They were being… noisy. 

So very noisy. 

Sunlight poured and filled every inch of Amanda's apartment. It pounded at her head, leaving invisible, physical waves of pure light crashing down all around her. The noises just added to the discomfort. Their noises. 

Adalia breathed, and let her eyelids fall again. 

It helped. Somewhat.

"This is ridiculous," The Succubus exclaimed, her voice harsh and very, very loud. "You hounded me for my say, and now you're just gonna deliberately ignore it when I do give it? Oh, you're too much."

She debated scooting next to Ash, someplace a little further away, but that would mean moving. That would mean more discomfort. More violent waves to wade through. So, silently and grudgingly, she stayed… stayed and focused on the discussion as best she could. 

This was also to her benefit, after all.

"That's not your say, that's your stipulations. Two entirely different things, Irene," Amanda replied in turn, finishing another full revolution around the table for the fifth time now. "You can't just simply have the weekends 'cause it's convenient for you! We're all gathered here for compromises, not conveniences. Take me for instance, semester breaks ending soon. Don't think I'd want to pounce for the weekends too?" 

"Don't give me that. You choose your major, means you choose your classes, your days—really expect me to believe you're busy in lecture halls for the entire week?" 

"That is on top of streaming, movie shooting, and a bunch of other things way down on a long, long list. I rarely have an empty slot in my schedule nowadays." 

"Well, neither do I. Also, there's also the matter of his training, teaching him how to use his abilities. It's important that I have the free time to set aside for that." 

"Oh, yeah? Training, huh?" Amanda scoffed, her footsteps coming to a halt. "He talked to me about it yesterday, you know? Told me you haven't even started lesson one. From what I can gather, doesn't sound like it's much of a priority to you anyway. Not at the moment, at least." 

"You'd be wrong, then," Irene retorted. "Now's Saturday. So, right now. Today. This evening. He'll have much to learn. You ready to consider?" 

"Why does it sound like you just decided that right there and then?"

"You're imagining things."

"Fine, fine, Saturdays' are yours," Amanda relented. "Education's important, after all. And I guess I'd rather he knows what he's doing with his magic than blow himself up by accident or something. You just make sure he doesn't, alright?" 

"My free time, my concern to consider," Irene said with a huff. "That being said, I give no promises that he wouldn't blow himself up anyway for some noble cause." 

And then for a moment, a rare moment, there was a silent calm as the argument came to an end. Adalia opened her eyes slowly, and through shimmer and glints skewing her vision, saw Ash with her hand ever so slightly raised.

"Yes, Ash?" Amanda walked over, having noticed her as well. "Want to add in your timeslots now, go right ahead." 

"No, not exactly, but well, regarding that…" Adalia moved her head an inch, her bleary sights lifting to the view of sparkling green eyes. "Wouldn't it best if Master is also made aware of today's proceedings? I'm afraid I do not understand the necessity for this much secrecy, especially on such a matter pertinent to him." 

Amanda shook her head at her, both an amused and exasperated smile painted on her lips. 

"Maybe later, but not right now. Because, trust me, he'll have none of this nonsense. Breathe one word of this to him, and he'll shut it down instantly—probably with something along the lines of not wanting his time with us to be scheduled or… or artificial… or something like that." 

"Isn't it artificial?" Irene said flatly, raising an eyebrow. "Are we really fine with artificial?" 

"Look, it's only as artificial as we want to make it out to be! That is to say: not a chance!" Amanda said loudly. "Just because there's a schedule and a time now doesn't mean love's factory-made." 

"One woman's opinion," Irene remarked again.

"The right opinion," Amanda whirled around at her. "And don't you start. You're still here 'cause you agree too." 

"I'm still here because of you." 

"Whatever, we're straying off topic here!" Amanda said, an arm cutting through the air with a decisive finality. "Now listen, I'm feeling like Friday, Sunday, and Tuesdays are best for me if Saturdays are now a no-go, so…" 

"Excuse you, Fridays?" Irene spoke up again, wearing a gaze brimming with qualms. "I thought we'd agree—"

"That you'd get Saturdays, yes," Amanda interjected quickly and sharply. "I don't remember anyone agreeing you'd get Fridays too." 

"How do you expect me to teach him anything when I only have one day per week?" 

"I didn't say you only have one day, I just said you couldn't have Friday! Any other day is fine." 

"Oh, so it's inconvenient for you, I see."

"It's not… no…" Amanda attempted a laugh. It wasn't very convincing. "It's not about that. It's just, well…" 

"Amanda, I swear… you…!" 

It was getting noisy again, so Adalia slumped deeper into her seat, letting her eyelids fall once more, drowning the commotion and unrest in the pitch black behind her eyes. 

Quite some time must have elapsed, each side's argument blending away into an incoherent buzz because almost, she had allowed her focus to slip past her, the world around her escaping, darkening, until suddenly…


The room gradually returned to her view, blotches, and silhouettes that surrounded her unblurring, and in the finer details, noticed all eyes turned toward her, with Amanda's being the closest as well as the widest.

It seems the discussion has shifted.

"Your turn if you wanna say anything," Amanda said. "Given your condition, I'm not really sure what to propose for you. So, um, if there are days more particularly convenient for you…" 

"Convenient?" Irene interjected.

"Then feel free to speak up," Amanda continued, ignoring the demon by her side entirely. "I'm sure we'll be able to work something out." 

Adalia blinked. There wasn't much need for her to ponder her options now. From the moment Amanda sprung the idea, she had already long settled on her choice. 

"Every… day…" I think you should take a look at

Amanda blinked right back.

"Sorry, every-what?" 

"Every day…I want him… every… day…" she repeated feebly. "Can… I…?"

"Um, A-Adalia," Amanda was smiling again, sweetly, but also quite overtly. "You understand why that can't happen, right? It won't exactly be fair to the rest of us."

"It isn't… fair to me…" Adalia said slowly. "...that you can all… be with him… so easily… but I must struggle… push myself… if I want… to just see him… come back home…" 

No one seemed to have anything to say in response. Amanda's kind expression shriveled, contorting to an awkward grimace. A little left, and Irene was assessing her with a sort of intense intrigue and nothing else. 

"Your request serves only to oppose your capabilities," Ash said, the only one that dared to. "How do you intend to have Master at all times if you yourself are incapable of just that?" 

"I… won't…" Adalia answered. "I… can't…"

"O…kay, I think I'm a little slow on the uptake here," Amanda said, frazzling her locks, running a hand through them. "Do you mind spelling it out a little easier?" 

"I cannot… love him… the same way you are all… able to… to love him… the way he deserves…" Adalia mustered all she could to explain, heaving in, quivering out. "But… the days… I am able to… any day… every day… I can… I wish for all of you… to set aside your days… and simply… allow me… to love him… like you do…" 

There was another momentary pause in the discussion. A sudden silence shared by all. Adalia sank deeper into the soft, malleable padding of the couch, blinking away the sunlight and the pain, to inquire once more. 

"Can… I…?"

Irene was the first to stir, to speak.

"I can adhere to that," she said, stating matter-of-factly, as she veered her eyes toward Amanda instead. "How about it, Boss? Anything she demanded inconvenient to you in any sort of way?" 

"No…" Amanda replied, sounding audibly meek. "I guess… yeah, I guess that's fine with me too. Every day, any day you can. Yeah, that works." 

"Thank… you…" Adalia managed to whisper.

Through heavy eyelids, she saw Amanda smile stiffly in return at her before spinning around with an audible cough and attempt at composure. 

"So that just leaves, um… the remaining days left over to you, Ash. Tuesday, Thursday. You're alright with that? Or would you prefer exchanging a day with someone else—don't be afraid to ask. We're all friends here."

Adalia was tuning out, fatigue usurping her hearing between words, between seconds, and couldn't quite make out Ash's reply. However, she did definitely catch Amanda's shock and bafflement the next moment after.

"What do you mean you don't want anything?!" 

"I am simply content as I am, Lady Amanda," Ash said calmly, politely. "While, indeed, the appeal of such prospects tempts me so, alas, I feel such opportunities, such blessings, should be left only to those better suited." 

"No, no, no, this is—this is like the exact opposite of the whole point we're even here to begin with!" Amanda gaped at her. "You're telling me you don't want even a single day to yourself to spend with him?" 

"If you're able to provide him with a memory, an experience most remarkable, then yes, absolutely," Ash said with a smile without hesitation. "I wish and desire only the best for my Master." 

"So take a day! Heck, two—I'll give you three, take from me!" Amanda sounded flustered, and from what little Adalia could glean, looked even more so. "He needs—you need your time with him too, you know? Don't tell me you're opting out on him or something."

"No, never. I love my Master. In ways words and gestures could not justify. But please, understand me when I say the happiness I alone could impart to him would only prove sparse, meager… at least in contrast to what you, all of you, could provide collectively. And in relation, I simply pale in comparison."

Ash bowed her head, strands of silky white spilling over her shoulders, still animated as she looked back up, emerald eyes sparkling and momentarily even eclipsing the shining sun.

"So please, I implore you all, simply love him," she said. "Love him as long as you can, as much as you are able. Make each day, each hour spent with him infinitely better than the last. And once you have given all the love you have to possibly give… then finally, there I shall be… in those briefest moments, the smallest opportunities… ready and eternally grateful to provide him with the meager and sparse that I am able." 

It wasn't as noisy anymore. After Ash, came only a silence peaceful and profound. Irene's brow looked a little less furrowed, and Amanda's smile seemed only even thinner and stiff. 

"Oh, you, all of you… seriously…" she sighed, voice wispier as she dragged her heave. "How on earth do you expect me to… when you're all just so…" 

Slowly, almost lethargically, Amanda turned toward Adalia, somehow her gaze looking much heavier than her own. 

"Adalia, you can stay, sleep, until you feel better if you wish. Ash, I'll book you a ride home if you want."

"Oh?" Irene chimed in, blinking up at her. "Is that it? Are we done here?" 

"Yeah, meeting adjourned, I guess," Amanda muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose and looking rather strained. "Starting to regret even bringing this whole thing up in the first place." 

"That so? Then would you rather we make away with this whole stupid arrangement or…?" 

"No," Amanda immediately interrupted. "Heard Ash, didn't you? Not planning to drag my feet, gonna love and provide will all I got. It's the least I can do, me being me." 

"In that case…" Irene then got to her feet, her hard stare meeting Adalia's with a pause and even acknowledging Ash's with a passing glance, before promptly making her way toward the front door. "This has been… quite enlightening. Not the complete waste of time I suspected it to be." 

"Hey, same goes for you too, alright?" Amanda called out after her. "This evening. Can't do it, I'm more than happy to provide in your place." 

Through the closing, darkening gap of the front door, Irene glared at her from the other side, clicking it close. 

"Over my dead body." 

That troubled look still remained on Amanda's face, Adalia noticed. Long after Irene had left. It stayed a lingering imprint on her expression, visible especially, as she huddled closely beside Ash, phone in hand, the faint glow of it an exacerbating limelight. 

Quite curious. Quite peculiar. 

A question that she would have liked answered. 

If only she weren't so sleepy.

Adalia closed her eyes, and drifted to sleep, resting, content, that, at the very least, she had left the discussion quite satisfied with the outcome. 

Something that could not be said for a certain someone else.

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