Chapter 678: Chapter 669 The Redeemer

For the poor middle-aged man, his only hope was to witness the miserable end of Jiang Liushi. As for other things, he didn’t care about anymore. As that blood fog was getting thicker and thicker, that middle-aged man saw an unbelievable scene. A giant beast with two wide wings was walking slowly toward the Huaxia City. Its huge body was just like a moving mountain.

“Boom! Boom!” Every step made by the beast would cause the trembling of the earth. One of its steps was enabled to break a lake and ruin a large forest. Its body was covered with heavy scales, and its thick tail dragged a deep gully on the ground.

“Oh! What’s the monster was!” The middle-aged man held on his breath. Of course, during the past three years, people had met countless mutant beasts. However, the most huge one was just about tens of meters. Even someone once saw some mutant whales in the deep sea, but it was only about a hundred meters long. However, the huge beast standing in front of him was more than one kilometer long. Compared with the beast, other beasts were too small. Moreover, besides the huge beast, several Apache armed helicopters were flying. As the most powerful helicopter of the American army, it was quite superior to those helicopters of Huaxia City. But dozens of Apache armed helicopters were just like small flying insects beside that huge beast. Apparently, those Apache armed helicopters were the companion of that huge beast.

“Excellent! It’s the Genesis! It must be them!” That middle-aged man shouted excitedly with his trembling broken body. Finally, their Redeemer came. Moreover, such a huge monster was created by the Genesis. It was indeed incredible! In fact, not only the middle-aged man was shocked, but also other people in Huaxia City were all awakened. Many people walked on the wall and saw the scene in the distance that surprised them greatly. The huge lizard beast with its wings was hidden in the clouds in the morning. Its body pores were spewing red fogs from time to time. Then these red fogs redden the water vapor, so it seemed that the huge monster was immersed in some blood cloud.

“Oh, my God! What’s that?” Someone shouted. This scene was really shocking. Before the doomsday, people never saw such a huge monster even in those famous movies.

“Look! It’s the Apache Corps, the army of the Genesis. Is that lizard-like monster a mutant beast? Was it also surrendered?”

“Maybe, it was not surrendered but cultivated by the Genesis. Don’t forget that its technology is far superior to us.”

People discussed warmly. Since the Genesis controlled the whole world, they had witnessed many new technologies of the Genesis. From the Genetic Evolution Fluids, new high-tech weapons, Special metals to Flying Metal Disks, Soul shockers and so on…

The Genesis, no doubt, had refreshed people’s cognition of science and technology. It was no doubt that the Genesis had mastered a powerful genetic technology. From this point of view, that giant beast was likely to be created by the Genesis.

As long as they thought about this, they were sucking in cold air. Actually, the reason why the doomsday was erupted, was because of these zombies and mutant beasts. No matter where that huge beast came, it all showed that the Genesis had obtained the power to change the whole world. In this terrible doomsday, people worship power. If the Genesis indeed created such a huge terrible monster, it would totally shock all of them.

At this moment, Jiang Liushi was standing on the top floor of that Government Building. Separated from the distant sky, Jiang Liushi was staring at that giant beast.

“Sure enough, you are also improved greatly during the past two years…” Jiang Liushi said to himself. During the past two years, Jiang Liushi cast off his old self and take on a new self. However, that top leader had controlled the whole world and occupied all the resources of the world. Moreover, he also owned those new technologies left in that relics. It’s no doubt that his strength must be improved greatly. For Jiang Liushi, he had no way to retreat, so he would try his best to fight.

All of a sudden, Steven rushed in his room. “Master Jiang, the army of the Genesis was arriving. However, our helicopters refused to fly up.” In fact, since Jiang Liushi occupied Huaxia City, he had already expected this scene. As a result, he had ordered all the armies of the Huaxia City to prepare for among 24 hours. Although they would be tired, they would be better than those soldiers of the Genesis. However, after seeing that huge mutant beast, all soldiers of Huaxia City were changed totally. They refused to obey any rules made by Jiang Liushi or Steven.

“These cowards! They must have discussed it from the beginning!” Steven said angrily. But Jiang Liushi was still in calm. Actually, the result didn’t exceed his expectations at all.

Originally, their strength was far inferior to the Genesis’s. Let alone they saw that extremely huge monster. The huge monster had shaken all the soldiers. They all felt that as long as its tail swept, several helicopters would be broken by it immediately. Almost all the soldiers had such a bad feeling.

“It doesn’t matter. Actually, I didn’t rely on them at all. Moreover, I had expected such a situation.” Jiang Liushi said to Steven while sighing and waving his head. He knew clearly that almost everyone stood on the same side of the Genesis.

“Om! Om!” Those Apache had already flown over the city wall. However, no aircraft of the Huaxia City was lifted off. Seeing such a scene, that middle-aged man hung on the city wall began to laugh violently.

“Hahahaha! Jiang Liushi! Do you see it? This is your end! You are destined to come to grief!”

At the same time, many paranormals also rushed out to greet their Redeemer.

“Dear guys, let’s prepare to fight!” Someone shouted to encourage all the paranormals. Although they had witnessed the strong power of Jiang Liushi, they were also sure they could win as long as Jiang Liushi being stepped by that huge monster. For them, they maybe would get lots of points and be appreciated by the Genesis. If they were lucky enough, they may get one beauty beside Jiang Liushi.

“Attack!” The first Apache had got the attack instruction. Their goal was that Government Building!

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