Chapter-36 Teaching Melissa a lesson

The next day, in the morning, Alexander opened his eyes, feeling some weight on his body, smiling contently, knowing who the person was. Last night though they didn’t get any action done, he was still able to manage her into sleeping with him in the same room. ​​

"Victoria? It's time to wake up, or at least let me get up. I need to arrange for the announcement to make you the official queen." Alexander said, playing with her hair affectionately.

"Mmmm… Just a few more minutes." Victoria groaned, hugging him tighter.

"Okay. But only a few minutes. After that, you are allowing me to go, okay?" Alexander said before closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of her.

It wasn't like he didn't want to stay in the bed with his love and hold her tight to himself, but announcing to her the queen was more important right now.

After what felt like an eternity but were only a few minutes, Alexander opened his eyes abruptly when he felt the weight from above his body suddenly vanishing.

It didn't go away gradually like she woke up and left. No. It just vanished. Looking around with his forehead sweating at the thought of her vanishing, he stood before checking the washroom and couldn't help but shout when he couldn't find her anywhere on the balcony either.

"Victoria? Victoria!" Alexander shouted, his mind going haywire.

"What are you calling me for? I just went into my room to take a shower and change. Didn't you asked me to let you go after some minutes?" Victoria said as soon as she appeared in his room again.

Stunned, he looked at her before running towards her and flicking her forehead. Before she could refute and complain, he pulled her into a tight hug.

"Can you please walk like normal beings? I panic when you disappear like this." Alexander said, and Victoria immediately understood the meaning behind his words. Smiling in understanding, she let him hug her and even tightened her arms around him.

"Okay, I'll try to not do that again. Now off to your business. I am going to freshen up and change before meeting Daniel. I still need to talk to him about what happened." Victoria said, and Alexander nodded at her in agreement.

Placing a soft kiss on her temple, Alexander went inside his bathroom, and Victoria walked out of his door, smiling at his childishness.

"Why are you coming from my- our Alpha king's room, Jasmine?" Victoria heard a bitter voice, and remembering how her desires were left unfulfilled because of the interruption from the same voice, she turned around and looked at Melissa sharply.

"Why do you think I am coming out of there? Of course, I woke up and now want to go back to my room. No matter how amazing the sex was, it's not like I'll stick to him like glue.

It was enough when I gave into him since he was begging me." Victoria said with a sweet smile, making Alexander chuckle in the bathroom while showering, who heard her words because of the opened door.

"Our Alpha king came to you and asked you to sleep with him? Ha!! Keep dreaming! He would never do anything with a lowly creature-" Before Melissa could complete her words, Victoria lifted her hands before hanging her in the air away from the railings.

It was in such a position that if she leaves the magic, then Melissa will fall on the ground of the hall from the third floor.

"Jasmine! What the hell?! What are you doing? Are you a witch? Oh my god! Help! Damien! Alpha Damien!" Melissa shouted, and Alexander, who was chuckling in the bathroom enjoying, sighed loudly before wearing a bathrobe that covered more than half of his body perfectly, knowing all too well that Victoria will get super pissed if he came out in just a towel.

"Jasmine, what are you doing?" Alexander said, remembering that he needs to pretend that she was still Jasmine and not Victoria.

"I am just having a little bit of fun. I had told everyone the first day I came here. I don't take disrespect nicely. She was insulting me right now, and I think she needs someone to teach her a lesson so that she can learn how to not mess with people." Victoria said.

"Okay, that's enough. I think you've scared her enough." Alexander said before turning her around and kissing the corner of her lips, making Melissa look at him with wide eyes.

Victoria, who on the other hand, didn't expect such a way of pleading, lost her control on the magic, making Melissa fall, however, she pulled her back just in time before she could hit the ground.

"I like this way of pleading. Handsome, are you sure you are not falling for me?" Victoria asked in Jasmine's style, and Alexander understood what she wanted to say.

She doesn't want him to announce her as the queen until things are solved. Sighing dejectedly, he kissed her temple before going back inside.

Honestly, he understood where she was coming from. She wanted to make sure that everything was alright before they start their happy married life, however, the talk with Azrael yesterday had put him on edge.

Though Azrael didn't say anything about the matter of Victoria and her forms having other mates, she didn't deny them completely either. Which only meant one thing, the possibility was indeed there.

And that was the main reason why he wanted to make her his queen so that whoever mate comes, she won't go away from him because she will be announced as the queen and his rightful wife.

And until the mate is a king himself, he doubts that anyone will try to snatch her away from him.

The plan was simple and sweet, and hopefully, it was worth giving it a shot.

However, he didn't want to burden her either. He knows that their mate bond has broken, and if a new mate will be created for her, then her attraction towards that mate will be equally high, and things will become more complicated for her.

She might not know the truth yet, and thus, she was adamant about having a love-making session with him.

Even he was unsure of what was going to happen.

Maybe they should just listen to Azrael's words and concentrate on enjoying their days while they are still together. That seems to be the best-

"Alex? Alex? What are you thinking so hard? Are you angry with me because I treated your secretary like this?" Victoria asked with a confused expression on her face.

"Of course, not. I was thinking if I should just take up on your offer and mark you." Alexander said nonchalantly, his indifferent words awakening Victoria's body as it immediately reacted to his proposition.

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