My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 220 Never give up, never surrender to bating

Chapter 220 Never give up, never surrender to bating

Standing in the middle of the nightclub, which at the moment, was heavy on male chub...Ben wasn’t willing to give up. Not after working so hard, not after wasting an item, not it was mostly the item...

That was fine though because as if recognizing his determination, the system sent him an alert.

[Challenge conditions met]

[Optional Challenge initiated]

[Special Optional Challenge: Mission Incockable - Seduce a new woman, who is an 8+ in looks, from your current location within the next 4 hours]

Seeing this, Ben hurried to glance at the time on his phone. In theory, 4 hours was enough to extract a girl from here and take her home, but it would be tight. As for the bathroom or another private area, it wasn’t possible here because they were too crowded.

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Incurable impotence for 3 months]

Seeing the punishment, Ben’s face became solemn. ’They want to put my little brother in a system-induced coma?’

It was harsh, but when he considered that the challenge was optional, he understood; He had the choice to decline it, which may have been part of the reason for the difficult penalty.

Ben considered it with care. He was making good time on the death challenge to raise all his stats to an average of 8, but at the moment, only one of his stats reached that point. Even if it was looking good now, if the system made him impotent for 3 months, that would change everything.

It would upgrade the difficulty to nightmare mode. Then, not only would it be an arduous mission to get any new points or women, but if he wanted any chance of keeping his current girls, he’d have to pretend to have developed an oral sex fetish along with abstinence...

On top of that, he’d even need to hide his own schvontz, using some sort of magician’s sleight of wang...

Like a penile version of Weekend at Bernie’s...

[Do you wish to accept the challenge?]

See this prompt, Ben was hesitant on how to reply. ’I could use the stat point, but...’

The consequences of this challenge were no joke. Even the name the system created for it was meaningful: Mission Inc*ckable...

Ben understood that it chose to parody that movie in particular for one simple reason: it was a global success and thus an easy reference for his fans...

Besides that though, it was because the mission right now seemed almost impossible. Those rich guys in VIP locked down the majority of women in the club, making it beyond difficult for anyone but them to hook up with a woman tonight. And that wasn’t the only problem.

Even if all the girls weren’t in VIP, there were many horny alphas around, which would lead to inevitable competition. Yet, even if there were no men there, it wouldn’t be easy, because the final challenge, last but not yeast, was with the girls themselves...

These ladies were top class. It meant there would be a mountain of sh*t tests to sift through if one even dreamed of seducing them in such a short time. All in all, it seemed truly inc*ckable...

’Should I accept?’ As the club music thumped in the background, Ben furrowed his brows for a while, as he contemplated the best move. If it was the old him, he would’ve taken the safe route without a second thought. But that was the old him...

’I swore to myself after I cleared the last death challenge that I’d make sure to live my life well and as I choose. I can’t do that playing it safe. Plus, I don’t believe this sadistic system will allow me to either.’ Exhaling and closing his eyes, like he was using his imagination cause there were no pics...Ben made his choice. ’I accept!’

At that moment, a new timer activated.

[Remaining time: 03:59:59]

[Remaining time: 03:59:58]

[Remaining time: 03:59:57]

Watching the countdown, Ben nodded. ’Let’s make it happen.’ In reality, the decision was risky, but it wasn’t reckless, and he didn’t only make it because of shounen courage...

The ultimate reason he accepted the challenge, was that Ben had a plan!

As a downcast Beluga, Chuck, and Antonio prepared to exit Latrine, Ben spread a confident expression as he stood in front of them. "Wait, we shouldn’t leave yet..."

Beluga shook his head. "Benjamin, struggling here would be a waste of time. We might as well go somewhere else and make the most of it."

"It’s not a waste of time. Trust me, I can fix this..." Ben’s face became serious.

Beluga showed a helpless smile. While he appreciated the courage of youth, he believed people should make do with that they have. Even so, he didn’t mind hearing Ben out. "What is it?"

"It shouldn’t take long. Just wait here for a few minutes." Putting his friends on pause...Ben turned around as he walked towards a particular location--Outhouse. On the way, he considered the details of his idea. The first step worked: he succeeded in stopping his friends from becoming premature evacuators...

Now, he only needed to sort out a couple of issues, and after a few seconds, Ben smiled. He’d completed the plan. So, with everything laid out, he commenced!

Reaching the edge of the VIP area, he approached the bouncer blocking off the roped entrance. Seeing the more than 100 beautiful women behind that rope, Ben wanted to jump over it and start humping in random directions...

In this place, he wouldn’t have to hump long before hitting 5 beauties!

Yet, when he saw the 6 foot tall, 300 lb husky-fat bouncer there, Ben knew he wouldn’t win through power. Glancing at that mid-section, he was pretty sure one well-timed hip-thrust would send him flying. That meant the only choice was to fight using technique. ’How do I get through this tub of love???’

At this moment, the bouncer also spotted Ben, and narrowed his eyes. ’He better not be thinkin’ I’m fat...’


The bouncer crossed his arms. ’This right hea...all muscle boi...’


*Author’s Note: Please remember to vote daily so we can get MPUAS to number one!

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