her words flowed smoothly, without a single pause.

Ye Lian opened her mouth, blinked her big eyes, and honestly shook her head, “No… it’s not that complicated… but something like that…”

Before she could finish, a figure suddenly appeared behind Xia Na.

It looked exactly like another Xia Na in front, but the eyes were red and white, and the expression was completely different from the previous Xia Na.

The spiritual entity Nana, upon appearing, mimicked Ling Mo’s habitual gesture by pinching her brow and shaking her head, “Ah, this won’t do. You’re supposed to learn from humans, right? Then you can’t be thinking the same as Black Na.”

“But…” Ye Lian and Black Na said in unison.

Li Ya Lin also nodded in agreement, “It’s really annoying being watched.”

With a sigh, Nana pointed downwards, “Please! That’s just a janitor auntie! She’s even smiling at you!”

The three female zombies turned around in unison. In the lobby downstairs, a logistics auntie was holding a mop, looking up with a big smile at the three stunningly beautiful girls…

“The auntie is innocent! She’s prey, sure, but she means no harm! You need to learn to differentiate!” Nana exclaimed.

“Oh!” The three female zombies nodded together, “So, should we cross the auntie off the food list?”

“That’s not it at all!” Nana truly felt a headache coming on. Her body flickered, her head suddenly grew several times larger, and she roared at the three female zombies, “Are you even listening to me?! No, this won’t do, I’m going on strike! I’m going to tell Ling Mo, I’m striking!”

“Are they… the three that are with Ling Mo?” Su Qianrou peeked through the crack of the door, her eyebrows furrowing.

It was quite the sight: the formidable Falcon Chief of Staff resorting to spying from behind a door, leaving Li Wei helplessly exasperated.

“Uh-huh…” Li Wei nodded.

Su Qianrou immediately recalled the enchanting scene she had witnessed at their first encounter, and then, despite herself, she thought of that bizarre kiss with Ling Mo…

“Ah, I can’t keep thinking about this!” Involuntarily, Su Qianrou touched her own lips, then shook her head in annoyance.

Watching as Ye Lian and the others laughed and walked towards the other end of the corridor, Su Qianrou hesitated for a moment before suddenly opening the door: “Let’s follow them and see.”

“Why?” Li Wei was taken aback when Su Qianrou grabbed him.

“They’re leaving tomorrow. If we’re going to find something on them, now’s our chance. Don’t you think there’s something off about those three? There could be a problem…” Su Qianrou spoke quickly.

“Don’t you think this idea is a bit childish… Ah!”

Before Li Wei could finish speaking, Su Qianrou had already pulled him out the door.

At this moment, Su Qianrou was filled with irritation. In Falcon, she might not be universally liked, but she was as cunning as a fox.

She was accustomed to cornering others, never expecting to stumble not once, but twice, because of Ling Mo.

Falling flat was one thing; that was due to her lack of thorough planning.

But a forced kiss… That was intolerable! Ling Mo had clearly taken advantage, yet he had the gall to blame her first!

Sure, it looked like she was the one who had initiated it, but both knew that it was Ling Mo who had orchestrated it.

In truth, Su Qianrou wasn’t really following them to stir up trouble; what kind of leverage could she find in such a short time? Even she didn’t quite believe that.

But if she couldn’t handle the seemingly clumsy yet actually sly Ling Mo, could she not handle his three female comrades?

Targeting them to indirectly deal with Ling Mo and gain more advantages for Falcon was also a viable strategy!

Ling Mo had kissed her, taking advantage, but he had also handed her a noose to tighten around his neck!

To tighten that noose, she needed these three girls!

“Why didn’t I think of this before!”

After the kiss, Su Qianrou had been in turmoil, but now she cursed herself for overlooking this angle…

The two followed Ye Lian and the others from a distance without being noticed.

It was normal for people to come and go in the building.

Su Qianrou followed them, and although she found their habit of stopping to whisper quite strange, she couldn’t quite put her finger on what was wrong.

It wasn’t until they followed Ye Lian and her companions into a quiet corridor that Su Qianrou sped up, ready to confront them directly.

“Huh? Where did they go?” Su Qianrou quickened her pace up the stairs, but didn’t catch up to the three girls.

The corridor was empty, not a soul in sight.


A sudden scream came from below, and Su Qianrou quickly turned around: “Li Wei?”

But when she ran down, she found that Li Wei had also disappeared.

“What’s going on?” Su Qianrou suddenly felt uneasy.

She realized that this place was too secluded…

Ordinary people never venture this way, yet they chose this path… Could they have discovered something?

Like the other Falcon members, Su Qianrou knew Ling Mo was formidable. However, she had somewhat underestimated the three girls accompanying him.

“Li Wei?” Su Qianrou glanced around and called out.

Tap tap—

A faint sound of footsteps emanated from the corridor.

“Who’s there?”

Su Qianrou quickly hid to the side, drawing her pistol slowly while peering out.

A piece of cloth flitted across her field of vision before slipping into a room.

“Li Wei?”

The color of the cloth was exactly the same as the one Li Wei was wearing. Hesitating for a moment, Su Qianrou, holding her gun, cautiously approached the room.

The door was slightly ajar; it was evident that it hadn’t been used in a long time, as it was covered in dust.

There were footprints beside the door, stretching into the interior.

“Could it be Li Wei found something?”

Su Qianrou held her gun in one hand and pushed the door open with the other.


The door swung open with a light sound.

But… there was no one inside.

“What’s going on?”

Su Qianrou looked around and spotted several cluttered cabinets where someone could hide without much trouble.

The cabinets were far from her, and even if someone were lying in ambush, she would have time to react…

With this thought, Su Qianrou looked down at the footprints again. Confirming that there could only be one person in the room at most, she silently stepped inside.

She had only walked two meters when she heard a loud “clang” from behind her, and the room plunged into darkness.

She immediately turned sideways, ready to press against the wall to avoid being surrounded, when suddenly, she felt a gust of wind overhead.


A cold body pressed against her back, and her lips were covered while her pistol was skillfully disarmed.

At the same time, a rope deftly looped around her wrists, and she was abruptly lifted off the ground.


Su Qianrou struggled vigorously, but her eyes widened in shock, and her body stiffened.

The rope… had actually passed between her thighs!

Then, a tightening force came through as the rope was pulled to her back, binding her up forcefully.

“Hehe, all set!”

A chuckle came from below, and Su Qianrou shook her body vigorously, only to realize she was hanging from the ceiling…

Moreover, any struggle caused friction that surged through her body like an electric current straight to her head.

What kind of bizarre binding technique was this!


To Su Qianrou’s disbelief, hanging behind her was another…

As her eyes gradually adjusted to the dim light, Su Qianrou saw that the girl who had approached her silently and restrained her was the tallest among them, with a mixed-race appearance.

Li Ya Lin, Yuwen Xuan’s cousin…

Su Qianrou had done her research on their identities.

And the girl standing below with a mischievous smile, wielding a large scythe and with the smallest chest among the long-haired girls, was named Xia Na. She appeared to be no more than eighteen years old. Yet, it was clear that she was the one who had skillfully tied Su Qianrou up…

Su Qianrou’s gaze swept quickly around the room, and to her surprise, she found another one near the ceiling by the door.

Ye Lian was hanging upside down from the ceiling, her whole body pressed against it, staring blankly into Su Qianrou’s eyes.

Even in such a situation, she managed to free one hand to grab Li Wei, who was shocked into stillness.

“What are you following us for?”

Xia Na, holding Li Wei’s jacket, flicked it twice gently and walked up to Su Qianrou: “Alright, senior, come on down.”

“Hehe,” Li Ya Lin chuckled softly, releasing her gentle grip on Su Qianrou and silently landing on the floor.

Ye Lian also descended to the ground with Li Wei in tow, then let go of her abruptly.

Xia Na tossed the jacket back, then pointed a finger to the corner.

Li Wei cast a pitiful glance at Xia Na and immediately scurried to the corner, obediently crouching down and hugging her jacket.

“Don’t you have any backbone?”

Su Qianrou was at a loss for words, but then she thought about it; the girl had it tough. She herself had been subdued in a single encounter—how could she expect more from her?

“You guys…”

“One, no yelling; two, answer the questions nicely.”

Xia Na said with a smile that narrowed her eyes.

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