My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 626 Their lives hang by a thread

626 Their lives hang by a thread

Unfortunately, Axel couldn't let these particles of light heal the ground because they'd be spotted straight away if they left a trail of green grass and flowers after they'd passed, so he asked Kevin and Sora: "Can you try to absorb the particles of light that are attracted to Lena like a magnet, because we're going to end up being spotted if this continues... There are more and more of them and I have to constantly reinforce my force field so that they can't get through."

Lena, who was being carried by Atlas because she was only a human after all so it was impossible for her to move as fast as them, then said: "I'm so sorry, Axel, I didn't realize they might be a problem for you, I'll take care of it!"

Lena's body then began to glow and the particles of light immediately stopped trying to pass through Axel's force field.

Axel had no idea how Lena had done it but he said to her: "Thanks Lena, that's much better... And don't worry about that white light around you, those evil beings won't be able to detect us as long as we stay inside my force field."

He then asked her out of curiosity, as he sensed that the others were also asking themselves the same question: "How did you manage to take control of these particles of light? You're not a Mage, so unless you're using that white energy the Angels possess, you shouldn't be able to control them."

Lena then said to him: "It's true that I'm not a Mage and that apart from this white energy that I can create and control, I have no control over the elements of spiritual energy, but still thanks to Miguel, I've managed to develop a kind of link with the element of light, and my white light is like a means of communication with this element.

I just told it to stay still for now and to concentrate more energy, so that when the time comes, these particles of light can heal as much of the land as possible."

Kevin smirked then and said: "Or kill as many evil beings as possible... I think we've finally entered their real territory, the buildings are different here, they're more rustic and the cities and villages aren't fortified."

Sora nodded and said: "There's also a greater concentration of darkness particles in the air... I think you're right, and it looks like we're heading straight for the center of their former territory."

Axel confirmed with them that they were heading to where the?concentration of evil beings was the strongest and then he contacted Kevin via their link and he said to him, 'I don't know how to say this to Sora and Lena but one their relatives is a evil being and the other is a Mage… They are both powerful but their lives hang by a thread.'

Kevin didn't show anything on his face but he said to Axel, also using their link, 'Miguel told me that the way Sora could use the earth element by using vines was really rare.

He told me that even in this world, Paladins, who are Mages or Fighters chosen by the Angels to protect them, didn't use this kind of spell because it required, in addition to an affinity with the earth element, a link with nature itself.

Of course, Miguel is so powerful that he can use this kind of spell without any problem, and so can Colin, but he told me that it was strange that Sora had been able use it just after Connor had free her, especially since her body was still tainted by corium at the time.

Axel then asked him, 'Why can she use it then?'

Kevin told him, 'Miguel told me that there were Dark Elves here, and that they were extremely powerful.

He told me that these beings shouldn't have been considered evil, because like the Angels, these Dark Elves had access to a particular source of energy that linked them directly to nature.

But because they could control nature and not the other elements, and also because their appearance is a little different from that of humans, they had always been considered as evil beings.

The humans of this world have even nicknamed them the Black Elves because of the aura they have around them when they use this energy, which according to Miguel isn't even black, it's just a little darker than the normal color of the earth particles.'

Axel finally understood what Kevin was getting at and so he said to him, 'So Miguel had already guessed that one of the girls' parents must be a Dark Elf, right?'

Kevin then said to him, 'Miguel couldn't confirm it so he didn't tell them, but if only one of their relatives is a evil being, then it should be a Dark Elf and if it is one of their parents… We must absolutely save them.'

Axel then asked him, 'Should we share this information with them? I think they need to be prepared for this eventuality.'

Kevin agreed with him, now that Axel had validated Miguel's theory, Sora and Lena had the right to know about it, because they had to be psychologically ready to face this truth.

And as Axel had already warned them, whether it was the Dark Elf or the Paladin, both had to be seriously injured, so both their parents were in danger.

As the first fortified city in the evil beings territory loomed on the horizon, Axel motioned them to stop, as they were currently in a deserted area, and he told them: "Kevin and I would like to talk to you about something important before we enter this city where your parents are."

Sora and Lena were too shocked by this news to even speak, so Atlas asked them: "How can you be so sure that it is their parents? What makes you believe that? I thought Axel couldn't figure out which members of their family they were, just that they were part of the same family."

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