Chapter 685 Duties To Attend To

The first one of the two to wake was Singing Grove, who jumped to her feet, not recognizing the room at first. She realized she was still inside the palace, as she had stayed in a similar room once or twice when the council was being formed.

Then, her memories snapped back into place, and she remembered why she was there. And, more importantly, who had done this to her.

It had been centuries since she was last defeated in combat, and even longer since she had lost consciousness to an enemy.

Even though she realized that Astaroth was not an enemy, per se, he had gone from an annoyance to an actual threat in her mind.

'If he grows into that power he used, we may just see the birth of a new god… When was the last time that happened? The Ash Elves?'

Her mind calmed down a bit, as she understood there was no risk in the immediate.

Singing Grove was old enough to know how the gods played their games—one of them in particular, who played this game viciously, Gaius.

The last time a new god had risen, when the lady of the stars was created, back when the Ash Elves finally separated from their oppressors, many gods had touched mortal ground, to make sure the new one knew who was at the top of the food chain.

And before her, many others had to pass through the same thing.

Singing Grove had a feeling Astaroth would not play nice if the same thing happened to him. So she wanted to at least warn him.

But then she thought again.

'What's the point? It was probably a fluke. A power spike given to him by all his soul tampering and demons. How would that kid ever become a god…'

Although she wanted to meet him, Singing Grove wanted to first get back to her office and refresh herself. Maybe even catch some rest.

She would never admit it, but whatever Astaroth had done to her and her soul, she felt completely drained.

Leaving the room, she made sure to tell the guards in front of the royal chambers that she would come back on the morrow to speak to the king. The guards saluted the councilwoman, assuring her they would relay the message.

Phoenix, who was still inside the room with the sleeping Astaroth, had heard it but chose to say nothing. She wanted to wait for the next day as well.

The day may not have been very far along, but she could also feel a certain mental drain.

'Is this caused by the domain thing she used?' she wondered.

Seeing as Astaroth was fast asleep, Phoenix decided to go back to their duties and let him sleep. There were still a few matters to attend to that day.

Nothing of major import, but nonetheless, things that required her attention or Astaroth's.

Reaching the throne room, she saw that there were a few new nobles in there, already waiting for her and Astaroth.

This was the first matter.

Phoenix walked toward the throne, her heels clattering on the stone floor, which caught the attention of the three young men and women.

"My Queen!" they saluted, bowing deeply.

The table in the center had already been removed, and they waited for her at the foot of the dais.

"Gentleman, Ladies. It is a pleasure to meet some fresh faces around here finally. Let me get seated and we shall get to this matter."

The new nobles said nothing, letting the monarch reach her seat before they stood ramrod straight before her.

Phoenix looked at them and wanted to giggle. But she kept it in.

"At ease. We are here to discuss your titles and the advantages that come with them. So let us speak plainly, shall we?"

The three young men and women relaxed a bit, hearing her words.

They waited for her to start the conversation, knowing their place.

"We have granted you the titles of baron and baroness, and will all be attending royal court starting next week, given councilman Finnegan clears you to do so. It will depend on how he deems your court manners. But I digress," Phoenix said, waving her hand aside.

"Talks about expansion have been going around in the council talks, and since the possibility is getting closer and closer, we are starting to give out titles and land. The baronies you will receive will become your responsibilities, as well as your seats of power.

"We will grant each of you gold from the kingdom's treasury, to launch your estates, as well as some residents willing to move out, to start a new settlement. With this, for the first year, the adventurer's guild will also protect your settlements, for a fee, and the members of Paragons, given you can entice them by yourselves.

"Each one of your lands will lie at the edge of our current safe zones, far from each other, so you can explore and expand at your own convenience, given you can protect your land. I know this is an enormous responsibility, but Councilman Finnigan has deemed you not only worthy, but adequate.

"Once the lands you will be granted are ready for your arrival, we will set your departure dates. Until then, you are to attend the court meetings and learn how to deal with affairs with hands-on experience. Questions?"

Phoenix could already see she had set deep anxiety into the three young nobles' hearts. Unfortunately, they had accepted the honour of the titles.

Now they had to accept the responsibilities that came with them.

Looking at each of them, she knew what each had done to earn their titles, and she approved. But she somehow wondered how they would fare once they were in a ruling position.

'I hope Edmond wasn't wrong about their characters. If he was, we'll have three additional problems on our shoulders.'

At that moment, Astaroth woke up in the rooms above, feeling like he had used all his mana, aether, and stamina, all at the same time. He felt drained.

His body was like lead, heavy, and hard to move. And his mind was like walking through a bog.

'Urgh… I won't be using that again for a long time. Now I know the difference in power between me and Mythical creatures…'

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