My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 602 - The Changes of Jiang Liushi (II)

Chapter 602: The Changes of Jiang Liushi (II)

Translator: Liu_Kaixuan Editor: Valvrave

The information in the file was quite useful, but Jiang Liushi did not have the time look through all of its contents carefully. Currently, he was focused on the part that had to do with the infected.

In summary, the liquid lifeform was one of the scientific research’s findings. According to Genesis’ hypothesis, the liquid lifeforms had come from a distant universe, and that was the reason their forms differed from Earth’s living organisms. The liquid lifeforms did not have a cellular structure, while their life solvents were also different from those of Earth. All kinds of Earth’s lifeforms, regardless of animals, plants, bacteria or fungi, had a single life solvent, which was water. Some creatures could live without depending on the air, the sunlight, or organic matter, but they couldn’t survive without relying on the water. There were no exceptions. Even viruses, no matter whether they had DNA or not, they all needed water as a solvent to complete the reproduction. However, the liquid lifeform’s life solvent was liquid methane.

According to Genesis’ speculation, the liquid lifeforms’ birth origins should be from a very cold planet. The annual temperature should be about 170-180 °C below zero. Lakes, rivers and vast expanses of oceans should be a big part of the planet, which were all consisted of liquid methane instead of water.

Genesis had even formed a plan to send the liquid lifeforms to the distant planets of the solar system through satellites to test whether they could multiply on a large scale. The liquid lifeform could breed at an extremely low temperature, and it contained very powerful energy. However, Earth’s temperature was too high for the lifeform to survive. In fact, the liquid lifeforms would become dull. They needed to infect people and then occupy the brain to achieve their life meaning. That’s because those energies contained in their bodies could bring stronger support to the infected people. Once an ordinary person was infected, their strength could be increased by seven or eight times, while their speed could be increased by three to four times. At the same time, their bodies could become tougher. As long as the infected people’s heads and hearts remained intact, while their other injuries were not fatal, they could slowly regenerate.

Jiang Liushi’s case was different as he was infected by none other than the Sprite Queen. According to Genesis, all the liquid lifeforms could be regarded as the Sprite Queen’s offspring. Not even Shen Hai knew about the Sprite Queen’s energy and abilities. Even so, no matter how powerful the Sprite Queen was, facts spoke louder than words. It had failed to overpower Jiang Liushi’s Starseed, and thus, it merged with Jiang Liushi’s body.

From the moment Jiang Liushi woke from his slumber until now he had not realized how much he had changed. After reading, Jiang Liushi calmed down and started examining his body, noticing all the changes. Surprisingly, he could sense a blue energy in his body, which was invisible to the naked eyes. Although it was invisible, Jiang Liushi could still feel its existence like he could feel his hands and feet. He even realized that he could control the energy. At that, Jiang Liushi focused, stretched his hands and tried to guide the blue energy with his mind. Upon doing that, faint blue spots of light started gathering in his hands until they condensed to clusters that emitted beautiful blue light.

“What’s this?” exclaimed Jiang Zhuying while staring at her brother. “Is it the Sprite Queen?” She noticed that the blue cluster of light was similar to Shen Hai’s.

“Brother Jiang, you can control the Sprite Queen!? That’s amazing!” exclaimed Li Yuxin. If any other person had been infected by the Sprite Queen, they would have fallen under its control not the other way around.

“It should be the Sprite Queen, but I can feel that it’s a part of me now,” replied Jiang Liushi. In fact, the Sprite Queen’s consciousness and will had been completely wiped out, and it had merged with Jiang Liushi’s body so he could control its powers easily. It was now like any other organ in his body, and its energy belonged solely to him.

As the blue energy in Jiang Liushi’s hands was flowing out continuously, that blue light in Jiang Liushi’s hands condensed into the size of a fist. Li Yuxin was observing Jiang Liushi’s situation closely and found out that the blue energy was flowing in a fixed route. All the routes inside Jiang Liushi’s body were just like interwoven networks. Li Yuxin could see that network clearly through her power. When Jiang Liushi had been absorbing the mutant nuclei, their energy had also been passing through that network.

‘It’s really the legendary meridians!’ Li Yuxin was astounded. The changes in Jiang Liushi’s body were mind-blowing.

“Uh? I think that’s my limit,” said Jiang Liushi as he could not harness any more energy from his body.

“Brother Jiang, how do you feel?” asked Ran Xiyu.

“Well, while I was condensing the fist-sized cluster of energy, I could feel my body getting weaker.”

Currently, the blue fist-sized cluster of energy in Jiang Liushi’s hands was stable, and it could fly in the air. Surprisingly, Jiang Liushi turned his head, looked at Zhang Hai’s military jeep and walked toward it. Then, he stretched his fingers to catch the jeep’s end and inserted the cluster of energy in it. The jeep began to shake, and finally, it was lifted off the ground by Jiang Liushi easily.

This kind of jeep weighted about two or three tons. Jiang Liushi lifted the jeep up by only using a little energy. He thought about it carefully, and then that blue cluster of light was divided into countless small blue light balls, which rushed back to Jiang Liushi’s body quickly. As that was happening, Jiang Liushi could feel his body getting stronger. He held the back of the jeep, and then lifted it higher. As a matter of fact, it was challenging to lift a jeep and control its balance, but Jiang Liushi did it quite easily, which meant that his energy was far more powerful than what he showed. Later, Jiang Liushi put it down on the ground. He could feel that he had not only gained a substantial increase in energy but also obtained some new abilities. He lifted his right hand, forming a fist and gathering all his energy in it. Then, Jiang Liushi punched at the jeep.

The collision generated an ear-piercing sound. The jeep shook violently as Jiang Liushi’s punch drilled a hole in the jeep’s door. Meanwhile, the shattered steel did not even leave a scratch on Jiang Liushi’s hand.

Upon seeing that, Jiang Liushi was exhilarated. Then, he tried again with his left hand, destroying the jeep’s door.

Xiang Xuehai and the other admired Jiang Liushi from the bottom of their hearts.

“Brother Jiang, I found that car with great difficulty…” Zhang Hai’s heart was bleeding. In his mind, Jiang Liushi was a tyrannosaurus in a humanoid form that could destroy a jeep just like breaking a toy.

“You have a tank. What’s a jeep compared to it?” said Jiang Liushi with a smile. Since they had raided Shen Hai’s warehouse, Zhang Hai must have found enough fuel to continue playing with his tank.

“Brother, you are way more powerful now. If you met Shen Hai now, you could kill him easily, even if he was on his flying disk!” Jiang Zhuying was really pleased with her brother’s evolution.

Jiang Liushi nodded and added, “Maybe I can. But Shen Hai also said that Genesis had 11 higher-ups. He was just one of them. He may be the strongest psychic paranormal, but his battle prowess was poor.”

After getting to know about Genesis, Jiang Liushi felt pressured. After all, Genesis had been established more than half a century ago, controlling advanced technology. Moreover, the members of Genesis had started evolving 10 years ago. In other words, their power couldn’t be underestimated at all. He, on the other hand, had only obtained his abilities a year ago, and he had decided to chase after them.

“Brother, the other members of Genesis should be heading to Japan. The so-called Weapon should be there,” said Jiang Zhuying.

“Japan…” Jiang Liushi repeated.

He pondered over this matter carefully. It was no doubt that the Weapon was very important for the whole world. Since his team was already on Genesis’ death list, Jiang Liushi could not let them acquire it.

“Interesting. I’ve never been abroad before,” said Jiang Liushi suddenly.

Everyone opened their eyes wide in shock!

“Brother Jiang, you mean…”

“Brother, will we go to Japan?” asked Jiang Zhuying. She also never been abroad before. After doomsday, going abroad to battle was simply an amazing concept.

“Yes!” Jiang Liushi answered resolutely as he had made his decision. He didn’t know whether his choice was right or not.

In fact, after doomsday, Jiang Liushi didn’t have any interest in Japan or other countries at all. Jiang Liushi was still somewhat concerned about the development of doomsday. Although he already knew that the outbreak was global, he didn’t know if it would be worse in other countries.

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