My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 149 - Book-2 -64 Not An Easy Fight



“Haha… What are you going to do about it?” Ashton asked me when I didn’t reply to his attack for a few seconds.

We had been fighting for the last thirty minutes, and I am ashamed to say this, but he was having the upper hand in this fight.

“What happened? Cat got your tongue?” He asked again, and I gritted my teeth angrily.

‘You can do this, Victoria. Have a little bit of faith in your body. Let it act on its own accord.’ Carla said, and I nodded my head at her suggestion. She was right. I need to have some faith in myself. I was the hybrid. The strongest in the world.

“You want to know?” I asked, my voice dangerously low.

Looking up, I smirked at Ashton before running towards him and holding his neck. Turning his hands at an odd angle, I was about to break them when he turned around and pressed my body below his.

“Not a good move, Sweetheart. Is this all that you’ve got? Such a weak queen? Has Alexander not been training you?” He mocked before smiling at Daniel.

“Let’s see,” I said before I kicked my legs in the air and stood not before tilting his body and breaking his neck bone.

“Was that necessary?” Daniel asked before clicking his finger in the air, and Ashton, who was supposed to be awake after a few minutes opened his eyes and looked at me annoyed.

“Well, I needed some moments of silence too. He had been talking shit since earlier,” I said before shrugging my shoulders.

“I was just having fun with you, and you cheated on me. Who told you to snap my neck like that?” He said before cracking his knuckles.

“The first rule of a fight is to not turn your back on your opponent and always be aware of your surroundings until you are sure that you’ve won,” I said before standing.

I looked at Daniel as he came forward ready to fight me, and I knew, this time I am surely going to be beaten black and blue.

I used Ashton’s distraction to defeat him, but I knew that this fight with Daniel is going to be the real difficult one. He has seen all my tricks already, and I know he won’t be distracted so easily.

“Hey, why don’t I take a little bit of rest. I have been-” My words were cut short when Daniel threw an ice dagger straight towards my heart, which I was barely able to catch at the last second, only far enough for it to not pierce my skin.

“Jesus, are you trying to kill me?” I couldn’t help but shout as I looked at him with disbelief.

“Focus,” He said with a smirk, and before I could say anything, more than hundreds of those ice daggers were sent my way, making Ashton take a step back. Nice move indeed.

Creating the fire shield in front of me that will melt the ice, I kept taking a step back when I noticed that the fire wasn’t completely burning the daggers. Though they weren’t as sharp as earlier. They still felt like hard ice balls when they hit me.

“Try harder!” Daniel shouted, and before I could look up, I was attacked by his ice again.

“Will you give me a second to collect myself?” I shouted, unable to speak, as it was hard for me to even look amidst all those sharp things that were piercing my skin.

Seeing the blood oozing out of my hands, falling on the ground that I had placed in front of my face to protect myself, I couldn’t help but bring out a metal shield with my magic that protected me from the ice slabs.

I was basking in relief that I was able to protect myself when the shield that I brought suddenly disappeared.

“Hey! You can’t take my things like that!” I shouted, feeling strangely angry because he wasn’t listening to me.

Now I understand what Ashton meant when he said he was just having fun with me. I am sure he was just having fun with me, and I also know that Daniel is not using his full potential, or I wouldn’t have been standing here. I would have fallen unconscious long ago.

“Daniel, stop! The daggers are piercing through her skin.” I heard Ashton scream at Daniel as I fell to my knees, barely holding the pressure of those daggers.

“I have barely started, Ashton,” Neptune said, and I felt embarrassed at his comment. He was barely starting and I was already like this?

Taking the support of the tree through my back, I stood back on my legs before walking towards Daniel with great difficulty.

Now I understood why he was using these ice daggers on me. He was trying to calm down the heat inside me, knowing all too well that it is the most developed power of mine, making it hard for me to refute his attacks.

Opening my eyes trying to look through the daggers I tried to move through them before lifting my hand in the air, creating a large shield of blue flame that crushed all the ice daggers at once.

Now it was my time to attack him and I was ready for that.

“FEUER SOLL BRENNEN” I chanted and thousands of balls made of fire went straight towards Daniel.

I thought they would make a difference, but who was I kidding. He was the king of the dark witches for God’s sake. He raised his fingers in the air and turned all the fireballs into ice cubes before making them disappear.

“It was a nice try.” He said before smirking at me, and before I know anything, he lifted me in the air and threw me back into the lake.

I don’t know why but from his eyes, it felt like he was trying to tell me something. Like he wanted me to do something. Like he wanted me to learn something with his actions.

But what was it?

I gulped plenty of water before trying to surface on the water, however, as soon as I surfaced, he pushed me back inside.

“Daniel, stop! That’s enough for today. She will die at this pace. You must know that she is not familiar with her powers yet,” I heard Ashton screaming for me, and I wanted to be thankful to him, but right now, my main focus was on surviving this attack.

“She will have to survive this,” Daniel said before I was pushed back inside.

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