Chapter 709: Side Chapter: Great Fun At Night

This was some real fuckin’ shit right here he’s got himself into right now. More than he bargained for, and definitely more than he even asked for.

Another date with Amelia. Not even in his wildest, wettest dreams, or even with all the money in the world could he even imagine himself actually getting the chance again.

Now here it was, a Christmas wish come true, a fervent prayer heard by the true OG in the clouds, and yet regret and fear was the only thing present in his state of mind.

He was curious at first, entirely compliant and eager in his ignorance. After all, it was all for Amelia’s sake. The girl says she wants to do what she wants to do, who was he to try and argue? Finally some answers. No more guesses, no more failures. Finally, he was about to find out the mystery of what this sexy vixen does for fun around these parts.

And after a transient, blissful drive back into the bustling beating heart of the city at night, Tyler received his answer.

Let it be known first and foremost, that when it came to the brunt of arduous challenges, he has never once shied away from ever rising to the occasion. All one needs was a single glimpse at his channel numbers to know that he talked the talk and walked the walk, people might lie, but subscribers don’t.

Unless you botted, but... nevermind that.


That aside, this here... Amelia’s twisted form of fun... this shit was too real for him. Too, too real indeed... and to state the obvious here, too fucking illegal even for a hardcore sigma male like himself.

The drunk and ditzy of every variety shambling the dirty, neon-filled sidewalks of the waking night pushed and bumped into him left, right and center... all around him, untucked business suits and crooked ties, the clack of high heels and the jingle of jewelry brimmed every inch of his surroundings.

From across the street, through the murky glass pane of a teeming pub, Tyler apprehensively watched a man dash out the door, leaving his stool swiveling in his haste, his anger and confusion momentarily overpowering the nightly bustle, as he desperately rummaged through his tailored suit and pants for a wallet that was no longer in his possession.

And once again, Tyler felt the cowardly urge beginning to take root once more... and he had to gnaw down on his bottom lip to try and hold back his words, pussy words at that.

“Is that reluctance I sense stirring in you? And here I even thought you the very least better than that.” came those fighting words, goading words like a caress to the cheek from those full luscious lips. “Tell me then, was I wrong after all to think that of you?”

Amelia was busy lightly rifling her extremely pointy fingers across the edges of a thick wad of dollar notes she pulled from a bulky leather wallet. From narrow slits, she plucked out business cards of lavish companies, credit cards of every color, and a variety of club memberships for every spa and resort situated within a hundred miles radius.

Items of luxury and status that in her eyes were worth only slightly more than the trash littering the streets. With graceful dissatisfaction, Amelia flung the wallet and its contents into the darkness of an alley, hitting something metal and hard with an echoing thud.

Tyler could only gape in horror and in absolute mindfuck. “That’s what you do with your lick after making off with like a bajillion?! You steal people’s shit just so you can throw ’em?!”

“And just what are scrap of papers and metal cards of any use to me?” Amelia dully spoke. “If a ring, the beautiful glitter of a gemstone then those I find worth beholding. I had simply chosen my prey poorly then. I won’t choose as whimsically next time.”

“What, you, Amelia, you for real? If you didn’t want shit on his wallet, then why’d you steal his wallet?!”

“Why do we clean the filth from our homes? Why do we kill insects that crawl upon our skin? And if an individual should prove himself as only a waste of breath, then is it not only right he should receive some comeuppance?”

“Are you quoting Issac Einstein or some shit? What are you even trying to say?”

Amelia groaned raspily. “Because he was simply being an annoying little bastard of a human being.”

“Okay, that’s better,” Tyler sighed, his last surviving brain cells crying in relief. “So, uh, what... you only steal shit from people you find annoying or something?”

“Deserving,” She clarified, closely scanning the overflowing traffic rampant on the sidewalks. “Those that have what’s unneeded, owning but undeserving... it is those people alone I find most vexing of all.”

“And this is seriously what you do for fun?” He continued to ask. “Like every night, you come here and you... sly cooper the fuck out of people?”

“Yes, now be silent already,” Amelia snapped irritably, her gaze perked in attention, in focus. “Keep watch now, and do so closely... I shall have you take a turn soon.”

Then just like the first time, Amelia did some ninja vanishing shit, and in the blink of an eye, she was all the way over fuck knows where. Tyler searched the crowd for any signs of her, and by some miracle of God, managed to spot her northbound where she was trailing a rowdy gaggle of party girls wearing enough gems and jewels all over to start excavating with a full mining crew.

“Holy fuck, how the hell-”

At a complete loss for words, a loss of thought. It was like everything he blinked, one girl would be missing one thing... and they all just laughed, chortled and swigged being absolutely none the wiser.

A minute later, Amelia popped up right beside him once again, like she just hit the spacebar to respawn on a teammate... her wrists draped with loose bangles, complimenting the many rings worn glittering on her fingers, a satisfied smirk upon her face of a heist successfully pulled.

Tyler gazed at the pimped-out lady before her, in all her grace, beauty, and absolute wickedness, and for the umpteenth time, felt the hard jolt and shiver of pure dread and horror.

“You know this shit’s illegal, right?” He whispered somberly to her, angling around to make sure they got the least amount of attention. “Stealing’s no joke, you know? The trouble you could get into-”

“You wish to know more of me as I am, did you not?” Amelia interrupted. “My ways, my interests, my likes...” more and more, the deep black in her eyes became wider and wider. “Do you mean to say you disapprove of me?”

Tyler felt his toes curling in his shoes. “It’s not that. I don’t mean it like that.”

“How do you mean it, then?” She pressed him on, almost as if relishing in his discomfort. “Come now, it is fine to admit your distaste. Feel at ease to express your displeasure. I understand my pastimes can be too much for most. So should you wish to go now, then you may... we’ll simply proceed on our separate ways.”

A choice, a decision. Tyler couldn’t almost believe what he was hearing.

He didn’t have to do it, he could just walk... that was what she was saying, what his brain had been telling him... just go... but no... he wanted to stay, he wanted to remain here still... because if the choice was leaving for good, or staying with her still... then really, it wasn’t much of a choice at all to begin with.

“If we get caught...”

Tyler attempted to oppose again, but just as quickly and efficiently, Amelia shut him down before he could finish.

“Should YOU get caught,” She firmly clarified. “Then, frankly, that is your own problem to deal with. Not my own,” then with that same goading smile, added, “Then again, it is still your own choice to make as to what you’ll do now. So what will it be?”

Dozens of challenges of videos, hundreds of uploads. He’s drove across the entire country without a map, went an entire week surviving on a deserted island, pulled people out of wreckages when it literally started pouring fucking blood from the sky.

Each and every one, he talked the talk and walked the walk...

He made his decision.

Slowly, he turned forward to the bustling night air, breathed in the crispy air of festive winter booze, and lifting one foot, swaying one arm-Tyler walked.

“Gimme five mins...” He muttered.

And faintly behind him, Amelia was snickering... it sounded degrading, condescending, but almost in a twisted sort of way...she sounded almost impressed too.

“I shall be watching you closely then,” She whispered before both her presence and her voice were swallowed deep in the frenzy of the night.

Alone and on his own, Tyler first began by promptly scouring his surroundings... keeping his heartbeat calm, his mind free of distractions... he began to think.

Go exclusively for bad people... that’s the main agenda here. And how does one go about separating the bad people from the good? Just see if they’re rich. After all, rich people bad, right? That’s... that’s how it usually goes, he thinks...

“Wait, I’m rich...” He muttered in a profound moment of self-realization. “Wait, so does that mean Amelia sees me like...?”

But instantly his thought escaped him, as he saw in the corner of his eye, the most well-dressed looking man out of the wandering hundred just shuffled past him a couple of seconds ago.

Even more interestingly, he’s got a girl with him, a date... a real pretty-looking one too by the looks of it. This has to be it, his most promising option.

Like in that one hitman game he played, Tyler began trailing the couple through the obscuring veil of the crowd, gradually and carefully narrowing the distance inch by inch until he was very well close enough to hear their conversation.

“I’m just saying, sweetheart, if that boy might just be in it to gain something, then-”

“And I’m telling you he isn’t,” The girl wearily interrupted. “He’s not like that, okay? In fact, he’s the complete opposite. I practically have to beg him to be greedy with how selfless he is.”

“Even so, if you cannot overlook the fact that you’re in a precarious position that some people-I’m not saying him specifically-but some people would want to take advantage of. With your reputation online, the wealth of your family, all those variables...”

“You’re saying he might be a golddigger.”

“Again, I’m not saying he is...” The Dad strongly reasserted. “But you have to consider motives too. If we take a look at his financial stability, his prospects for the future, it’s just-”

“Newsflash, Dad,” She proclaimed firmly. “It was me that confessed to him, not the other way around. I sought him out first, I was the one that made the first step, and I’m the one that fell in love with him first. I did everything first! Now, does he sound like someone with that kind of motive?”

For a few seconds, Tyler could only hear silence. The well-dressed man ran his fingers through his graying hair, visibly pondering.

“Everything?” He asked. “You first?”

“Yes, Dad,” The girl reaffirmed. “Me first.”

“Huh, well then...” with a scoff, the man went back to his dour tone of disapproval. “In that case, he sounds like someone with no balls to his name if he’s having you do all the hard work for him.”


“Now if we compare him to that other boy Nick on the other hand-”

“Oh my God...”

Tyler stopped following the duo, halting his pace in place, letting their discussion fade into the ambiance. Something was telling him that those folks have plenty enough trouble on their hands.

Probably best he go look for someone else to stalk instead.

In any case, whoever the hell the boyfriend in question was... he wishes him good fuckin’ luck...

Sounds like he’s gonna need it.

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