My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 215 Raising your value

Chapter 215 Raising your value

A minute later when the busty girl in the nightclub went to the bathroom, the illusion shattered, freeing the four ninjas from queef village...

In the end, it turned out it wasn’t a divine technique at all; just a nice pair of tits...

Sometimes it do be like dat tho...


Sighing, Beluga returned to the issue at hand as the harp music exited the scene...and the club track re-emerged. "So what were we talking about? Ideal nip size?"


The three juniors all shook their heads, as Antonio answered. "No. Seduction techniques for raisin’ value."

Beluga looked a bit disappointed...but he followed up regardless. "There are two approaches to reducing the value gap with the target. The first is to raise your value. The techniques for that are the same as you would use for building attraction, as long as they’re indirect. So besides for working on yourself to increase your value over the long term, you can utilize the short term methods.

I know you’re aware of some of them already such as teasing. So I’ll show you something new. Before that though, I need to emphasize an important point—many of the things females find valuable aren’t easily judged at a glance. For example, let’s say I tell a woman I’m the CEO of some company. I’m hinting to her that I’m rich, powerful, assertive, and a host of other traits females appreciate. Now, answer me this: if I tell her that and hand her this thing, won’t she believe I’m a valuable man?"

Beluga took out a silver card holder from his inner jacket pocket and handed Chuck a business card that read:

"CEO Eugene Hershman

Beluga Industries, LLC."

Chuck gasped. "Wow! I had no idea! Are you a CEO?"

Beluga smirked. "You could say that..."

Chuck blinked. "What do you mean?"

Showing a confident expression, Beluga clarified. "I’m the CEO...of those business cards."


Meanwhile, Ben grabbed the card from Chuck’s hand and stared at it. "Look at that subtle off-white coloring... The tasteful thickness of it... Oh my God, it even has a watermark..."

His hand shook, as the card fell to the ground... "I’m a bit lost. What uh, kind of business are you in?"

Beluga stood up straight. "Mergers and acquisitions."

"Fancy." Chuck’s eyebrows elevated.

Beluga nodded. "I merged by name onto those business cards and made an acquisition for a batch of them."


Ben squinted. "So, in other words—you’re a corporate executive brahfficer..."

Antonio translated. "These cards are bullsh*t..."

Realizing the implication of this, Ben showed a hesitant face. Although he didn’t mind fibbing about small things, this seemed a little too much. "Are you suggesting we do this? Isn’t this a bit...misleading?"

Beluga chuckled. "Misleading? What is a CEO anyway? Look..."

He gathered his words as the three grimaced...

Beluga snorted. "You can call it misleading, but do you know how often females mislead men? All the time!

Makeup itself is misleading. Plastic surgery is misleading. Playing hard to get is misleading!"

At these words, everyone couldn’t help but consider the uncomfortable truth behind that... Even the youngest Chuck looked down with a troubled expression, as if realizing Beluga had a point.

Sighing, Beluga put the cardholder back into his jacket pocket. "Don’t focus on the cards. They’re an extreme example and I rarely even take these out. You can do whatever you want, as long as you understand this—the point is not the cards, but what this example implies."

"Which is what?" Ben asked.

Beluga replied. "That many aspects of value are not apparent at first glance; Your job, background, personal history, almost everything but your looks. These are all things that females try to discover about you as they probe you with questions and glances. There’s communication happening, and the point of all this, is you can control what messages you send!"

Out of nowhere, Antonio realized something. "You’re talkin’ about DHV’s!"

Beluga nodded with appreciation. "That’s right—DHV’s, short for displays of higher value. These are the messages you deliver to females communicating your high value. The common ones you know of are expensive items: your car, watch, clothes. Then there are things that aren’t necessarily expensive but suggest at social status or other desirable traits, such as these business cards, glasses for intelligence, or simply wearing a formal suit.

On top of that, there’s an even simpler way! Although showing is more effective, you can also tell stories! Tell them about those expensive trips you took to exotic lands. Tell them about your beautiful ex-girlfriend, and then show pictures of your pretty 2nd cousin..."

Antonio narrowed his eyes. "When you gonna introduce us?"

"Never!" Beluga’s face became cold.


Then, he looked at Ben. "You got a job at a top media company, right? You should get some business cards printed soon. In any case, the point is that what you show, what you say, and whether you exaggerate is up to you. True or false isn’t the key, but this, Benjamin, is how you raise your value!"

Ben exhaled. He agreed the principle of communicating value was important, but couldn’t help notice his outlook differed from Beluga’s. Ben wouldn’t get fake business cards printed to create an identity girls liked. He believed the focus should be on genuine value. If one didn’t have such value, then put effort into creating it! It wasn’t all about getting laid, at least not until the approach of his mission deadline! "A lot to think about. It’s not simple."

Antonio patted his back, having already heard of this technique, but still learning from Beluga’s deeper explanation. "It’ll get simpler as you get used to it. In fact, I’ve been experimentin’ a bit with this myself. Sometimes I tell chicks I’m from Vermont and have an emergin’ maple syrup conglomerate..."

Chuck winced. "How’s that working out?"

Antonio gave a shaky nod. "It’s gettin... You know, it’s gettin."


Beluga put a hand on Antonio’s shoulder to encourage him. "Don’t worry, you’ll become accustomed to it. Of course, there is another way to decrease the value gap with the target, although it’s risky because it can backfire."

"Oh, what is it?" Ben became interested.

Beluga replied, "Instead of raising YOUR value, you could lower the value of the female!"

Hearing this, Ben’s eyes shined! "You’re saying I can lower people to my level?!? I’m good at that! Tell me more!"


Beluga nodded. "This is a subtle form of a put-down. In simple terms, you say something to a female that drops her self esteem or causes her to question her own value. In this way, her self-perceived value drops, along with her desirable value range. Then, even if your value is lower, you’ll enter her downgraded range.

For example, let’s say I approached that woman there, and picked up a piece of lint off her dress, implying there was more on it. Wouldn’t she fear she was wearing a dirty dress now? Becoming worried about how she looked? Her perception of her value would lower from that point onward. This called the neg!"

"But what if there’s no lint?" Chuck asked.

Smirking, Beluga reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of lint.


"There’s always lint..." He replied, before putting it back, not wanting to waste good lint.


Ben wasn’t preoccupied with the lint though. He’d be sure to stock up later...

Instead, he focused on what he believed this meant for him. "Are you saying...I can get insulting them?!?"

His jaw dropped. ’Is this the moment my trash to trees talent turns out to be divine tier?!?’

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