Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 794: Shin’s Left Arm

Otogakure is not big, but there are a lot of people. Kanpū blended inside, observing in all directions and listening keenly, quietly collecting information.

However, the discussions around were more about local gossip, lacking any information about Otogakure’s higher-ups.

Being away from home, it seemed that Kanpū can only rely on himself.

Kanpū quickened the pace and, after a while, arrived at Otogakure’s administrative building.

This administrative building only has three floors. It looks dull and unremarkable. Kanpū sneaked in quietly and found a lot of Otogakure’s Shinobi, wearing eight note symbol headband, and even some who seemed like Jonin. Unfortunately, no sign of Orochimaru was found.

Kanpū finally reached the office of the leader of Otogakure. Taking advantage of the comings and goings of the staff, Kanpū glanced inside and saw that the leader of Otogakure was a rough-looking Shinobi, completely unrelated to Orochimaru.

After careful thought, Kanpū realized that Orochimaru is still an S-Rank Missing-nin from Konoha. He is a ‘great person’ having huge bounty in the black market. bounty. Even though this was Orochimaru's territory, he still needs to respect the bounty from Konoha.

‘So… Orochimaru must have another concealed office.’

‘Where could it be?’

Kanpū walked downstairs, passing by the mission hall. Suddenly, a group of young people caught Kanpū’s attention.

Kanpū’s steps paused.

If these individuals were standing alone, Kanpū would definitely not recognize their identities, but when they were gathered together, with their swaggering and arrogant demeanor, the way they walked as if they were unrivaled, reminded Kanpū’s of the original work’s Sound Four.

Kanpū immediately held the breath, and quietly trailing behind them.

On the way, Kanpū overheard them dissing someone.

“That bastard is too much. Taking advantage of Orochimaru-sama’s tolerance, he’s been provoking us several times. Darn him!”

“Orochimaru-sama already cut off his left hand, yet he still dared to cause trouble. Doesn't he understand the situation?”

“"If it weren't for Orochimaru-sama’s fancy to his physical body, hmph!”

“Let's find an opportunity to chop off his right hand too. At any rate, after Orochimaru-sama takes over his body, it can regenerate.”

Kanpū couldn't distinguish who was who among them, let alone who the bastard in their mouth is. However, from their tone, Kanpū could guess that the bastard must be the ‘spare tire’ Orochimaru selected very carefully for his reincarnation.

‘Hmm, what Orochimaru values ​​is what I want to destroy.’

‘Should I physically eliminate that poor ‘spare tire’, or should I directly take over their mind?’

Kanpū contemplated about it, and soon, the group arrived at a corner of the Otogakure.

‘Is this Orochimaru's secret office?’

Kanpū was a little excited in his heart. He started to look around, ready to find a good position to ‘keep an eye’.

At this moment, a small figure approached from a distance.

“Kidomaru, why are you here?” Sakon asked.

Kidomaru shrugged and lazily said: “Orochimaru-sama just left with Uchiha Shin. He asked me to inform you all.”

Tayuya said with a snort: “Orochimaru-sama is really something, that bastard Shin…” Before she could finish her sentence, Tayuya’s pupils suddenly reflected a surging exploding flame, and an unbearable, dazzling sword light within the flames.

Konoha-Style – Flame Slash!

The scorching sword blade swept across Tayuya’s body, as if destroying everything in its path. Then, the momentum did not diminish, covering everyone beside her, killing them in one strike!

The lazy expression on Kidomaru’s face froze slowly: “Cloud-Style Kenjutsu – Flame Slash? You! You…who are you?!”

“Since you recognized my Kenjutsu, don’t you understand?”

Kanpū holds the blazing Kusanagi Sword with a fierce expression on his face, “I won't change my name or just stay silent. I am Kumogakure’s Shinobi, Nikko Neppū!” (T/N: Neppū means hot wind, while Kanpū means cold wind.)

Kidomaru’s pupils shrank: “Wait, you obviously are wearing Konoha’s headband!”

Kanpū was furious: “I wore the Konoha headband to shift the blame to Konoha, you idiot!”

‘Is that so?’

Kidomaru’s face is full of confusion, but the smell of blood in the air quickly woke him up: “No matter who you are, I…”


The scorching sword light, like a rainbow piercing through the sky, suddenly descended upon Kidomaru’s neck. The flaming blade repeatedly brushed against his chin, causing intense pain. His jaw clenched, and sweat beaded on his forehead.

“Where did Orochimaru go?” Kanpū asked coldly.

Kanpū acted boldly this time because Orochimaru had left, and he also took Uchiha Shin with him.

According what he knew, Uchiha Shin should be the strange man in the original work that can incorporate any foreign organ or tissue into his body. Kanpū didn't want such a unique individual to be wasted by staying under Orochimaru!

Kanpū decided to take a piece of that ‘spare tire’ as a birthday gift for Shisui.

‘Oh, that’s right, those brats just said that Orochimaru cut off Uchiha Shin’s left hand?’

“I am Kidomaru. Even if I die here under torture, I will never betray Orochimaru-sama!” Kidomaru bared his teeth, his jaw now red-hot from the flames, emitting a strange smell.

Kanpū was amused. He likes this kind of ‘delicious’ Shinobi, but unexpectedly, as Kanpū relaxed, Kidomaru abruptly stepped forward. The heated blade instantly pierced through Kimimaro's neck, killing himself on the spot.

“You’re so ruthless!”

Kanpū kicked his lifeless body away and immediately formed hand seal to use Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, and ordered the clones to search the nearby houses.

After the shadow clones scattered, Kanpū looked at the corpse on the ground and buried them deep underground with Earth Release Ninjutsu.

Not long after, a shadow clone happily rushed over with a large glass container: “Found it!”

Kanpū fixed his eyes on the glass container, and inside it was an amputated arm, precisely the left one!

‘This is the left arm of Uchiha Shin?’

Kanpū is afraid of making a mistake, so while letting the shadow clone continue to search around here, he activated Sage Mode, follow the newly created Network Cable to leave Land of Rice Fields, and then rushed to the Land of Iron’s capital, teleporting into the basement of Konoha Tavern.

After starting human experiments, Kabuto needed more space, so with the help of Kanpū’s shadow clone, the basement was expanded by digging deeper!

The bandit test subjects were housed below.

As for Kanpū’s shadow clone, he was currently lying on the operating table, sleeping soundly.

Kanpū looked at him in disgust, put down the glass container and walked out of the basement.

It was currently lunch time, and the Konoha Tavern is full of guests.

The amnesiac Kimimaro wore a white pointed hat and a matching apron, skillfully cooking teppanyaki, the enticing aroma filling the air.

Beside him, Jugo clumsily made sushi, his hands fumbling.

Kabuto was cooking oden with a smile, and at the same time, he was very busy collecting money from the guests.

Seeing Kanpū coming out of the back room, Kabuto didn't pay much attention, thinking that it was just Kanpū’s shadow clone. He then asked: “Aren't you used to taking a nap at this time?”

“It’s me.” Kanpū replied with an expressionless face. On his calm countenance, an imposing pressure hung like a mountain!

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