--- Chapter 118 ---


A dreadful shout reverberated in the Bael Mansion.

The devil kings recognized this voice and looked at the person, who landed near the decapitated head of Katerea Leviathan. It's a good-looking devil with black hair tied in a ponytail and long ears, wearing a black tunic with red accents and a black cape.

"Creuserey Asmodeus." Falbium Asmodeus commented while brushing off dust from his clothes. Huo Yuhao's concept of destruction destroyed the building around them, so some debris was bound to hit them. Well, only fine dust resulted from his aura, weirdly.

Ajuka Beelzebub frowned because everything went too well. He looked at Huo Yuhao and solemnly pondered about the message Grayfia Lucifage passed on to the devil kings before contacting the Great King Faction.

'There will be a slight disturbance, and some rats will come out of their holes when the meeting is ongoing.' He couldn't help but be amazed by Huo Yuhao's ability to lure out the Old Satan Faction.

Ajuka coldly trembled when realizing how terrifying Huo Yuhao was and mumbled, "He wanted to take over the devils in one swoop, destroying two factions left with one stone."

"After that, there are no four factions anymore. Only devils under the Dragon Nest."

Huo Yuhao stared at Creuserey and was bored because he didn't meet the criteria to become his opponent. This guy only possessed pure devil blood with decent talent, but he somehow exuded such an arrogant air.

He doesn't want to use this term. Yet, no matter how he sees it, Creuserey is canon fodder.

He looked down and watched Skye(Azure Sky Dragon's Shadow) wagging its shadowy tail like a dog, 'Did I become too proud of myself too? Nope, this guy is just too weak.'

"I won't let this slide! I'll show you the true might of the original devil kings' descendant!!" Creuserey roared while flexing a purple snake tattoo on his right arm.

"Taste the snake blessed by the infinity dragon god, Ophis!"

The devils from the Great King Faction were dumbfounded when hearing Ophis's name because people believed the Ouroboros dragon was equal to Huo Yuhao in status and strength. They didn't realize the child in Huo Yuhao's seat was Ophis herself.

Even Ophis was confused when her name "suddenly." was mentioned by Creuserey. This guy is dumb for fighting Huo Yuhao, but she can't take her snake back immediately. Huo Yuhao instructed her to relax and watch the show.

'Candy is more important than you, Celery. Was it his name? Whatever Celery is green, and I don't like green.' Ophis picked a candy from her pouch and enjoyed it while watching the show.

"HAHAHA, The power within my darkness is awakened!!" Creuserey Asmodeus yelled in excitement, leaving Huo Yuhao's contracted souls speechless.

'Fuck, So Cringe!' Tian Meng felt a shiver running through her body.

'Even this beautiful me knows her limit when showing greatness, foolish devil!'

Bing Di and Eluxia nodded as they somehow had to agree with Tian Meng's statement this time because the Skydream Ice Worm at least knew her limit.

"Star Extinguishing Blast!" A massive green magic circle appeared before them.

Huo Yuhao didn't even bother to defend himself and commented, "Well, I have never seen someone so shameless yet proud when using borrowed power."

"Your ancestors would cry upon seeing this sight."

"SHUT UP! What do you know about my origin!" Creuserey clenched his fist tightly.

"Just go die!"

Asmodeus Clan's ability was called Starsend Moment, which allowed them to control the star energy in the atmosphere. It merged with demonic power and let the wielder unleash much powerful magic.

Massive energy erupted from the magic circle, flying toward the half-destroyed castle.

"Bronzy." Huo Yuhao commanded the Bronze Monarch's shadow general without blinking his eyes. "Corrosion."


A massive shadow jumped from the shadow and stood over the mansion like a small mountain. It has a mainly shadow-like body with metallic brownish scales all over the body. And last, a long yet spiky tail with a hammer-like end.


"BRONZE ERA! ROAR~!!" Bronzy let out a piercing dragon roar.

The new monster created a tremendous shockwave filled with unknown property and let it face Creuserey's attack, causing a space and time disturbance in the area.


Creuserey watched his attack make contact with Bronzy's shockwave and lost momentum for some reason. The magic rapidly becomes weaker, and the star glitters within it, turning into rusty dust.

"T-This is..." Even Grayfia was surprised by Bronzy's ability.

As the descendant of the Lucifuge Clan, Grayfia knew very well how potent Starsend Moment was. It does not just amplify Asmodeus-Blooded Devils' strength but also enchant their demonic power to be more resistant against other magic.

The wielder of Starsend Moment also granted traits from the stars and allowed them to unleash powerful attacks by igniting their blood. The original Asmodeus was rumored to have complete control of this ability and could draw star power indefinitely.

Yet, that means nothing before the Bronze Monarch.

"How??" Creuserey was in disbelief.

Huo Yuhao smiled and commented, "I'm the one who killed your pitiful ancestor with these very hands. Do you think you could defeat me with that half-ass attack? Several hundred years too soon, boy. Even your ancestor couldn't scratch me."

"I-I have Ophis's snake. I'm invincible!" Creuserey stuttered but kept his pride and stature firm.

Huo Yuhao shook his head gently and added, "Then, have a pleasant fight with my servant."

"Go, Bronzy. He's yours."

"Kukuku, take my bronze era, mongrel!" Bronzy shouted and rushed toward Creuserey, creating some earthquakes with each step. A thundering battle roar echoed in the mansion as everyone watched the massive dragon blast Creuserey away with its tail.



"I can't DIE-!"


The full force of Bronzy's tail struck Creuserey and turned the devil into a meat paste, sticking to the mana barrier. Another descendant of the original devil kings has passed away.

[Objective: 2/3]

Everyone gasped in horror. It's brutal.

Too brutal for their eyes, but they couldn't do anything about it.

After all, those indifferent cold blue eyes don't even look at them like living beings. Death is not new to them, but when Huo Yuhao does it, they feel unimaginable fear and dread from the deepest part of their souls.

"What do you think?" Huo Yuhao asked the devils with a smile.

"Should we continue this meeting with some lives on the line? Or reschedule because I want everyone. I want every devil clan in the Underworld to attend it."

That's not a smile of a human, nor a dragon.

That's the smile of the cruelest devil they ever see.

"Ah, before that. One rat wants to run away." Huo Yuhao suddenly said while gazing at the magic circle around the mansion. Magicians should have poured at any moment, but he sealed the space in this area beforehand, preventing anyone entering besides people with Title Douluo's strength.

Huo Yuhao flicked his finger and created a wormhole, forcing a devil man to smack his face onto the concrete floor. Everyone was startled again and stared at this new guy with solemn gazes.

"Another one... Shalba Beelzebub." Ajuka squinted his eyes because this man was the last descendant of the original Beelzebub. Well, according to the data, that's it.

Shalba gritted his teeth and cast teleportation magic, which "instantly." was canceled by Huo Yuhao. To be precise, Shalba's magic circle got damaged into pieces before even being activated.

"Huh?" He looked at his magic circle, grumbling in irritation.

Huo Yuhao turned around and said, "It's useless because all your magic would get canceled upon entering my vision. I'm still working on it, but this ability is convenient and powerful."

For once, Huo Yuhao used the Belial Clan's ability, Worthless.

Worthless is a Demonic Power that allows the user to invalidate the special abilities or demonic powers of others. Despite its potency, it does have several weaknesses. The user must understand the properties of the objects they intend to nullify to render them "worthless." completely.

And Huo Yuhao cheated his way out of Worthless's weakness because he could see the origin of all things with his eyes and used it up to 120%. He only needed one glance to know the mystery behind something.

Though, only one mystery remained a mystery throughout Huo Yuhao's life. And that's women.

"So Shalba, is there any last word you want to say?" Huo Yuhao created a sword with his sacred gear. It's a sword filled with holy power, having the property to burn the devil's body and soul to the dust.

Shalba sucked a cold breath, shivering when feeling the holy power from Huo Yuhao's sword. He looked around and wanted help but remembered he was attacking this place to spread his influence.

"K-Kill me..." Shalba said while looking down.

"Very well." Huo Yuhoa casually swung his sword.

However, beyond everyone's expectations, Shalba suddenly pulled out a dagger and lunged toward Huo Yuhao. This dagger is quite weird as black liquid dripped from it.

"DIEEEEE!!" He stabbed Huo Yuhao's chest.

"YUHAO!" Grayfia, Kuroka, and Ophis panicked.

Ophis could feel a terrifying substance from the dagger and grasped her budding chest because she felt pain in her heart when seeing this. She doesn't want Huo Yuhao to get hurt, despite knowing no one should be able to injure him in this world.

'What's this feeling? I felt lost. Like the time when Baka Red stole the dimensional gap from me.' Ophis thought, dropping a drop of tears.

"Aww... So cute. You wanted to poison me with this dagger?" Huo Yuhao's amused voice entered their ears. "Very unfortunate, my poison resistance is quite high, you know?"

[Samael's Poison has invaded your body] Evo notified with a dull tone.

[You have resisted the poison]

[You have received no damage from Samael's Poison because of Heavenly Poison Body and Sky Poison Pearl]

[Poison Resistance has reached level 369]

"Too bad, right?" Huo Yuhao slashed Shalba's body in half, hearing the cry of agony from the devil.


[Objective: 3/3]

[You have finished the quest]

[Rewarding 10 Silver Upgrading Tickets and 1x Martial Technique Lucky Spin]

Huo Yuhao threw his new sword into the Azure Emperor Vault and told his shadow general to prepare themselves as he would let the magician enter the mansion's area.

"Fia, place a barrier on the room." Huo Yuhao returned to his seat.

Grayfia nodded and immediately created a barrier, hearing a finger flick from Huo Yuhao. They watched hundred upon hundred of magicians summoned around the mansion, but a second later, a violent gust blew them away from existence.

Blood splattered everywhere, making some old devils remember the Great War. A monster floated in the sky with a bloodied battlefield below him.

"Bronzy, leave some for interrogation." Huo Yuhao moved his gaze back to the devils in the meeting room.

"You want to reschedule the meeting, right?"

"Right??" His piercing blue eyes gaze straight into their souls.

"Y-Yes, Blue-Eyed Dragon God." They are pressured and nod in defeat, having no way to fight him back.


The Bael Mansion was renovated by Skye and Bronzy, leaving only the castle, as everything within 100 kilometers radius is a mess. Of course, no friendly fire beside Lord Bael because Huo Yuhao only wants to make an example for them.

"Everything is over, my liege." Skye and Bronzy bowed before Huo Yuhao.

"Good job, take a rest." Huo Yuhao nodded lightly.

A crimson magic circle appeared in the sky, and Sirzechs Lucifer appeared in his black suit. "What happened?" He was confused.

Huo Yuhao waved his hand and said, "Yo, you're late to the party."

"Party..." The devils' mouths twitched in disbelief. They couldn't believe this monster at all.

As every devil in the room was terrified by Huo Yuhao's carefree attitude, three beauties of the Underworld watched him with a glistening and admiring gaze.

'Yuhao-sama, so cool~!!' Grayfia waved a pompom excitedly in her mind.

Serafall felt complicated by her feelings. After all, Huo Yuhao murdered the devil king's descendant in cold blood. She liked he was decisive but also hated him for murdering without a sense of remorse.

She's no saint but wished for slight remorse from him.

'I hope he could be a proper lord of the devils. Wait, why don't I help him to become one? That's one of Magical Girl: Levia-Than's abilities. Bringing hope to the underworld~!' Serafall suddenly thought to herself.

Venelana Bael bit her lips a little because Huo Yuhao's action was so hot in her eye, so dominating and aggressive, leaving no room for argument as he was absolute.

"Maybe... Maybe he could help me?" She mumbled silently.

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