My Space-Time System

Chapter 607 Enigmatic Figure.

Even when the news reached Carmilla she seemed calm as if all this fell under her expectations. Her gaze shifted to the distant chaotic battlefield littered with bodies of both sides.

"Adventurers, it's time" Carmilla said in a calm tone.

Suddenly the wall began trembling as compartments began opening on the battlement. Soldiers peeped down the holes only to see members of the adventurers association being elevated onto the platform by some sort of elevator.

In mere seconds the seemingly scanty-looking battlement was filled to the brim with adventurers of different sizes and colors, each carrying overbearing presences making even some soldiers feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly a light gust of wind blew from above attracting the attention of everyone. It was Guild master Walden descending majestically to Carmilla's side within a wind sphere surging around him with green leaves caught in the twirling wind.

Although members of the Adventurer Association were independent from the Synder Empire, it didn't mean that they weren't citizens of the empire. So, in the case of an invasion, they were obligated to protect their homeland.

"The city of Calton has given so much to us, boys. It's time we give back!" He said in a calm tone yet his words reached every part battlement, attracting loud cheers from the adventurers who seemed eager to join the battle and prove themselves.

Brian who was now buffed with his muscles bulging out of any little space of his armor, stood beside Carmilla with a serene look unfit for someone of his size and stature.

His fist was adorned with what looked like a rusty metallic gauntlet, held together with green vines. On his palm and at the back of his hand were emerald crystals glowing brightly with power and around his fist area were pointy spikes.

Carmilla shot a questioning glance at the gauntlets and let out a mental mod. If someone fails to pay attention, they may end up writing off this weapon but she could feel the immense power bubbling within it. It felt like the vines were not only keeping the gauntlets together but also suppressing its power.

"Stay safe." Carmilla said with a flicker of emotions on her face. This was the first show of emotion since the war began.

"You too." Brian said with a faint smile on his face.

"I hate wars." Hoffenheim said as numerous beams of light exploded from that single sphere, stabbing into numerous Tigerian soldiers and forcing them off the wall.

Two Tigerian soldiers could be seen dashing across the wall, as they hoped to attack Hoffenheim from both sides but before they could reach, two more beams of light erupted from the sphere stabbing into their chests, leaving behind gaping holes.

"You will have to move faster than that if you hope to reach me." Hoffenheim said with the same calm smile on his face.

One after the other, teachers of the magic school began to appear, joining the battle. The situation which was looking grim before soon changed as the tide of battle began to fall in the favor of the Synder empire defenders. 

Soldiers at the top of the battlement cheered, believing that the presence of these teachers meant absolute victory for them. Unfortunately, good things do not last forever.

The wind can never blow only in one direction for too long.

At that moment an explosion of dark purple flames erupted in an empty part of the air, drawing the attention of everyone.

An enigmatic figure hidden beneath a hooded cloak that seemed to absorb the very essence of light appeared. His piercing, cold gaze was the only visible feature, revealing eyes that gleamed with an unsettling combination of madness and predatory intelligence.


Camilla as well as everyone who knew this figure cursed as if the recent change in the tide of the battle was for naught.



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Killing God: Wrath of the First Nephilim 

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