Kat PoV

When I had stumbled out of the forest and onto the snow laden plains, the first thing that washed over me was the relief of being free from the clutches of such a dangerous place.

That relief made me stumble as I felt my body rebelling against me, the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins for so long dissipating instantly, leaving me running off of the fumes left behind by the last set of fumes.

That's to say... I was on a completely empty tank of gas, and I could barely keep my eyes open as I stumbled forwards.

However, I needed to walk far away from this damnable forest so that I could properly rest, and I grit my teeth as I decided to do something that would keep me awake.

Without hesitation I unsheathed one of my daggers and stabbed the tip into my thigh, grunting as adrenaline resurged into my veins at the sudden pain.

Taking ahold of the wound, I pinched the flesh and inflicted more pain as I began to walk forwards, making sure that the wound remained so that I could focus my mind on something besides rest.

Obviously, I clotted the wound with my magic so that nothing could follow me, while also keeping a slight gale around me to diffuse my scent more, meaning the only way to figure out where I was was to use sight and hearing.

Luck was finally on my side though as the flurries turned to true snow, blanketing the plains in soft, fluffy white flakes while the winds picked up, shrouding the land in the beginnings of a storm.

Visibility was lowered and sound muffled on the open plains, and I smiled tiredly to myself as I walked through the storm, making my way over to the tiny hamlet I had seen off into the distance.

I wanted to reach that small hamlet and ask for shelter - or at the very least proper food - so that I could recuperate my energy much faster, so I put up with the dull pain of the self inflicted wound and the exhaustion permeating my body.

The hamlet wasn't too far away, maybe about an hour walk, and I managed to turn my brain off as I trekked over the small, rolling hills covered in fresh snow to reach this place, which was a cluster of about seven cabins and a few other smaller buildings, and I noted that the cabins were equipped with chimneys that spouted out smoke, suggesting warm fires inside.

When I reached the small community living in the wilderness, I approached the largest house and took a deep breath, dragging out the last of my mana and preparing to flee if I got bad vibes from the inhabitants.

Really, I should have rested outside on my own, away from people of any kinds as I recuperated my strength, but I felt like I needed normal interaction and a real meal to get back to my peak, and I certainly didn't have the energy to go hunting right now...

Honestly, when I stopped I would likely be out like a light for a good few hours, so that was why I wanted to at least get a bite to eat before hunkering down for the foreseeable future.

So, I rapped my knuckles against the door and waited, listening to the shuffling inside the cabin as my other hand rested on one of my daggers, prepared to free the blade and defend myself.

An old man opened the door, his wrinkled, weathered features paired with the long, flowing white beard making him seem ancient despite the rather fit, lean musculature that was hiding under his puffy shirt.

"Oh? A visitor? How can I help you, lass?"

His warm brown eyes were filled with wisdom as he smiled softly at me, and I smiled back, before looking past him to see a woman in her mid twenties looking towards me curiously.

"I was just... wondering if you had some food to spare? I can pay for it, of course."

I patted my coin pouch, and the man chuckled as he shook his head, stepping back and beckoning me inwards.

"No need for that, lass. It's a cold world out there, and I used to be an adventurer. Always been my policy to help those in need, since I understand the dangers of the world. Come! My daughter finished making some stew earlier... I think we have enough left over for you."

The woman nodded, a warm smile on her face as she gestured to the fireplace, where a pot hung over the flames.

Returning her smile, I stumbled inside and sighed, the warmth wrapping over my body wonderfully.

I couldn't sense any large quantities of mana radiating off of the two mortals; the old man had a bit more than the woman, but that would check out with his claims to be a former adventurer.

An axe rested against the door, used for woodchopping, while a plain steel sword hung above the fireplace on the mantle, surrounded by small knickknacks and trinkets.

The cabin was small and cozy, filled with the bare necessities for two people; two beds in the back - both of which were curtained off - a table, kitchenette, fireplace, rug, water basin...

Everything they could need, they had.

Gesturing to the table, the old man took a seat and sighed, rubbing at his knee as he asked "So what brings you out this far, lass? This isn't exactly a... bustling province of travel."

We exchanged smirks as he said that, and I sighed as I said "Nothing much, just... passing through. Storm got a bit bad, but I saw this little hamlet from afar and decided to stake a bet that I could get something to eat for the night."

He nodded, gratefully accepting the mug that the woman offered and sipping on it, before she placed a bowl in front of me.

I gave her a smile before taking the bowl, discreetly sniffing the contents as I tried to determine what was used and if it had any risk before bringing it to my lips.

Taking a 'sip' of it, I watched their expressions cautiously, but saw nothing besides curiosity and understanding, so I swallowed the thin broth, the warm liquid seeping into my cold body nicely.

"Well, we don't have a second bed, nor does anyone else in the community, so... sorry lass, but..."

The old man sighed as he looked around, gesturing at the floor, before looking at his daughter, who said "If you don't mind, traveler, we can share a bed..."

Her smile was warm still, and I could see that the old man was surprised at her words before shrugging.

I looked her over for a moment, unsure of what to do; my stacks of [Arousal] had grown as I had ran, so I wasn't of the soundest minds right now, but I was certainly too tired to do anything... not that I could anyways, inside a strangers house.

"Uh... well, as long as we're just sleeping, that's... fine with me?"

Her smile grew, and she chuckled softly as she nodded, saying "Either is fine, traveler. Go on, eat. Warm yourself up."

She stood back up and moved towards her bed, yawning as she said "The bed's a bit small, but we should fit together. Good night, papa. Don't stay up too long now; the cold'll harm your knee if you do."

He just waved her off, remaining seated, and the woman rolled her eyes before turning in for the night, leaving me alone with the old man.

Though, he turned in rather quickly too, yawning and getting up before shuffling to his bed, bidding me good night and going to sleep, his soft snoring sounding out rather quickly afterwards.

They were... trusting people, it seemed, but...

Sighing, I rubbed at my heavy eyes before walking towards the bed, deciding to take her offer for now.

She was also sound asleep, facing the wall and curled into a ball, so I laid beside her and faced away, towards the fireplace, and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep in moments.

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