My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 124 - Book-2 -39 Daniel Neptune Meets Victoria For The First Time.

"Sweetheart, Can you wait here for a minute? I need to attend this video call urgently. I'll be quick." Alexander said before pecking her lips softly.

"Mm… Sure." Victoria smiled, looking at her man that was looking as dashing as ever in his working mode. ​​

With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and two buttons undone, that were showing a bit of his white chest, he looked like a model out of the magazine, ready to shoot, making her feel a bit edgy as her heart was filled with a weird giddiness.

Supporting her face on her palm, she looked a lot at Alexander as he talked to some Alphas over the video call. His knitted brows and his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose were making him more handsome than he already was.

"I understand that don't worry, I'll look into this matter right away. No, you don't need to fear it. If things turn tragic we will send the army from the royal palace." Alexander said in a serious tone, his gaze fixated on the screen, however, his squinted brows indicated he was troubled by something.

Victoria, on the other hand, looked at him with her bright hazel eyes, feeling shy for no particular reason. This wasn't the first time she was looking at him like this, then why was she feeling so shy today was beyond her understanding.

'Geez! Can you get a little less mushy? You are acting like a fangirl for god's sake! You make me cringe.' She heard Jasmine gush in her mind, making Victoria roll her eyes at her.

'What are you cringing for? He is my love. There is nothing wrong in getting mushy for him.' Victoria reasoned before she went back to staring at her love.

Looking at his serious face and chiseled jaw, she was feeling a strange sensation rising inside her. Something wild and frustrating that she has never felt before. The more she was looking at Alexander, the more the feeling was intensifying. She felt like, she wanted to rip that shirt out from his body and roam her nails on that white sturdy chest.

His hands and flexing biceps that looked like they were about to rip the shirt was making her uncomfortable as all she wanted right now was his strong calloused hands to roam her body and pleasure her.

'Woah! Calm down, girl.' Jasmine commented again.

By now, Victoria was at least clear about what she was feeling for him. She was feeling aroused by looking at him, and knowing that it was no good when they were amidst soo many problems, she sighed and stood to leave the place.

Walking towards the garden, she looked at the red roses that had white ice on them, making them appear more beautiful than they already were and she couldn't help but smile at the beautiful site.

Walking some steps, she paused in between as if it was then that she noticed something wrong with the situation.

'Wait, white ice?' She thought, however, before she could even ponder more about it, her body felt numb, and she fell beside the roses. Feeling a strange kind of halo surrounding her, she looked around herself with dazed eyes as she felt being submerged into a strange turquoise air that was making her a bit dizzy. Giggling at the air, she looked at the strange green colour clouds that were appearing near her.

Was this some kind of dream?

Gazing up, as she felt the scent of roses wafting her senses and covering her, she tried to stand, feeling confused as to why she was suddenly feeling so powerless.

As she tried to stand, taking the support of the bench, something caught her eyes, or should she say, someone, caught her eyes.

There standing at the end of the rose garden was a man. A man dressed neatly in a pair of blue ripped pants and a white t-shirt that suited him well. If anything, it was after a long time she found a man handsome.

The man was extremely good-looking with his turquoise eyes that felt like boring into hers.

"Hello?" She asked, unsure if the man was true or just her illusion.

Waiting for a while when she didn't receive and response, she shook her head before concentrating on standing again.

"Hello, meine Geliebte." She suddenly heard the man say, making her jump in her place.

What did the man say just now? She thought confused before she took a few steps forward.

Since she had Jasmine, Carla, and Alexander, who was not too far from her, she was confident that nothing would happen to her, and thus, she decided it was better to check who it was to see if he wasn't a new enemy.

His handsome face was too good to be true, and honestly, this was the first time she was feeling that a man was handsome after she has met Alexander, which unnerved her more.

"Who are you?" Victoria asked as she looked at the man whose face she was finally able to see. And to say he was breathtaking would be an understatement, he looked like a Greek god. A cold greek god.

"Who am I, is not of importance, Meine Geliebte. Your question should be, why am I here." He said, making Victoria confused.

'er ist meine Liebe.' She heard Jasmine say to her, but the foreign language was a little bit hard for her to understand.

Ignoring her inner voice at the moment, she looked at the man closely to check if she has seen the person ever before.

'Nope. I don't think I've seen this handsome species before.' Victoria thought, mentally slapping herself for thinking like this.

"Why are you here?" She asked after taking a deep breath.

"I am here to train you, meine Geliebte." He said with a soft smile on his face.

"Train me?"

"Yes. To train you to become better and fight your grandfather Christopher elegantly. You have powers, but it'll be of no use if you can't use them. You are like a warrior with loaded ammunition but zero knowledge on how to use it."

"Hey, you are insulting me now," Victoria said before pouting, feeling a strange sense of calm and familiarity with him.

"I am not insulting you, meine Geliebte, I am just telling you the facts. I want to train you in your powers, so that you can take your stand in front of your grandfather. Would you like to take my help?" He asked before pausing.

"My bad, you must be confused about who I am, right? I am called Daniel Neptune. I am the king of the dark witches. You can call me Neptune. We don't want you to confuse me with that brother of yours now, do we?" He said, and she didn't know why, but the more she talked to him, the more enchanted she felt.

"Neptune." She said, feeling a strange kind of sensation in her body as the name rolled out of her mouth. It felt like the name was a kind of a sacred spell in itself that felt like a drug.

"You'll eventually know about me when the right time comes. Till then, you are not allowed to tell anybody about me. Okay? You want to defeat your grandfather and live happily with your mate, right?" Neptune asked, making Victoria nod her head.

"Good. Then I'll come tomorrow again. Till then, don't think much about me, meine Geliebte." Neptune said before he bent and leaned towards her.

"Tell Jasmine, ich liebe dich." He whispered into her ears before placing a feather-like kiss on the corner of her cheeks, making her eyes go wide, however, before she could even refute and say something, the man disappeared, and all the halo she was feeling disappeared along with him.

"You know, I regret doing work with you around me." She heard Alexander's voice, making her jump in her place.

"What do you mean?" She couldn't help but ask, her mind still focused on that beautiful man.

"Did you thought I didn't notice the way you were looking at me? That predatory look in your eyes that you were throwing my way was so tempting that I couldn't even focus on the meeting. I could practically smell your arousal, Victoria" He groaned before nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck and placing a small kiss on her jawline, making her blush at his last words.

"I am sorry, I-" Victoria started but was cut off by Alexander placing his lips on top of hers.

"It's not your fault, sweetheart. The blood moon is coming near, and that's why you are feeling so attracted towards me. Though I will take it as my handsome face doing that job, however, it's the truth too." Alexander said.

"What about it?" Victoria asked confused.

"Have you forgotten about it? Blood moon, the day I'll be able to mark you and make you mine completely. The day that will complete our second step to mating." Alexander smiled happily.

"But, I am not your mate anymore. Will that work? The third step I mean." Victoria asked, and Alexander, who had been smiling in excitement, paused immediately.

It was something that he hadn't thought about.

She was not his mate anymore, then does that mean all the earlier steps went null?

"You are right. Since you are not my mate anymore, it won't work. And I'll have to start the process all over again. Since I have already declared about you being my mate, how about we start with the second step?" Alexander asked cunningly, making Victoria blush scarlet red when she remembered the night of two years ago when they had made love to each other for the first and last time.

"Shut up! Okay? Let's go and meet Daniel now." Victoria said, her mind going back to the guy called Daniel Neptune, who she met today only, but has successfully invaded her mind space.

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