Irene had me dropping her off back at the station. 

Never mind that it was already two to three ticks of the clock to the stroke of midnight. Diligence simply knows no rest, apparently, and neither does Irene… apparently. 

Let me just say that it really wasn't the best feeling in the world pulling up in front of the station doors, and having to see her off to more long, grueling hours behind a lonely desk, instead of her porch, her house, kissing her goodbye and with the hopeful wish of a rest goodnight.

Unfortunately, here, nothing much to hope for once she goes up those cold, concrete steps and through those large, sturdy double doors. Maybe a hot brew of coffee at the very least. 

"Go home, get a nice long sleep, okay?" Irene said to me as she landed on the sidewalk, stealing the sentiments right out of my head and robbing me of all pleasure from saying those words. "I'll see you at your shift tomorrow. Save my spot, make sure no one takes it." 

"You're gonna be there, not gonna drop dead from exhaustion first?" I took the helmet from her hands, channeling all my rustled feelings at the big, bad building behind her. "Sometimes it feels like you're the only detective they got in the entire precinct."

"You say that like I'm frail, overworked. Look at me, really believe a pile of paperwork, interrogation reports, and evidence gathering is going to be the death of me?" 

I didn't have to see anything more to believe anything else. Now, I don't exactly know the limit to a Succubus' endurance, but it's clear enough that Irene was still far from ever reaching that point. Except…

"That's not my point…"

"No, I know your point," she said, every single grievance I held validated by the soft look in her eyes. "But you know, my fellow officers—they all have lives too. And they all are only able to go back to it sooner, quicker, because I do what I do."

"So do you, Irene." 

"They have families, children," she retorted. "And lives like those, every moment matters, don't you think? The way I see it, their time is worth more than mine." 

I could only grumble, only defeated, only succumbing, because I couldn't think of anything else to clap back with after a point like that. 

"That's all there is to it, huh?" I mused out loud. "So, say, you have a family of your own—example—finally gonna start learning to live a little?"

"Example?" she chuckled, her eyes in a bemused squint. "You're really asking me this?" 

"I mean, if that's what it takes for you to value your time, then…" I threw an arm up, unsure of what I was even saying anymore. "Just answer the question." 

"Hm, well, in that case… going by the example you gave, umm…" Irene went silent for a moment, cupping her chin with a finger pressed over her lips in deep thought, before, gradually, a subtle smile began poking out at the edges. "I-I wouldn't know, can't really answer that one. Possibly? Perhaps? I don't know. We'll… We'll just have to see for ourselves." 

The way she said it, the way she sounded… less and less did it feel like just a hypothetical and more… like something more… tangible? 

I felt my throat squeeze, her words echoing in my head inadvertently shaping my own, and I suddenly asked her, "Will we?" 

Irene got quiet again. A completely different kind of quiet. No second needed to think, she took a step forward, leaned in close… her little smile disappearing in a tingling pressure, a slight, lovely warmth pressing against my lips before stepping back again, that endearing smirk little no longer. 

"Maybe one day," she whispered, before finally disappearing up those steps, through those doors, leaving me the same way she does everyone else: with my every impulse wanting for more. 

Never did say when that day would be, did she? Could be a long time from now, talking years, maybe more… or it could also be in no time at all.

Guess we really will see, won't we?

When I got back home, opening the front door, kicking off my shoes, and feeling the thermostat do its work, thawing away the layer of cold coating my entire body, I could have curled up on top of the doormat and entered dreamland right there and then. 

After the euphoric high Irene left me as a parting present had worn off, I was very rudely reminded how exhausted I actually was, and if not for Ash always dutifully ready to welcome me, I would have been fine sleeping on the floor like some dog. But in front of her? 

I'd rather never have a wink of sleep again than embarrass myself for her to see. 

I managed to mumble some sort of greeting, muster a smile, before I pivoted for the nearest armchair in sight. A little breather, just a couple of minutes to get my bearings… before I go on and die trying taking on the colossal task of clambering up a flight of stairs. 

Then something strange happened. 

I blinked once—not even a long blink, I don't think—and all of a sudden, it was deeper into the night, everything was quieter, darker and Mr. Black had decided to make a nest out of my lap.

Weird how that happens sometimes, huh? Casual time travel. Side effects include dizziness, dry lips, parched throat, and slight memory loss occurring all at once because apparently, the cost of breaking the space-time continuum is the equivalent of experiencing a mild hangover. 

I yawned, immediately catching the attention of something stirring in the dark. It was a moment later that I saw it—the vibrant green of Ash's gaze hovering closely by. 

"Ah, Master," she said, her approaching footsteps echoing in my ears. "How are you feeling? Would you like something to drink, perhaps?" 

"Urk…" I managed to say, which I believed was 'yes' in some ancient dialect. Fortunately, Ash spoke Pagan and took to the kitchen at once. "What time is it?" 

"Four in the morning, Master," came the immediate reply, and I felt something nice and warm gently push into my palms. "Drink. You may inquire more after, should you wish to." 

I chugged it down, a cascade of warm water running all the way down my throat. Just water, plain and simple. Yet, at that moment in time, the most delicious thing in the universe. No competition. 

Ash turned a dial, gradually illuminating the living room in a dim glow, and I discovered it wasn't just the two of us in here. 

Fast asleep on the couch to my left, Adalia slept away like a princess in her chambers. So graceful, so pristine, every inch of her slumber, and all without even any conscious effort on her part. Her hair… I don't remember it looking that way, or that good either.

Strands woven and tied into flowing waves of misty silver, curled in some ends, straight in others… with her ribbon holding it all together in place… dozens of tiny gems glimmering in the light. 

Amanda must have gotten her hands all over her. But for once, it was all for the better. If nothing else, she always knew how to go beyond complete perfection.

"You didn't sleep…" I muttered, dragging my heavy head toward Ash's direction. "But I should be expecting that by now, shouldn't I?"

"In your state, how could I ever hope for myself a peaceful night's rest?" She answered in kind, sitting on the sofa across from me where she presumably had been for the past few hours. "I assure you, Master. Keeping watch of you is just as much for my sake as it is yours." 

Her phone lay open right beside her, displaying a bright wall of text as far as I could see. Seems she's been reading to pass the time. Slowly but surely, I noticed, she's been acclimating to using her phone a lot more now. Give it a couple more months, and it'll be like she's been living in this world her entire life.

"Your clothes are stained, muddied…" Ash pointed out, grimacing a little. "I surmise your time with Lady Irene proved quite a taxing venture." 

"You surmise?" I repeated, cocking a brow. "No, I'm pretty you're doing a lot more than just surmising, aren't you?" 

Her ears twitched, stiffening. "Um, I… I'm afraid I don't follow." 

"Don't follow?" I parroted again, smirking a little now. "Because you really can't? Or you simply won't?" 

"I-I won't. No! I misspoke—I mean, no! Yes! I…I can't! I don't! I really do not follow, Master, um… what… yes, um… I feel we best turn to another matter entirely. Um, what would you like for breakfast in the morning?" 

Okay, yes, it's cruel, it's vile, I know. But it was just so cute watching her try and wriggle her way out of telling the truth. All in the attempt to keep Amanda's secret still a secret. What a trooper she was. 

Kinda makes me sad it was all in vain. 

"Not sure, Ash," I shrugged. "How about we ring Amanda to ask? She seems to know what's best for me every time, don't you think?"

Again, just those little ear wriggles… augh… why was it so fun to be so mean? 

"No, I…I don't suppose that's particularly necessary…" she stammered with elegance and grace, holding her head up high with eyes looking everything but into mine. "Actually, I—"

" involved in a nefarious scheme to automate the proceedings of my master's love life?" I finished for her quickly, much to her horror and dismay. "Yeah, I know." 

I peered at her, fists clenched, squirming, lips puckered and all, and finished the rest of my drink, trying to drown out my laughter.

"Quite the devious Elf you've become, haven't you Ash?" I said. "Naughty, naughty..." 

She went red, silent.

Oh, how adorable it was.


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