Rodney felt his mind slip away, suddenly free-floating in a comfortable darkness.

'Is this what death feels like?' his mind mused.

'It's a lot more peaceful than I thought. No hell. No heaven. Just serenity.'

His mind drifted to the scene of Phoenix crying, and Astaroth looking angry.

'I hope you two don't do anything rash. This wasn't your fault. Had I not insisted on coming, the situation would not have gone this way. I hope I didn't start a war…'

The comfort of the silent darkness around him made him feel like he could just close his eyes forever and let time slip by.

But a heat rose in his chest.

Opening his eyes, he looked down and could see his chest glowing in bright white light.

'What is going on?' he wondered.

"…in th…"

'Huh? Was that a voice?'

"…ng in the…"

'That sounds so familiar…'

His chest pulsed with heat again, and a soft voice rang in his ear.

"It is not your time yet. Live. Guide him. Do not let him succumb to his darkness."

'Who was that?' Rodney wondered.

But the voice was gone just as quickly as it came, replaced by Astaroth's voice once again, this time clearer.

"Hang in there, god dammit!"

'He sounds so desperate. Did I mean that much to him? But we barely shared time together…'

"Don't you die on us, you idiot! You have a daughter to take care of!" Astaroth's voice echoed again, stronger this time.

'Right. My daughter. What will she become if I leave her? Who will take care of her?' he thought.

Once again, his chest pulsed in heat, this time so hot, he felt pain.

'Argh. That hurt. What the heck?'

"Come on! Wake up, Rodney!"

Another pulse of heat shook him, searing his insides.

'Argh! Make it stop!' his mind shouted.

"Get up, you hear me?!"

The pain surged again as his body writhed in the darkness.

And then…


"Death… Permanent…" he replied, his words heavy.

"No. No, no no no. No, no, no no! I refuse to take that as an answer! There has to be a way!"

Astaroth started spinning in place, wracking his mind like a madman. But then his gaze snapped back to the doppelgänger.

"I'm borrowing your power. If you can't do anything about it, then I will!"

Geminae shook his head no, refusing to lend his power. But Astaroth didn't care.

"I'm not asking," he said, slamming his hand into Geminae, the power immediately starting to transfer from the angel-looking soul into his.

Immediately, the doppelgänger's eyes widened in panic. He wasn't afraid of losing his life, but Astaroth was not ready to wield his powers.

But Astaroth didn't care. He refused to lose someone he cared about.

Not again.

When he opened his eyes again, his body was surging with power. Wings had grown on his back once more, and he could look at the people's souls around him.

And Rodney's was still not entirely gone.

"There is still a chance…" he muttered.

"Get out my way!" he shouted, pushing through the healers and reaching back at Rodney's body.

Dropping to his knees, Astaroth touched Rodney's chest, feeling the soul fading away.

"No. You are not dying. I refuse to let you go."

He started pouring his mana into the soul, trying to keep it from fading away completely.

His high affinity with soul magic allowed a miracle to take place. The mana he poured into Rodney took on a unique property and started trickling into the soul, reinvigorating it.

It wasn't enough to restore it, but it was enough to keep him from fading to nothing.

"Hang in there, Rodney. You can't go just yet."

Astaroth redoubled the effort, pouring his mana in faster, trying to beat the speed of fading.

"Come on. Hang in there."

He could feel a reaction happening in Rodney's body, as he kept shoving the equivalent of divine energy into his commander.

"Hang in there, god dammit!"

Rodney's body shook ever so slightly.

"Don't you die on us, you idiot! You have a daughter to take care of!" Astaroth shouted at the body.

The body shook again, this time visible for all to see.

"Oh, my god. He's reviving him! But how?! He isn't even casting a spell!" one healer exclaimed.

"Come on! Wake up, Rodney!" Astaroth screamed.

He could feel his body weakening fast. If Rodney didn't come back soon, he would run out of juice, and all would be for nought.

"Get up, you hear me?!" he shouted in desperation.

And the miracle had happened.


'Thank the gods… I was able to save him,' Astaroth thought, feeling himself fall asleep.

After punching him in the chest, Astaroth collapsed, completely drained.

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