Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 126: 122: Shiraishi and Katsuyu

Chapter 126: 122: Shiraishi and Katsuyu

The immense slug regarded the human before it as nothing more than a pebble by the roadside. From the slug's perspective, Shiraishi was indeed as only as the size of a roadside pebble.

"Human ninja, who are you? I sensed an abnormality in the summoning scroll that was placed outside earlier. It seems to be the Uzumaki clan's contract sealing technique." the slug asked. Her voice possessed a soft, almost musical quality, carrying the peace of a gentle spring breeze.

"May I inquire if you are the Slug Sage of the Shikkotsu Forest?" Shiraishi asked, showing his respect.

"You can simply call me 'Katsuyu.' That's my name. I'm not a sage, just a slug knowledgeable in Sage Art." the giant slug responded, her tone remaining gracious and restrained. Even when dealing with a weaker human, she treated him with the utmost respect.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief. He had misjudged the slug sage, suspecting that it might harbor resentment over the contract sealed under questionable circumstances. However, it appeared that the slug wasn't concerned about the contract's unconventional means.

"From now on, you can refer to me by my first name, kid."

"Sure, feel free to do the same. So, may I ask for your introduction?" Katsuyu asked politely.

"I am Chiba Shiraishi, formerly a Konoha ninja." he replied.

"Formerly? Does that mean you've defected?" Katsuyu asked curiously.

"Although I don't view it that way, according to the current regulations of the Five Great Ninja Villages, I am considered a defected ninja from the Konohagakure." Shiraishi explained.

It seemed Katsuyu could sense Shiraishi's concerns. She reassured him, "Don't worry; human rules don't apply to me. While I did sign a contract with Konoha's Tsunade-hime, it doesn't make me a property of Konoha's summoned beasts. Having said that, I'm quite interested in why Shiraishi-sama chose to leave Konoha. Of course, you don't have to answer if you prefer not to, I'm merely curious."

Shiraishi had already deduced that the contract between himself and Katsuyu was valid, based on her earlier words.

The other party has survived for hundred of years, it is estimated she already has or seen everything. She had already passed the age of being in competition, and isn't interested in power.

Among humans, only the contractor can influence its position, but such a thing as position is an ambiguous term.

If no one in Konoha makes a contract with her, then that was Konoha's problems, it had nothing to do with her.

She only cared about the position and attitude of her contractor.

"It's not a complicated story. Konoha's principles no longer align with mine, so I decided to leave. I intend to engage in various interesting endeavors within the ninja world, but Konoha's ties would have been restrictive, so I left." Shiraishi revealed, providing his account willingly.

Katsuyu agreed with Shiraishi's sentiments, "If your principles no longer align and you part ways, sometimes that's the only solution."

People with different ideas lead to vastly different paths and mindsets. Forcing individuals with conflicting beliefs together often results in strife, a scenario Katsuyu had witnessed countless times, even among her previous contractors.

Human lives are frequently troubled by various conflicts: love, family, wealth, power, religion, war, and more.

"While I don't mind Shiraishi-sama making a contract with me in that manner, this will be an exception." Katsuyu noted.

She was aware of Shiraishi's action by tampering with the contract, specifically with the contract scroll she had placed in the world. Fortunately, the original contractor whose name he had erased had died centuries ago, so there were no contract breaches.

Using the Uzumaki clan's contract sealing jutsu, Shiraishi had forcefully terminated the contract between the original contractor and herself, then inserted a new name.

Such an unconventional contractual situation had never occurred before, and Katsuyu agreed to abide by this agreement, but only this once.

"I understand. I was simply experimenting, but I didn't anticipate it would succeed." Shiraishi nodded, expressing that he would not change the contents of the contract scroll indiscriminately.

"In that case, here's a new contract scroll, Shiraishi-sama. Please remember to bring the discarded contract scroll next time. It seems even intact contract scrolls may pose risks." Katsuyu advised.

Upon hearing her words, Shiraishi felt somewhat embarrassed, scratching his head.

At that moment, a huge summoning scroll emerged from under Katsuyu's body, rolling until it reached Shiraishi and came to a stop.

Shiraishi opened it to find a pristine, blank contract scroll. He rewrote his name in blood and pressed his blood fingerprint to reaffirm the contract.

Now that the contract was reestablished, Shiraishi intended to ask some questions to Katsuyu. A millennium-old entity essentially represented a living history book, which held immense educational value for the Land of Demons.

If possible, Shiraishi wished to employ Katsuyu as a history teacher in the school he had established.

"Katsuyu, I would like to know..."

Shiraishi was about of speaking when suddenly a figure emerged from the white mist behind him and delivered a direct punch to his back. Before the fist could connect with Shiraishi's back, the assailant found themselves frozen in place.

Their body was entangled by shadowy tendrils, numerous shadow blades hovering menacingly over her vital areas: her heart, neck, and the back of her head, radiating an aura of cold menace. In an instant, they could be turned into a human hedgehog if these blades pierced their flesh.

"Do you really need to greet me so warmly, Tsunade-sensei?" Shiraishi asked, calling out the name of the ninja who had attacked him from behind.

He turned around and observed Tsunade's restrained form, held captive by Shadow dancer's puppetry, and allowed a small smile to play across his lips.

"You little brat!" Tsunade seethed at the sight of Shiraishi, her anger boiling over like a torrential river.

A fearsome chakra burst forth from her entire being, causing the shadow restraints to fracture and disintegrate with an explosive sound.

"Tsunade-sama, please stop this irrational aggression!" the voice of Katsuyu intervened.

Tsunade's fist froze in front of Shiraishi's face, just inches from contact. The secret chakra manipulation that Shiraishi had attempted was withdrawn. He understood all too well the devastating power contained within Tsunade's punches, and facing one head-on was no laughing matter.

"Katsuyu, what's going on? Why is this guy here?" Tsunade demanded, pointing bluntly at Shiraishi.

"Tsunade-sama, please calm yourself. Shiraishi-sama is now my contractor, just like you." Katsuyu explained.

Shiraishi shrugged, offering a slight smile. He had no cause for concern; even if all three of the Sannin were present, Tsunade alone didn't pose much of a threat.

Besides, they were currently in the Shikkotsu Forest, a place inaccessible to the other two Sannin. Even if they managed to arrive, the chaos it would unleash was beyond imagination.

"What?" Tsunade exclaimed in surprise, utterly taken aback by Shiraishi's signing of contract with Katsuyu. She didn't question the slug's decision to sign the contract with Shiraishi; it was the slug's own choice, and even Tsunade couldn't intervene.

In the eyes of beings like Katsuyu, human conflicts and hatreds were as insignificant as dust, not worthy of their attention. Had Shiraishi not signed the contract, Katsuyu would have aligned with Tsunade, assisting her against Shiraishi. But that was no longer the case.

"I've created quite the predicament for myself." Tsunade admitted ruefully.

Katsuyu treated all her contractors with equal respect and didn't take sides based on the duration of their contracts.

After all, having existed for thousands of years, Katsuyu regarded these human relationships as fleeting, with no room for discrimination or displeasure towards Rogue ninja like Shiraishi.

Once a contract was established, Katsuyu would support its contractor, regardless of the individual's identity or past actions. This principle had guided Katsuyu's interactions for centuries, earning her the trust of those she contracted with.

However, this trust sometimes left Tsunade feeling somewhat uncomfortable in unique situations like this one.

"Although I acquired this contract with Katsuyu through a tricky means, we are now considered comrades in contract, Tsunade-sensei."

Shiraishi said, maintaining his respectful address towards Tsunade.

From Tsunade, he had gained extensive knowledge of advanced medical ninjutsu, which had proved immensely beneficial to him.

"I can't accept your title of 'Sensei.' What are your intentions, though, with regard to attacking the village and harming your comrades?" Tsunade asked, her gaze fixed on Shiraishi with vigilance and simmering anger. Were it not for Katsuyu, she felt an overwhelming urge to rush forward and teach this seemingly arrogant brat a lesson.

"Well, there wasn't much of a choice at the time. There were many factors to consider. Moreover, I don't believe I owe Konoha anything. After all, Danzo's Root once plotted to kill me, and your sensei, Hiruzen, simply brushed it under the rug and pardoned Danzo. It's a profound comrade-in-arms." Shiraishi responded with a smile, but Tsunade detected a hint of sarcasm beneath his seemingly casual words.

Although Shiraishi's tone remained matter-of-fact, it carried a tinge of irony that wasn't lost on Tsunade.

"Is this why you decided to leave the village?"

Tsunade took a deep breath.

In regards to Danzo, both Konoha and her mentor felt regret for what Shiraishi had gone through, so she refrained from arguing the point.

This man was exceptionally dangerous, particularly with the shadow ninjutsu that had just thwarted her attack. It resembled the Nara clan's shadow jutsu, but was significantly more powerful in both attack and restraint.

She had to exert considerable force to break free. In a normal encounter, her opponent would have probably be killed immediately.

As per the Intelligence department's analysis, this form of shadow jutsu was dangerous, capable of swiftly and swiftly killing if one was not exceptionally cautious.

When facing Shiraishi, one had to be at 120% attention at all times, there was no room for a moment's relaxation.

"Why did i do it? I just noticed that the current state of the ninja world is becoming somewhat boring, so I decided to find some excitement for myself. Therefore, I would advise against trying to stop me. Among all the Konoha ninja today, the only one I'd rather not face in combat is you." Shiraishi explained. Tsunade's frowned after hearing his words. While she realized that Shiraishi had left Konoha with a particular purpose in mind, his words revealed very little about his true intentions.

"However, is it wise for you to come to Shikkotsu Forest at this time? Konoha is currently embroiled in conflict with Iwa and Suna. Your absence will greatly strain the medical resources."

"It's best not to underestimate the ninjas in the village. You should be very clear about their medical level."

After all, Shiraishi had contributed significantly to the training of Konoha's new generation of medical ninjas. Konoha's current medical system was truly unparalleled in the ninja world in terms of strength.

Tsunade found herself more concerned about Shiraishi's motives than Konoha's situation. Her original plan had been to bid farewell to Katsuyu and leave Shikkotsu Forest. However, with Shiraishi's unexpected arrival, Tsunade couldn't help but suspect his intentions, which seemed to carry some evil intentions.

Tsunade was particularly interested by Shiraishi's purpose in contracting with theKatsuyu. Shikkotsu Forest contained numerous treasures and legacies that were unavailable in the world.

"Was your contract with Katsuyu related to Sage Mode?" Tsunade asked, her expression growing serious.

Throughout history, most ninja who sought contracts with the Three Great Sacred Lands did so with the intent of obtaining Sage Mode. Tsunade couldn't help but worry that Shiraishi might have come to Shikkotsu Forest for that very reason.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, Katsuyu, can you take me to visit the main Shikkotsu Forest?"

Shiraishi didn't answer directly, but raised his head and said to Katsuyu.

"Okay, please follow my clone to visit."

Katsuyu readily agreed, split a slug about the same size as Shiraishi from its huge body, and led the way for Shiraishi in front.

"Then, I won't bother you, Tsunade-sensei."

Shiraishi left with the clone of Katsuyu and visited the forest. Shiraishi was very curious about this sacred land that existed for thousands of years.

After Shiraishi left, Tsunade immediately asked the slug urgently: "Katsuyu, did this brat make a contract with you for Sage Mode?"

"It's not quite like that, Tsunade-sama. Shiraishi-sama didn't come here for Sage Mode." Katsuyu replied.

"Why do you say that?" Tsunade asked.

"I can sense that Shiraishi-sama already possesses senjutsu chakra within him. He's already learned Sage Mode, and it's quite stable. Therefore, he doesn't require my Sage Mode. Furthermore, my Sage Mode isn't particularly well-suited for battles, as you're aware, Tsunade-sama." Katsuyu explained.

From the beginning, Katsuyu sensed that Shiraishi's chakra and natural energy were harmoniously integrated. It was evident that Shiraishi had achieved stability in his Sage Mode, rendering the Katsuyu Forest's Sage Mode unnecessary.

If he needed to learn the Sage Mode of Shikkotsu forest, it would not only be a waste of time, but there might be several unpredictable and unknown risks in the process of training.

For example, the whole body swelling and becoming slug-like.

Although the contract has just been signed, Shiraishi felt different from ordinary humans. He was cautious and self-aware, knowing what he needed and what he didn't need.

The analysis of what is useful to oneself and what was useless to oneself is very clear.

Tsunade was surprised by the revelation.

"He's already learned Sage Mode? How is that possible? Where did he learn it? From Mount Myoboku or Ryuuchi Cave?"

"Shiraishi-sama's Sage Mode wasn't learned from Mount Myoboku or Ryuuchi Cave. Those who learn a summoned beast's Sage Mode typically exhibit some characteristics of that beast. The Shiraishi-sama you witnessed earlier is already in sage mode, but it's a variation more suitable for humans." Katsuyu explained.

While it was their first meeting, Katsuyu believed her initial assessment was accurate, supported by her observation of the interaction between Shiraishi and Tsunade.

Tsunade's student, a defected ninja who had killed former colleagues... It wasn't hard for Katsuyu to connect the dots.

'I see... Shiraishi is the Konoha defector who killed the Child of Prophecy.' she said inwardly.

"I'm truly curious about Shiraishi-sama's future. Regardless of the timing, humans are beings filled with extraordinary potential." Katsuyu said cheerfully, its tone unexpectedly light.

Tsunade couldn't help but notice this unusual sense of optimism from the normally serene creature. It was as if it had witnessed something fascinating.

Tsunade, however, expressed concern. "But is this really okay? Didn't the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku ask you to look after the Child of Prophecy?"

"Tsunade-sama, the relationships between the Three Great Sacred Lands are not as amicable as you might think. I hate meaningless wars and battles... The Child Of Prophecy is just an ordinary individual within the ninja world. The tide of time cannot be reversed by a single person. This is an inescapable truth that humans have repeatedly disregarded in their arrogance. In the end, we are all simply 'creatures,' and in essence, there is no difference." Katsuyu remarked.

Therefore, the Child of Prophecy, while regarded as a unique existence by Mount Myoboku, was seen by Katsuyu as merely an ordinary person among all living beings.

Regardless of one's power, no individual could single-handedly reshape the world. It wasn't just empty talk, it was a lesson in human history witnessed by among all living beings., who had existed for millennia.


In Shikkotsu forest, perched on a hill, lay a pristine hot spring. Shiraishi could sense the rich life energy emanating from its waters.

"Shiraishi-sama, this is the Spring of Life that I created in the past. Immersing oneself in it is highly effective for sensing natural energy and healing injuries. It can also purge various types of poisons." explained Katsuyu's clone beside Shiraishi before he could even ask.

Shiraishi looked at the seemingly boundless pool before him. This was undoubtedly the largest hot spring he had ever seen, surpassing even the famous hot spring country, Land Of Hot Springs.

Without hesitation, Shiraishi slashed his hand with a shadow blade, creating a deep gash. He promptly submerged his injured hand in the warm waters of the Spring of Life. As expected, the wound visibly healed before his eyes, a rate even faster than what medical ninjutsu could achieve.

"Shiraishi-sama has already mastered Sage Mode so the effect of this spring is primarily limited to healing for you." Katsuyu clarified.

Shiraishi asked further, "Can the spring water be consumed?"

"The effects of drinking it are similar to soaking, but it cannot be stored for long outside this environment. Because this is caused by my Sage art, and it will soon lose its effect outside."

Katsuyu kindly warned, understanding Shiraishi's curiosity.

"That's a shame." Shiraishi said upon reflection. If the Spring of Life's water could be moved, Tsunade would have surely used it for Konoha's ninja. In times of war, it would serve as a miraculous healing tool, significantly reducing casualties.

However, this enormous healing spring gave Shiraishi a clearer insight into the extent of the slug's Sage Mode's capabilities, which was no longer as vague as before.

Looking down from the mountaintop, he saw a pale forest shrouded in thick mist below. Bare, white trees emerged from the fog, with only the needle-like tips visible.

"By the way, Katsuyu, what type of trees are those down there? I've never seen such trees in the world." Shiraishi asked while pointing to the strange trees below.

These pale trees were covered in Katsuyu's clones, which exuded corrosive mucus that caused no apparent damage.

"They were once common trees in the world. However, over time, they transformed due to the rich natural energy and my corrosive slime. They've become as resilient as steel, absorbing natural energy and thriving." Katsuyu explained.

"May I cut some?" Shiraishi asked.

"Shiraishi-sama, please feel free. These trees hold no value for me. I dislike their withered appearance, but changing my habitat would result in a similar environment." Katsuyu replied, showing indifference towards material possessions.

Shiraishi found this interesting. "You're quite indifferent to everything, aren't you? Why, given your immense power, would you enter into a contract with humans?"

Shiraishi was genuinely puzzled. Katsuyu possessed an immortality so profound that no human could ever hope to attain such a level of power. Its very presence could cause massive destruction with a single movement.

This power was separate from its Senjutsu abilities. It seemed inexplicable that such a being would engage with humans.

"Why did i contract with humans? Shiraishi-sama, you are a unique human indeed. Humans typically seek me out solely for the, power, sage mode and my medical abilities. Among them, Tsunade-sama is one of the rare few who consider me a friend. But you are the first to ask such a question." Katsuyu noted, genuinely surprised by Shiraishi's query.

Shiraishi looked at Katsuyu's clone, feeling something beyond loneliness or isolation. This creature possessed wisdom that came from experiencing the world as an observer.

Katsuyu replied, "It's nothing really. I entered into contracts with humans out of sheer boredom."

"Boredom?" Shiraishi turned his head and looked at Katsuyu's clone.

"Yes. My lifespan is extremely long, and I usually focus on maintaining and preserving my body. From my perspective, human emotions appear pale. In the end, nothing will remain. I don't have a passion for strength or combat, but sometimes I feel lonely. I hope to use human abilities to witness the changes in the outside world."

"To pass the time?"

"Yes. I can't predict when or where my life will end. I create summoning scrolls like Ryuuchi Cave and Mount Myoboku, form contracts with humans, and use their summoning to endure the long and borung passage of time."

Humans are destined to age and die. Even a friend like Tsunade will eventually fade from her memory. In the long span of the future, the only remnants will be a cold human name.

She will continue to exist in the world, encountering different humans and forming contracts based on mutual reliance. She may meet some fascinating individuals and create unique and cherished memories.

Katsuyu's tone was serene, a perspective shaped by witnessing the ever-changing world.

Shiraishi looked at Katsuyu's clone next to him, and what he felt in it wasn't loneliness, but a wise man who had gone through vicissitudes and looked at the world from the perspective of a bystander.

It wasn't aloofness, but the outlook of a hermit-like individual, an ordinary person with extraordinary longevity.

"Indeed. So, come and witness my life, Katsuyu." Shiraishi suggested with a smile.

"?" Katsuyu raised her head slightly intrigued.

"I intend to introduce some unconventional ideas into this world, ideas that conflict with the current ninja system. Perhaps, after countless years, you'll recall these events with fondness and genuine smiles."

"Very well, Shiraishi-sama" Katsuyu responded cheerfully. She planned to witness the changes that Shiraishi would inject into the ninja world during his lifetime.

These changes might be the most memorable events in the years to come. Reflecting on today's events after countless years, the human ninja known as 'Chiba Shiraishi' might no longer be a cold, symbolic name in her memory.


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