My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 79 - Chapter 79: Chapter 0079 Attack_1

Chapter 79: Chapter 0079 Attack_1
“Weiwei, don’t listen to him; this guy is obviously crazy, spouting nothing but nonsense,” Chen Han said angrily.

Is this nonsense? It’s outright sexual harassment!

Luo Weiwei couldn’t be bothered with the man, having become numb to his vile character after numerous encounters.

If there ever came a day when Ye Xiong didn’t harass her, that would be the real shocker.

Two hours later, as the car traveled through a tunnel, the vehicles ahead suddenly slowed down.

“Report, there’s been a traffic accident up ahead, the situation is unclear,” came the alarm from the car in front.

“Be careful, keep observing, and raise your guard,” Chen Han ordered through the microphone.

Luo Weiwei instinctively pulled out her gun, scanning her surroundings.

This was a tunnel stuffed with cars ahead and many more approaching from behind. If someone intended harm to Ye Xiong here, it would be extremely dangerous.

As her anxiety grew, the lights within the tunnel suddenly went out, plunging the area into darkness.

At the same time, the sound of gunfire erupted from behind, followed by several screams over the radio, indicating that the vehicles behind were under attack.

“Ambush, on guard!” Luo Weiwei shouted loudly.

“Xiao Zhang, Weiwei, get out of the car and run,” Chen Han yelled.

Luo Weiwei quickly got off the car, moved to the rear seat, and prepared to rescue Ye Xiong.

“Chen Han, the keys,” Luo Weiwei shouted.

Chen Han patted himself down and exclaimed, “Damn, the keys are in the car!”

“Go and get them!” Luo Weiwei yelled.

No sooner had she spoken than the sound of gunfire rang out, and a car behind began shooting in their direction, with bullets hitting the metal door and leaving several deep holes.

“There’s no time, we have to run,” Chen Han shouted urgently.

“Ye Xiong is still inside; we can’t leave, we have to get him out,” Luo Weiwei asked frantically, “Where did you drop the keys, go find them quickly!”

“If we don’t leave now, we’ll be too late. They clearly have night vision equipment, and fighting them here means a certain death,” Chen Han, not caring whether Luo Weiwei agreed, came over and pulled her to run forward.

“I absolutely can’t abandon him; we are police, we can’t do such a cowardly thing,” Luo Weiwei struggled to shake off his hand, went to the back of the car, and prepared to shoot off the lock when she got a fright upon reaching the back of the car.

Under the light of a flashlight, she saw that the cage had been opened at some point, and Ye Xiong was nowhere to be seen.

“Ye Xiong, are you…” Luo Weiwei thought Ye Xiong had been kidnapped and shouted loudly.

Just as she was halfway through, her mouth was suddenly covered. She was about to fight back when a familiar voice came through, it was Ye Xiong’s voice.

“It’s me, let’s go.”

Without further explanation, Ye Xiong grabbed Luo Weiwei’s hand and ran frantically forward.

In the tunnel with no lights, going up against a group of killers wearing night vision goggles meant a sure death.

The only option was to escape from the tunnel, only then they might escape the danger.

At this moment, the tunnel was in complete chaos, with countless people pouring out of numerous cars, all scared by the gunshots and crazily rushing towards the tunnel exit, creating a stream of people.

Among the crowd, the two spotted a glimmer of light in the distance; the tunnel exit was close.

Just as the group was about to reach the tunnel exit, Ye Xiong, with his keen eyes, spotted two cars parked at the exit and several heavily armed unidentified individuals waiting.

Enemies coming from behind, obstacles ahead—Ye Xiong wouldn’t have had a problem bursting through on his own, but with Luo Weiwei in tow, things got a bit tricky.

“Sister Daxiong, we’ve run into some trouble,” said Ye Xiong, pulling Luo Weiwei into a crouch in a corner, pointing at the two cars blocking the exit.

“What do we do?” Luo Weiwei clenched her gun tightly.

“If I’m not mistaken, these guys plotted the assassination before we even set off, so they’re very familiar with what we’re wearing. If we go out now, we’ll definitely be spotted. The only way is to change into a new set of clothes and leave before they recognize us.”

Luo Weiwei nodded, thinking the plan wasn’t too bad, but where could they find clothes at a time like this?

While she was still pondering, Ye Xiong had already strode out, and in a moment, he returned with two sets of clothes.

There were clothes for both a man and a woman—the man’s were jeans and a blue T-shirt, while the woman’s was a dress.

After coming back, Ye Xiong tossed the dress to her and then began to strip off his own clothes.

Although the tunnel was quite dark, since they were near the exit, there was still light seeping in.

Luo Weiwei happened to see Ye Xiong’s blurred figure. Although she couldn’t see clearly, the explosive muscles on his body, and his distinctly male silhouette, never ceased to shock her, making her heart start thumping wildly.

“What are you spacing out for? Hurry up and change!” Ye Xiong urged.

“I have to change too?” Luo Weiwei’s face immediately turned red.

“No sh*t. If you walk out in that police uniform, those assassins won’t think twice before shooting you in the head,” Ye Xiong cursed.


“I’ve already groped you, what’s the big deal seeing a bit more? Hurry up,” Ye Xiong pressed.

“You’re shameless,” Luo Weiwei exploded.

She recalled the last time she gave Ye Xiong a ride to the police station on her motorcycle. When they were ambushed halfway by assassins, Ye Xiong had grabbed her chest, taking all the advantage he could. Just thinking about it made her want to draw her gun and blow him away.

“Hurry up, the people behind are almost upon us. It’s dark as hell here, who can see anything?” Ye Xiong said urgently.

With no other choice due to Ye Xiong’s words, Luo Weiwei pressed herself against the wall and started to unbutton her uniform.

“Turn around, don’t you dare peek.” Seeing Ye Xiong looking at her, Luo Weiwei swiftly ordered.

“Fine, I won’t look. Who cares anyway?” Ye Xiong curled his lip but turned away nonetheless.

As Luo Weiwei undressed, she kept an eye on Ye Xiong, seeing that he really hadn’t turned back, she felt somewhat assured.

This guy, in critical times, did somewhat resemble a human.

What she didn’t know was that at that moment, Ye Xiong had pulled out a mirror from the clothes.

As a professional, ahem, handsome man, a mirror and a gun were essentials that Ye Xiong had to carry every day.

Placing the mirror beside his leg, he sneakily peeped over, and Ye Xiong’s mouth hung wide open.

Her body was just too explosive.

He had thought she was already well-endowed, but it turned out to be even more impressive than he imagined. If it wasn’t for her bra being a size too small, she might even outsize Tang Ning’s ferocious cousin.

Looking further down, Ye Xiong almost had a nosebleed.

Was this the legendary ***?

He never expected such a passionate side to her inner nature—indeed, you can’t judge a book by its cover!

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