
This chapter has spicy language, but nothing happens to warrant a *, so just be warned in advance...


Kat PoV

Sla'Caligo, Arch Fiend of Hidden Twisted Pleasures...

My mouth went dry as I stared at the violet skinned Fiend in front of me, her grin making me sick as I tried to think up ways to escape this situation alive and still myself.

"Again Kat~? Please, do trust the word of an Arch Fiend; we have no reason to lie~! That's so boring~ Instead, we prefer honesty and flowery words to wind you mortals up~! It's sooo~ much fun watching you all go insane whenever you speak to us..."

She leaned forwards and smirked at me, her snake hair hissing quietly as she continued on.

"Now, like I said, my dear voluptuous Dogkin, I have a few deals I want to offer you. No tricks, no hidden loopholes~ Just a deal that benefits me, and benefits you. I might enjoy showing you the dark desires that linger deep within the gutters of your soul, but I am still an Arch Fiend of Pleasure~"

As she spoke, the woman began to lounge on the dresser, her hardened cock pointing to the ceiling as she laid back.

"You see, I was sealed in Khanla for millennia. All the dead souls around here were my shackles. However... it would seem those shackles weakened over time, so I snapped them. A few months ago, actually. Khanla went from my prison to my playground. A once serious, somber city turned into a pleasure den at night, temples dedicated to the men and women who sealed me away desecrated by orgies held from dusk to dawn..."

A chuckle escaped her lips, and she flicked her finger at the window, opening it.

"Listen. They've started."

She smiled at me as she gestured to the now open window, and I felt my ears twitch as I listened, my eyes going wide.

Moans flooded the street, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing around each building as the city descended into a lust filled frenzy.

"For these months, this was enough to entertain me. Watching as those bastards temples were desecrated by their descendants was pleasureful, and I relished the raw desires that these people had suppressed inside their hearts. Some of them caught my eye, and I've gotten to enjoy the taste of mortal lust once more~"

Sla'Caligo turned her pink eyes towards the window, her smile widening into a grin as she took a deep breath.

"However, a little doggy wandered into my playground reeking of that bastard Ka'Hondi, ruining my appetite. At the same time, that smell reminded me... The rest of us should be awakening soon. The world show know of us once more. And honestly~?"

Those pink eyes flared, and Sla'Caligo features twisted, switching from easygoing and free to hateful, all while her snakes hissed angrily.

"I dislike my brethren. So driven by accumulating power and not stopping to enjoy the pleasures of freedom. We've done this song and dance for millennia. I've seen kingdoms and empires rise and fall, heroes smite down mighty villains, only to become the villain themselves. I've overseen the downfall of some of the strongest races in the world, brought down and humbled by the weak...

To you mortals, that seems like a petty, stupid reason, but to someone like me, who's been alive for too long... well, I think the Fiends need some new blood amongst their ranks. Us older Arch Fiends have done a poor job managing our brethren... I had a millennia to think on it, and now... well, you just happened to come along, Katherine Zara."

The Arch Fiend returned to her soft smile and seductive look, the snakes quieting down just like her.

"You are an interesting woman. Your potential is limitless. Your will is strong. Oh, and your desires~! Your desires are far larger than most, despite seeming so humble. Those desires hidden inside your heart are so succulent..."

Licking her lips, she smirked at me before sitting back up, resting her chin on her knee as she continued on.

"So, the deal I want to make, Katherine Zara, is a simple one. I can give you the power you crave, as well as a quick hop over towards that bastard Ka'Hondi so that you can reunite with the ones you love. How, you may ask~? Simple, my love~ I wish to bond with you, much like Ka'Hondi has bonded with the Asmodia's that you serve. You see, an Arch Fiend on their own is powerful; this world wouldn't be able to withstand me if I desired to destroy it. But I like this world. We like this world. It's ours. No, what I desire, and what many of my brethren desire is to shape it to our liking.

To make this world better for us and our domains. Me? I want a world open and free, full of lust~ I've seen glimpses of it before, millennia ago... Another world that was exactly what I wanted... Yet it was closed to me. Instead, I was left here, where war and decay are so damn prominent. Blood is spilled daily, bodies left to rot in graves, all in the pursuit of knowledge or a desire to obtain something the other has. It's sickeningly boring. You mortals know such beautiful lust, yet you suppress it so much.

That is why I want to bond with you, my lusty little puppy. You would make an excellent catalyst for my desires, my needs. A perfect woman to fuel me with the power I need to pursue the freedoms I crave... I've seen what lies inside your mind, inside your heart. Your 'owners' would greatly benefit both me and themselves with your acceptance, Katherine."

Slipping off the dresser, Sla'Caligo looked out over the candlelit city of Khanla, her lips pulled into a smirk as she listened to the moaning of the residents.

"The terms would be simple, Katherine. I would grant you parts of my power, as well as a warp from here to the March Asmodia, in exchange for you to become my beautiful Masque, the face of pleasures unknown to mortals of today... I want you to be my Speaker, my Masque, my Herald... Playing with you mortals is fun, but picking those amongst you worthy of standing by my side is such a chore."

Waving her hand tiredly, Sla'Caligo turned and looked at me, her smile warm.

"It's a lot to think about, I know, but... I am not lying when I say that you are a perfect Masque for me, Katherine. Deadly yet beautiful. Capable of hiding amongst the crowd just as much as you are capable of standing out. The perfect... power source for me. You generate such delectable pleasure on your own, so I can only imagine the exquisite taste of the pleasure you feel when you are under your Mistresses~!

Think on it, Katherine. Consult the thing inside you, pray to your Goddess that granted you such a power, and decide on an answer... I'll be back in an hour, my love, to hear your answer..."

With that, the Arch Fiend of Hidden Twisted Pleasures dropped out of the window, vanishing onto the street below as she went to join the lust permeating the city.

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