My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 137 - Book-2 -52 How He Met Victoria


As Alexander and Victoria cried with their love and longing pouring out of their eyes, Daniel Neptune, who was about to enter her room and was about to knock on the door, stopped midway when he heard Victoria’s sobbing that sounded more like a mournful cry. ​​

Leaning his body on the door, he felt extremely helpless and lonely when he heard her mournful cries that were speaking millions of words of sadness and buried frustration.

Feeling helpless that he wasn’t even able to support his mate at a time like this when she needs someone’s support, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of envy towards Alexander, as, among the three of them, he was the closest to Victoria, and she trusted him the most when it comes to things as small as sharing her emotions.

Honestly, if he would've been the one to find Victoria first, then he wouldn't have let them fall for each other in the first place and had taken her away from this white world into his dark world forever. A place where these people wouldn’t have been able to find her.

However, luck wasn't on his side.

He still remembers the day he had seen Victoria for the first time when he was passing through the skies to meet someone.

That day he had decided to travel the distance, and thus, he thought flying through the skies while being invisible was a better option rather than going through some transport or directly appearing there.

Satisfied with his head idea, he had decided to take the longest route towards his destination so that he could enjoy the view.

At that time he didn’t know that he was going to meet his mate that day.

When he was passing through the Pearly canines, he had felt Magna of deep attractions radiating from a particular house, and not being able to control himself, he had allegedly trespassed the Werewolf kingdom. He knew he was going against the laws, but he also knew, that for a Magna to attract him this strongly, it surely meant something.

Following the Magna, while keeping his eyes for the werewolves patrol, he had stopped at the balcony of a random House with a cute chime on the window. Feeling the texture of the window chime, he couldn’t help but smile when he felt some of the Magna on the chime too. It meant that the person who had made this chime was the person whose Magna had attracted him here.

Through the glass, he tried to look at the person who was inside the house, and it wasn't long when a girl entered the room. She was singing a random tune while bouncing with every step she took, clearly happy.

It was at that time he had seen Victoria for the first time, and to say he was blown by her beauty would be an understatement. It was something beyond the mate bond. It was the kind of attraction he had not felt even 600 years ago. He knew his heart had been stolen by that girl.

He wanted to go there and greet her, however, when he felt and smelled the smell of the alpha King on her, he couldn’t help but clench his hands. There was surely more to the story than it was meeting the eyes.

He knew he had fallen in love at first sight only, and after that, he had made many random visits just to see her.

For him, it was like a sweet teenage love where he was the teenage boy in love, who would look at his crush secretively and would wish her good in all the circumstances. He even used to get jealous when he used to see Alexander waiting out of her window, who used to come there randomly to check up on her.

There was this one time when he was almost caught by Alexander when he had entered the room, and he was standing on the balcony. Luckily he teleported himself just in time, or he would’ve surely be listed as a creep in Victoria’s mind before they could’ve even met properly.

Smiling at the thoughts, he leaned his forehead on the wall, feeling a deep pang of pain in his heart as Victoria's sobbing was increasing in intensity. He was feeling sad for the smiling girl, she used to be.

He knew that her emotions were getting to her, and although they needed to be stopped because of her reactive powers, he also knew that their releasing was also important.

It was epic how he has the power to rule the dark World, yet, in front of this girl, he was nothing more than a powerless human. His mate was crying inside the room in the arms of another man, and he can't do anything about it.

Taking a deep breath as he felt his own emotions getting out of control, he was about to leave the place when he heard a crashing sound from inside the room, and as much as wanted to give both of them their privacy, he knew something wasn't right when he heard Alexander's howling in pain.

Opening the door with his powers, he looked at Victoria, cooped in the corner with her head hidden between her legs, as she held her legs close to her body, and then, he looked at Alexander, who was at the other corner of the room with the wound on his hand healing slowly.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he knew what had happened, and he immediately ran towards Victoria, pulling her hands away from her head so that she doesn't end up hurting herself.

"Alexander, give me a hand here. We need to make her lay down straight. Her hands need to be kept in control because they are the main source of release of power for a witch." Neptune said, however, before Alexander could even stand properly, Victoria disappeared from under Daniel.

"What the-," He thought, horrified. Looking around himself, he looked at Alexander, who had an equal stunned expression on his face.

“She must’ve teleported herself somewhere to get some space. She does that more often these days.”Alexander commented, making daniel shake his head.

“She hasn’t teleported herself. I can’t feel her anymore.” Daniel said, closing his eyes and was about to use his spell to find her when she came back in the same position again.

"Victoria, where did you-" Daniel started, but Victoria disappeared again, and he immediately understood what was happening.

Something was trying to call her.

He waited for her to return herself this time, sitting in the same position.

It wasn't long before Victoria came back into the room, drenched in water.

Chanting some words in a foreign language that was beyond both Alexander and Victoria, he placed his hand on top of Victoria's head, making her go into a state of temporary sleep.

Because of the spell, Victoria, who was standing earlier, fell on the ground, unconscious.

"What did you do to her?" Alexander asked, rushing towards Victoria's side.

"I just used my spell to-" Daniel started but was cut off when Victoria woke up and went straight to the bathroom.

Puking the excess water from her stomach, Victoria looked at her reflection that was becoming paler than ever.

Closing the door with her spell, she lifted her top as she felt some prickling pain in her stomach.

Seeing no visible signs of any injury when her body had hit the large rock, she sighed loudly before puking more water.

"Carla, Jasmine, Emerald, what is the meaning of this? Do you guys have any idea what is happening with us?" Victoria asked, making all of them shake their heads at her.

Neptune, on the other hand, felt shocked, thinking about why that spell didn’t work on Victoria as she woke up just after a few seconds of his spell. Normally a person isn't even able to wake up from the spell for years until the spell is broken, and knowing that Victoria was a strong supernatural, it should've at least worked for several hours if not for days.

"Alexander, keep Victoria company today. I need to check up on something. I'll come back by tomorrow morning to take her to the Vampire's Kingdom. Don't let her sleep. I repeat, Do Not Let Her Sleep." Neptune said before disappearing into thin air.

Victoria, who had been puking water for as long as she could remember, not knowing where it was even coming from, opened the door of the bathroom after thirty minutes before looking at Alexander with a timid smile.

"Xander? Can you call Neptune? I need him right now." Victoria said, and though Alexander's heart broke into million shards when he saw his love asking for another man, he still managed to give her a soft smile before nodding and going out of the room.

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