"I'm back, Mistresses."

Such simple words made my heart swell inside my chest, the woman who spoke them aloud wearing the most beautiful smile as she clasped her hands in front of her, standing with the posture and grace expected from the Maid of a Noble House.

I slowly made my ways forwards, my hands shaking slightly as I hesitantly reached out towards her, wondering if this was all just a dream; something I would wake up from before I could touch her.

Just like always, the Dogkin woman in front of me smiled as she reached forwards and gently clasped my hand in hers, rubbing her thumb over my skin as she whispered "I'm back, Jahi...", her ethereal pale blue eyes meeting mine as she read me perfectly.

My breathing hitched in my throat as her cool, familiar touch landed on my flesh, and I took another step forwards and looked down at her, barely able to believe that she was truly here.

That she was back, in front of me, where she belonged...

Pulling on her hands, I threw my arms around her and held her close, burying my face into the brown hair and fur and taking in the rich scent of soap and tart undertones of lemons that I had grown to love.

Anput and Leone joined us a moment later, their faces resting against her arms as we stood quietly in the center of the room, the only sounds being the soft sobs of Leone and sharp breathing of Anput.

Just holding her in my arms was more than enough to soothe my aching heart, slowly mending the cracks that had left it fractured from her unwanted departure from our lives.

Of course, while just holding her may be enough, we were all greedy...


My voice was raspy as I looked down at her, the Dogkin removing her face from my chest and looking up at me, those frosty blue eyes filled with lust as she smirked, understanding full well what was coming.

Where she would have once blanched slightly at all three of us staring at her with such undisguised and heavy desire, she now only grinned as she seductively bit her lip, slipping free from our arms and retreating towards the bedroom door.

I barely had the mental capacity to realize that the Kat I was used too would have never been capable of escaping our grasps, nor could she move as swiftly and as fluidly as that...

However, my mind wasn't focused on how my prey had jumped free; no, I was focused on recapturing my prey and claiming it, digging deep into her juicy curves and marking her all over again, making sure she wouldn't ever forget my touch...

And considering the soft growl from Anput and low hiss from Leone, they were on the same page as me as we watched the mischievous Dogkin Maid slip into the bedroom, the door closing quietly behind her.

Without hesitation we all surged forwards, opening the door and revealing a sight that - days prior - we could only ever dream of...

Kat sat on the edge of the bed, her dress folded neatly on the dresser off to the side, leaving her in just a set of black lace lingerie.

Her milky white skin was as smooth and tempting as ever, while her voluptuous curves nearly spilled out of the black bra and panties she wore, suggesting she might have gotten a size larger during our time apart...

However, unlike before, her stomach and long legs were toned and hiding some serious muscle beneath them, while her posture seemed more exaggerated then before...

Another change that I filed away for later, since now I was thinking with a separate head.

Kat smirked as we all swiftly undressed, our erections on full display as we stalked near her, each of us intent on claiming our prize.

No words were needed, none of us needing to speak as we communicated through action and feeling instead, the bonds between us laden with meaning that thousands of words could never describe...

Love heavier than mountains, desire as vast as the ocean, relief softer than feathers, joy that soared through the clouds...

And, as Kat curled her finger at us, those ghostly blue eyes so utterly seductive, each of us felt a lust that would never be capable of being quelled.

Lunging forwards, I pinned the Dogkin to the bed and sealed her lips with mine, my tongue plunging deep into her throat as I relished in the heat of her body.

Anput and Leone sat beside us, their hands guiding Kat's towards their cocks as they decided to show their love in other ways, understanding that they would need to wait their turn...

My hands roamed her body as I unclasped her bra and pulled off her panties, leaving her as bare as could be - the finesse and care for lingerie was not a factor tonight, as I understood full well just what I intended to do.

With her completely nude, I dragged my fingers over her wet lips and lathered my fingers in her juices, using it to lube my cock as I prepared to take her.

My lips never left hers as I shifted my body around, positioning my hips perfectly before I pushed inwards, spreading her cunt apart and filling her tight pussy.

Kat moaned loudly, and I just had to release her lips as I grinned, amusement flooding my body as I watched the usually composed Kat writhe around beneath me, her face so beautiful as she relearned to take me inside her.

"I missed this, Kat... I missed this so~ much... I missed you, my love..."

I roamed my hands down towards her midriff, grabbing ahold of her as I left her chest open for Anput and Leone, who murmured "We all missed you, Kat..."

Anput was the first to act, her lips trailing over Kat's collarbone as she made her way up towards the Dogkin's neck, while Leone showered her breasts in love, kissing the bountiful flesh and worshipping the softness of our puppy.

In between her moans, Kat managed to say "I m-missed you all s-so~ m-mmUCH~!" before letting out a gasp, her face twisted in pained pleasure as I slipped into her womb.

Her breathing grew rapid as Anput sunk her fangs into her neck and pumped her gland full of her pheromones, all while Leone latched onto her nipple and greedily sucked on her flesh, all while she enjoyed the experienced touch of Kat's hand.

As for me, I licked my lips in anticipation as I felt Kat's pussy writhe to life as I filled her with my girth, my heart at ease as the familiarity of everything washed over me.

She was really back.

My beautiful, seductive, hedonistic puppy had come home.

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