That night, when Leone returned to our room to sleep, she excitedly told us about the return of her siblings and how much fun she had with each of them, telling us she also got to meet Dante, Roman and Vienna and that she enjoyed chatting with them too.

Seeing her so excited over reuniting with her siblings warmed all of our hearts, but none of us could truly understand the joy she felt; none of us had siblings that were currently born.

Anput was the one to voice that, making Leone freeze before scratching her cheek, only to pout as Anput began to tease her about her 'guilt' for something that she had no control over and that didn't matter.

That night, we all fell asleep on the same bed, having talked for a bit before drifting away, none of us entirely in the mood to break the peaceful atmosphere Leone had built up by asking for sex, leaving us to just talk - which was just as pleasant as assuaging our lust, if not more so as we quietly talked about our interactions with the Empress' other children.

It was moments like that that made me realize just how much I enjoyed being with each of them, as we talked about any and everything that came to mind - each in our own manner too.

Anput teased Leone about everything, while Jahi was both sarcastic and serious; the two lightened the mood with their antics, while Leone and I steered everything back on track before deepening whatever topic we were on.

It was a dynamic that worked wonders, and one that I enjoyed as we spent an hour talking about... really, talking about nothing that mattered as we all lay there, cuddling together.

The next day was much of the same, spending our time honing our skills amongst the Knights as Lady Fenryas dangled something over our heads, the woman sadistically not telling us what she had planned for the upcoming days of training even as she grinned like the wolf she was.

None of us were looking forwards to those upcoming days, but we trained harder with the threat of that looming over us, wanting to prepare as much as possible.

Princi and I worked more on my support spells, tuning the casting speeds some more and helping me improve my concentration and dedication to casting them; if I stopped mid cast, I would need to restart, so she got me to hasten myself and increased my stubbornness to cast those spells.

After all, they were spells that gave small improvements in the midst of battle, and once you got one going, the others just fell into line shortly after that, getting the ball rolling and making you from just a force to be reckoned with to a force of nature.

Besides working on the spells, Princi managed to improve my techniques as well, her unique weapon forcing me to learn a 'new' style of fighting as I shifted to entirely reactionary combat, using her moves against her to land blows against her leather clad body.

Anput moved between Knights at random, finding someone with a new weapon and sparring against them with whatever weapon she had fought against previously, treating this like a roulette game.

The Jackalkin was deepening her understanding of many different weapons, getting herself accustomed to the basics of many different styles before branching off into her own styles, where she would use that one type of weapon for a few attacks before switching to something else, creating an ever growing chain of attacks that no one could predict.

She might open up with a swift slash from a katana and transition into a spear, or she might open with a mace and shift towards a rapier.

Each of her attacks kept you on your toes, not knowing what was coming up next as she unleashed a myriad of blows; each of those attacks was backed up by a certain proficiency that wasn't at the level of a master, but was boy no means that of a novice.

She seemed to get accustomed to those weapons she picked up in mere hours, learning what to do and not to do with each before experimenting with shifting them from one to another, adding more links to her chain.

To say that she was an incredible martial artist was putting it lightly, and I could only watch her dancing with each weapon with amazement in my eyes, her lithe frame making her movements elegant and refined.

My pride for having such a woman as my mate soared, and I blushed slightly whenever she gave me a smirk, knowing that I was admiring her physical prowess from afar.

Unspoken promises of sleepless nights were communicated to me inside those obsidian eyes of hers, and I shuddered just thinking about mating with her again.I think you should take a look at

Of course, Anput wasn't the only one showing signs of drastic improvements; Jahi was just as spectacular as Anput, if not more so as she trained with the two other Demons, learning more about the ancient techniques and philosophies that the Asmodia and Beliali clans had created.

Seemingly taking after Anput, Jahi had shed her top in favor of a tight cloth wrap over her deceptively ample breasts, displaying her chiseled body to the world without care.

The Marquess did the same, outshining her daughter in that regard as her more experienced, battle scarred body held more 'masculine' charm, causing quite a few of the men and women inside the training grounds to secretly swoon; Princi among them, of course.

Seeing my blue skinned Demoness standing near the center of the training grounds with her chiseled body on full display was simply unfair.

Her muscles were constantly rippling as she moved, her blue skin pulled taut over the hard muscles she had painstakingly grown over the years, while beads of sweat gave her skin a shine that only further accentuated her feral beauty.

A solid, deeply etched six pack was present, while the beginnings of an additional two abs were visible beneath that; on her sides, three of her obliques were defined, with another on its way, only further adding to the sheer amount of perfect, divine muscle on her body.

Her biceps were bulging as she swung her great sword, the veins popping out slightly as she sparred against the red skinned Belian, who was dodging and weaving away from her constant attacks before lunging his serrated sword towards her side, leaving a shallow gash that weeped crimson blood.

Jahi retaliated by scoring a twin cut across his chest, forcing the red Demon back and resetting the fight.

That was what they were up to during our long hours training, though Lady Fenryas sent us off an hour early with a smirk on her lips, telling us to get enough rest for the day to come...

With that foreboding message given out, she left and took her children and nephew with her, going back to the Sanctum with a grin.

The kitchen provided yet another excellent feast, and we all chatted amongst ourselves about whatever came to mind, trying to distract ourselves from the horrifying reality that tomorrow might bring.

Leone returned to us quickly, confused by her Aunt's sudden reappearance despite there still being time for her to torture us all, which sent the Vampire back to us.

With this time given to us, we ate quickly and returned to the room, sitting on the bed once more as we held an impromptu session on magic, Leone and I guiding Anput and Jahi through some basics while also bouncing ideas off one another.

Our room was lit up with red, silver, blue and gold light, the various runes we summoned making a light show as we practiced and showed off ideas to one another, trying to get some valuable input on what we wanted to do going forwards.

Of course, after we finished practicing like that we began to Dual Cultivate, the Demoness being the first to push Anput down and begin practicing with her, while Leone grabbed me and started as well, the two women savoring our bodies all while sending their mana into us to have it tempered by our own mana.

Eventually, they released their cream and half of the accumulated mana into us at the same time, pulling out and sitting down as we began to absorb our partner's mana into our Core's. Anput and I leaned against one another as we did so, before opening our eyes to see Jahi grinning down at Leone as she began to ravish the woman, her excess energy being put to excellent use.

Before I could even do or ask anything, I was on the bed beside Leone, my mate ravaging me hard while her and Jahi made out, the two women relishing Leone and I with rough, self serving actions - much to our delight as we were brought to the edge many times.

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