My Longevity Simulation

Chapter 386: External Threats and Internal Worries

It was evident that Li Fan was not the only one who noticed this.

After the battle ended, Yan Hang and the others didn’t show any excitement as they watched Decaying Wood turn to ashes in the raging fire.

“Damn, these monsters seem to have grown stronger again.” Yan Hang glanced at the dried wound on his arm, his face ugly as he cursed.

The other four also had varying degrees of injuries.

“Quickly report the situation of this battle. Hopefully, they will come up with a solution soon. Otherwise, I’m afraid we won’t last much longer,” sighed a cultivator named Li Shifeng among the four.

Yan Hang snorted coldly but didn’t retort.

He opened the Records of Hundred Matters and closed his eyes to report.

Li Fan was also checking the Records of Hundred Matters.

Compared to when they first entered the Five Elements Subworld, the information recorded in it was much richer now.

“Overall progress of the grand formation is 78% complete.”

“It’s progressing faster than initially expected.”

“But obviously, things here are getting somewhat out of control.”

“I wonder what measures the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will take next.”

Li Fan’s eyes flickered, his hands moving incessantly.

Could the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance really complete the construction of the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation on schedule?

Li Fan could almost be certain that they would.

Currently, the main force inside the Five Elements Subworld consisted mostly of Nascent Soul stage cultivators.

But the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was not lacking in Nascent Soul stage cultivators.

Obviously, they hadn’t fully exerted their efforts yet.

If it’s found that the current strength is insufficient to accomplish the mission, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will naturally increase its input.

As for whether the cultivators inside the Five Elements Subworld at this moment could hold on until the reinforcements arrived, that was another matter.

As Li Fan had expected, the constant increase in strength of the subworld’s monsters caused widespread anxiety.

Qin Buyi quickly came out to reassure everyone.

Firstly, she explained to everyone that due to the principle of mutual restraint among the Five Elements, they believed that monsters merging with all five attributes wouldn’t occur.

The most extreme situation would only give rise to monsters merging with four attributes.

But this extreme situation would only happen at the end of the process of “Five Elements Return to One”.

What everyone mainly needed to deal with were monsters merging with two or three attributes.

Secondly, the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was already aware of the current situation in the Five Elements Subworld.

Support would arrive soon.

Furthermore, the scale of the reinforcements was quite large, with a total number of people exceeding the combined total of all the cultivators currently working in the subworld.

There’s no need to worry.

Although everyone held a skeptical attitude towards Qi Buyi’s words, they finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving definite assurance.

With emotions slightly eased, they worked nervously, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements.

Time continued to pass amidst this tense atmosphere.

In the blink of an eye, two years had passed since they entered the Five Elements Subworld.

During this time, there were indeed cultivators who came to support them.

However, it was far from the large-scale reinforcements promised by Qi Buyi.

Whenever questioned, Qi Buyi always came up with various excuses.

However, two new Dao Integration stage cultivators arrived, which somewhat reassured everyone.

With the arrival of these new support cultivators, through their mouths, everyone learned the reasons for the delayed reinforcements.

Externally, there had been significant unrest over the past two years.

Firstly, there were external threats.

The Five Elders Association had redeployed troops to the borders, showing signs of probing and provocation repeatedly.

Unlike before, they didn’t seem to have the intention of initiating large-scale conflicts.

Instead, they concentrated all their forces on Fenglei Island, which was separated from Tianling Province.

According to rumors from the grassroots, it seemed that the Five Elders Association coveted the mysteries of the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation and wanted to seize the entire province from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

They conducted a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation.

However, Li Fan knew that this was just an excuse on the surface.

The true goal of the Five Elders Association should still be the void where the Five Elements Subworld was nurtured in Tianling Province.

“It seems that the truth cannot be concealed forever. Indeed, in two years, the changes in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance in Tianling Province are enough to arouse their vigilance,” Li Fan thought to himself.

In addition to the pressure brought by the Five Elders Association,

There was also unrest within the territory of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

During this period, voices opposing the widespread use of the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation suddenly emerged from various places.

And those who voiced these opinions were not insignificant figures.

Most of them were cultivators with Nascent Soul stage or higher cultivation bases occupying important positions in various provinces.

It’s unclear what happened, but these cultivators, who had unanimously expressed absolute support for the construction of the Soul-Locking Formation not long ago,

suddenly changed their stance and clearly expressed their opposition.

Moreover, their opposition was not just for the sake of opposition, but rather had ample arguments and reasons.

This was their viewpoint:

It is well-known that no matter how exquisite a formation is, there will always be a day when it can be penetrated and cracked.

In the past, there have been many instances where protective formations leaked, catching the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance off guard.

This is also why protective formations must be completely replaced at regular intervals.

Now, after the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has painstakingly and at great cost constructed the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation covering all its territories, can it guarantee that the formation will remain effective forever? If it’s analyzed and cracked by the Five Elders Association shortly after completion, wouldn’t that be a huge joke?

In addition, these individuals also harbor doubts about whether the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation can achieve the effects as advertised.

Because the notorious Thousand-Faced Demon Lord, who has been haunting the territories of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, has become more rampant lately.

Many high-ranking cultivators within the provinces have fallen victim to him.

Even in the provinces where the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation has been completed, it only slightly delays his killing spree.

In the end, he still manages to slip away.

Furthermore, even if he is captured, what then?

Since the Five Elders Association can cultivate one Thousand-Faced Demon Lord, they can certainly cultivate two or three.

The original purpose of the Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation, as advertised, was to make it impossible for any Five Elders Association cultivator within its borders to escape detection.

And now?

While others wreak havoc openly in your territory, you are powerless.

What use is this Tianxuan Soul-Locking Formation?

It must be said that these people’s viewpoints are quite reasonable.

So much so that when they raised their doubts to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance headquarters, it resonated with quite a few people.

As the opposition intensified, the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, instead of punishing these dissenters as usual, fell into a strange silence.

It is in this backdrop that the whereabouts of the Thousand-Faced Demon Lord became increasingly elusive, and his massacres grew more ferocious.

In addition to external threats and internal worries, Li Fan also heard an interesting story.

Amidst the escalating tensions, in the border region between the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association, the Nine Mountain Province, an organization called the Myriad Spirit Sect has recently gained momentum.

It has truly attracted the attention of many cultivators.

All because the Myriad Spirit Sect possesses a peculiar technique.

A technique where the more people cultivate it, the faster the cultivation speed.

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