My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 154 - Book-2 -69 A Safe Escape


“Are you guys for real?!” I couldn’t help but shout as soon as they opened the door with a loud bang. I could see their eyes going wide as they took in my appearance, and I felt my face burning with embarrassment. ​​

I had just taken a shower because I was feeling kind of uncomfortable and dirty since I had a rough fight outside the mansion, and no one bothered to help me take a bath when I was down, and with the appearance of Azrael in my room and fussing about how we weren’t including her in our plan and everything, my bath had gotten delayed. And currently, I was standing in the middle of the room with just a towel around me when they had opened the door.

Of course, this was the image I wanted to portray in their heads. I had faked this look of mine deliberately for them to think about things like this.

It was a good thing that Grandfather’s senses were sharper than mine, and he immediately knew that Daniel has felt his presence, and thus, he disappeared before Daniel could come here and check upon him.

Meanwhile, I came up with this idea to give my grandfather a little bit more time, knowing all too well that Daniel will be stunned for a few seconds, and won’t dare to enter the room while I was standing like this, and won’t think about my grandfather for some time, which will buy my grandfather more time to teleport back to his mansion without getting his trails caught.

“We- we are sorry, Victoria!” Ashton was the one to reply before he closed the door behind me, and I was left in the room alone again.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I clicked my fingers before dressing decently again. Thank god, it worked.

“You guys can come inside,” I said before sitting back on the bed lazily.

“So? What was so important that you guys couldn’t even knock on the door?” I asked.

Looking at their reddened face, I smiled a little before looking at Alexander

I don’t know if it was peer pressure or something, as he has seen me already, but he was looking too cute with the shy expression on his face. I wanted to stand and pull his cheeks cutely, but knowing that we weren’t alone and he was a king, I huffed loudly before shifting my gaze to all of them.

“It was Daniel. I swear,” Ashton said, putting all the blame on Daniel, and though Daniel glared at Ashton for ratting him out, he didn’t say anything to refute it either.

“I felt the presence of a very strong witch in the mansion. The Magna was coming more from your room. It felt like the Magna of a twelfth-tier witch or a king. Was someone here?” He asked me, his eyes searching the room to find any clue that could help him locate the witch or the Magna.

Was someone here in my room? Of course, someone was here. My grandfather has come to meet me.

Why you may ask? Because the old man was missing me.

He was missing me soo much that he couldn’t even wait for thirty more days to meet me.

“I don’t think there was anyone in my room. Can you still feel someone? Should I be worried? Is someone spying on me on behalf of my grandfather?” I asked, masking a concerned look on my face.

“I don’t feel that powerful energy anymore. And no, Victoria. You don’t need to feel scared. As long as we are here in the mansion, nothing will happen to you, we promise. Can you give me your hands? Let me feel your Magna. It can be because of your powers too,” Daniel said, and I extended my hand for him, his words making me a little bit guilty.

I didn’t want to hide from them either, but if I won’t hide it, then they won’t work this hard either, and everyone will suggest the sacrifice of my grandfather as a solution to all the problems and this was the last thing I want to happen.

Feeling the skin of my hand by massaging my knuckles through his thumb, he closed his eyes before chanting some spells. After a few seconds of chanting spells, he opened his eyes and looked straight into my eyes, his eyes deep look, unnerving me a bit.

Don’t tell me he found out the truth. Don’t tell me all these years of hiding my relationship with my grandfather has gone to waste.

I was tensed because I didn’t want him to know that I was meeting my grandfather behind their back while they were preparing me to fight him. I didn’t want them to know that the man they are fearing would kill me has decided to sacrifice himself for me if nothing works out. I didn’t want them to get hurt. I know it will hurt them when they’ll come to know about the truth, but a little bit of hurt was much better than losing my grandfather’s soul.

I didn’t want them to know, because that way they’ll work harder and will try their best so that I won’t need to confront my grandfather, which will risk my life.

I wanted Daniel to work harder in finding the cure. The cure that will remove Madeline from my life permanently and we all come out with the longer side of the stick in the end. I wanted all of us to win and survive.

Our goal was the same, just the working methods were different.

“I think your energy is becoming stronger,” Daniel said after a long pause, making me sigh in relief.

However, something was wrong with his gaze. Though he was saying those words, he looked at me like he was suspecting me about something, and I didn’t like it for a single second.

“If you are done inspecting then why don’t you leave my hand so that I can go back to sleep? Or do you want to join me?” I asked Daniel, who immediately left my hands as if they were on fire before coughing out aloud to hide his embarrassment. Looking at the other two guys, I was stunned when I saw tier jealous gaze and couldn’t help but gulp awkwardly.

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