My mother's SON-IN-LAW

Chapter 13: THE DATE PLAN - II

Chapter 13: THE DATE PLAN - II

Liam's POV :

The moment Edward called me, I had a feeling that he wanted something from me, I just didn't know what it was yet.

When he told me about going on a date with a young woman he himself called, 'BEAUTIFUL' just caught me of guard, those words don't easily escape from his mouth.

But the moment he to told me her name, I couldn't even begin to imagine why on earth Mr Chris Adams little Ally was being offered to me. From all the men who have had an encounter with her, I could tell that she was nothing but a sharp tonged, extremely intelligent woman, and now that Ed mentioned her beauty, I could tell that she was drop dead gorgeous.

The woman had already made herself the biggest enemy for most companies around the glob because of her ruthless nature in business.

I agreed almost exactly the moment he finished his sentence which I know came as a shock to him, but I couldn't care less about what he thought.


In Chris Adam's office

Chris still couldn't believe that Liam Walker agreed to accompany his little sister on a date, the man was currently out of the country for an important merger which took place in Paris, yet he agreed to fly back tomorrow in order to give the woman a little company.

But what he could not place his finger on, was the fact that Liam has been known as a man who despises woman, he cannot as much as smile to a woman, let alone accompany on a date.

It seemed a little weird for him, he agreed to the date a little too easily for his own liking.

But knowing his sister, the two of them might end up as enemies as well. She had a knack for making men fall to their knees in her presence, just a few words were enough to make Mr Fernando Rayers leave the country in a matter of two hours, just because he offered her a drink in his apartment after the date.

She simply is too confident for her own good.


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