[Kat, wake up!]

The sound of the System screaming in my mind jolted me awake, and I panted as I was wrenched from the warm, cozy, comforting, wondrous, perfect confines of sleep and instead thrown into the terrible reality of being awake.

I groaned as I held my head in my hands, a dull ache forming from the sudden rude awakening - an awakening that was sadly very needed.

Faced with the requirement of leaving the comfort of a slept in bed, I could only let out another groan as I reluctantly threw my legs out from under the covers, standing up in the dark bedchambers that we had been graciously given.

I looked around and noted that everyone was still fast asleep, making me sigh as I began waking everyone up.

To start, I nimbly avoided the sweeping grasp of Jahi as she tried to grab ahold of me as I shook her broad shoulders, the Demoness growling in annoyance as I shook her once more.

Twin amethysts sparkled in the low light as she finally opened her eyes, the exhaustion still evident as she tried to close them once more with a soft "Five... mo..."

Rolling my eyes at her antics, I reached forwards and pinched her cheek, making the Demoness hiss as she glared at me, now certainly awake.

I released her cheek and danced away, grinning at her as she reluctantly sat up, rubbing at her eyes as she let out a yawn.

Leone was far easier to wake up, as she just sat up and stared at the bed before getting up as well, especially when I gave her a swift kiss as thanks for last night, which woke her right up~!

Anput wasn't as easy, but she too eventually sat up, roused awake by a kiss and a whisper of things we could do tonight; she was a simple woman, and her return kiss let me know that she was very much interested in mating tonight.

That, and the fact that she got up and draped herself across my back as I began to walk away, burying her nose into my neck as she had me carry her to the bath, where we all were gathering.

Unlike last night, this short - yet rejuvenating - rest allowed all three women to display their desires openly, and as tempted as we all were to act on those desires, we all knew that Leone was the only one who could physically afford to act on them, but even with the time constraints she just couldn't.

pandasnovel.com It was... annoying, having such an incredible 'feast' laid out before me but not being able to taste any of it, though I certainly wasn't against the eye candy.

Jahi's rippling muscles, Anput's lithe grace, and the elegance Leone displayed were always sights to behold, and they certainly weren't against ogling - and groping - me, taking mild pleasures in doing whatever they pleased to my body.

By the time we had managed to escape the clutches of the bath, we were all taking deep breaths as we tried to rein in our arousal, which we barely managed to do as we all returned to our beds and got dressed, eyeing one another up as we did so.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

As a way to get us all thinking of something besides sex, I asked "What are we meant to do for breakfast? Get it ourselves, or..?"

Jahi glanced towards Leone, only for the Demoness to smirk as we all heard Anput mutter "You..." as an answer to my first question.

Giving my mate a dry look, she just smirked at me as she pulled me into her arms, sinking herself into my body.

Chuckling, Jahi nodded as she added "I did want a taste of you... especially considering you and Leone enjoyed yourselves last night..."

The Vampire blushed at that, before coughing as she said "W-We could certainly get something quick at the kitchens... fruits and meats made to go. If they haven't prepared a giant array of foods already in preparation for this."

I clapped my hands - after freeing myself from Anput - and walked towards the door, smiling back at them as I said "Well, let's get going! We still have ten or so minutes to eat and get to the training grounds early, though we can't be longer than thirty minutes. So let's go!"

The other three nodded as they walked behind me as we made our way towards the kitchen once more, where we found a few of the other Knights lounging around snacking on whatever the Pigkin chef laid onto the tables.

The Marquess, Sker, Nirinia, and Belian were all at the same table from last night, laughing with one another as they sipped on tankards and snacked on grapes and apples.

Taking our seats, we joined them as we waited, only for the kitchen staff to stream out of the kitchen with platters of meat, which we all began to chew on as we filled our bellies.

Of course, I focused mainly on the breads that came out, knowing that I needed carbs and proteins in equal amounts for the workout ahead; Jahi and Anput mirrored me when I placed a chunk of fresh baked bread on their plates, the two not questioning why I was handing them bread instead of any of the bacon or ham that was present on the platters.

The Marquess smirked at that, while Sker murmured "She's like a mother isn't she?", making the watching Knights grin.

Glancing at them, I rolled my eyes as Belian added "Every group needs one... Besides, she looks the part, no?"

The Knights all chuckled before returning to their own meals, with Nirinia looking down at a stopwatch as she said "We have five minutes before we should leave."

Everyone nodded, and we spent those five minutes devouring whatever we could before getting up and making haste for the training grounds, wanting to be there before the Demon Wolf showed up - or at least before she could berate us for being late.

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