New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 715 Reaching The Lorhen Training Grounds

Mariah couldn't hear what she heard, looking toward her elder brother, only to see Elias on his back, nose bleeding and mouth frothing.

'How did we lose?' she wondered, feeling anger rise in her, along with shame.

"I think this was a great experience for you two," Ulrick said, looking at his daughter.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

But Mariah's face went red, and she started crying.

"How could you let him treat us like this, father? Have you no love for your children?" she cried.

Ulrick looked at her with a stern gaze.

"You are all three, my children. Even if Rodney is no longer of the Lorhen family, he stays my son. And he fought fair, with all odds against him. Respect the outcome, and respect his abilities. I thought you better than this."

Her father's response sent her into shock, and she fell on her ass, eyes wide.

Phoenix laughed.

"I thought mages here would be so much more powerful than elsewhere. But even Violette had better control over her ice magic than this girl," she said, scoffing at Mariah.

The words cut deep into Mariah's esteem. She had no idea who this 'Violette' was, but with how the woman worded her sentence, it felt like an insult to be compared to her.

She gritted her teeth and got to her feet.

As Mariah was about to stomp away, her father raised his hand to halt her movement.

"I take it you think you could have done better?" he asked Phoenix.

Phoenix smirked.

The motley group entered the manor, servants and kids bowing to Ulrick and Mariah everywhere they went, as they strolled to a staircase that led down.

Astaroth looked around him, taking in the style of the manor, as well as the defences that were hidden within its walls.

He was impressed that even though the manor looked lavish and only suited for receptions and housing, the interior of the walls told a different tale.

This entire building was siege-ready. Traps under every floor tile, weapons inside every wall, and locking mechanisms on every door.

The entire manor was a death trap, as far as Astaroth was concerned. If they wanted to keep them here, they probably could, unless Astaroth used all his power to escape.

'So this is what millennia of preparation does… Impressive, if somewhat scary.'

He took mental note of everything, wondering if he could apply most of these to the interior of the tree palace, back in Bastion City.

Soon enough, the group reached a floor that was built solely in this blue stone material that they made the city walls with. But contrarily to the walls, this one exuded a heavy mana content.

Almost like it was charged up in natural mana.

Astaroth slid his hand against the stone, feeling his skin tingle with power.

"What is this material, if you don't mind me asking?" he said, turning to look at the old man.

Ulrick smiled at him.

"It isn't much of a secret, so I guess I can share. It is called Themiscium, and it is a compound material we created with mana-rich ore and mana crystals.

"Its solidity is good, but its prime property is the ability to store a massive amount of mana inside it. And the more mana is in the stone, the harder it becomes.

"Unfortunately, we don't sell it, as we solely used it in the borders of our inner city, and the castles to the twelve families and the main castle. Many countries wish they could get their hands on it. But as you noticed, Themiscus is not well versed in sharing."

Astaroth wanted to laugh at the words. It sounded like Ulrick was regretful that his kingdom was so closed off.

But it was none of their business.

"In any case, it is also a great material to make magical rooms from, as it serves as both a barrier and a catalyst, to form training grounds. Which is why the Mana Knights of the Lorhen family train inside here. It is where we will be having our duel."

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