A video montage played on the holographic projection, showing pieces and bits of their combat against the goblins back in the States. David frowned, as he didn't remember seeing cameras on any of them.

But he never once saw Jack in the image, or Mr. Gu, for that matter, and he quickly connected the dots.

'He was wearing a hidden body cam. Smart.'

"With this video, and many more to come, I'm sure, I planned to portray you three as enforcers of sorts. You would be called in to deal with monster appearances and people going rogue with their newly discovered powers.

"If we pull it off properly, it would give you young folks, as well as me, a good push in public opinion. And that is exactly what I need for the upcoming campaign. What do you think?"

Alex looked dazed at the prospect of taking an active role in the public eye.

It was silly to suddenly feel self-conscious about this, given he had always wanted to become a recognized professional e-sports player. But it suddenly became an all-too-real possibility.

He felt his stomach churn a bit from the nervosity.

"I don't want to be a part of this big public stunt. I'll help you do the work, sure. But I want no camera pointed at me while I do. I don't want to be seen as a hero. Or a saviour, for that matter," David said, looking at Jack sternly.

Jack frowned a bit at his statement.

"Tell me, Mr. Magnus. If you don't want to be portrayed as a hero or saviour, why are you bending over backwards to build a shelter to save people? Doesn't your statement go against your actions?"

David snorted at the words.

"You misunderstand my intentions, Jack. I don't want to save people out of the goodness of my heart. I say fuck humanity. But not everyone deserves to die. I'm giving them the option of survival on the condition they help fight.

"My shelter won't be a place to hide, but a place from which we fight back."

Jack's teeth clenched at hearing these words.

"Why even build a shelter, then? Are you trying to have a place filled with slaves?" he asked, his face gloomy.

"Not slaves. But I won't take in people who want to cower in fear. Humanity will soon be at stake, and only the ones willing to fight for it deserve to live. You can take in those freeloaders in your shelter, if you want, but mine will be a war camp."

Jack clenched his fists. He understood what David was saying, but it sounded too selfish.

Jack was a military man, so he understood the meaning of self-sacrifice. But he had joined to serve and protect his country and people.

Not let them out to die.

If David weren't one of the most powerful people in the world right now, he would have shoved him into a hole to be forgotten. His mentality went radically against Jack's.

"Don't get me wrong, Jack. I don't want humanity to end. But I also don't want to protect people who can't defend themselves or have no will to. In two years from now, when the rifts start opening, the world will become survival of the fittest.

"We will need every man, woman, and child who can fight to beat back the tides of demons. There is no use in saving people who refuse to fight and cower behind doors and walls. And that is if the timing is still the same…" David said, his face looking grave.

"I'll do the dirty work. I'll help you keep the troubling ones in check. It also benefits me, since they could kill important figures if left unchecked. But don't portray me as a hero. I'm not a hero. I'm the devil that lurks in the shadows and does the work no one wants to do."

Alex felt like it was the first time David expressed his true thoughts, and funnily enough, he agreed with him on some points. Why save people who don't want to help save others?

But Alex also knew that regardless of how cowardly a person was, he wouldn't hesitate if he could save a life. He just wasn't the type to leave a person to die if they didn't deserve it.

"I think David has a good point, even if his methods and philosophies are a smidge barbaric. We won't be able to save everyone. That much is certain. If I have to choose to save a person who will fight back or a person who will cower, I would choose the fighter," Kary said.

Hearing her say this, Alex realized they were almost all on the same page. Their ways of treating people might differ, but they all wanted to keep humanity alive.

"I'll do it. But I want to be sure you aren't tying locks on us. My freedom is important to me. I don't want to be restrained under someone suddenly," Alex said, looking at the montage rolling on a loop.

Jack smiled at Alex.

As long as he had him, his plan could proceed. Having all three cooperate would be a boon, for sure.

But his primary target had always been Alex. He felt he could sell him as a hero with much more ease than the other two.

Even though Kary had more public exposure already, she didn't fit his intended mould. Alex could, with a bit of work.

"In this case, let us iron out the specifics and write all this down. Not in a contract, of course. But only in a way to have everything black on white, for good measure."

Mr. Gu pulled out a tablet and set himself up on a corner of the table. He was ready to get everything in writing as needed.

Alex agreed to this, followed by Kary. Only David seemed reluctant at first.

"Come on, man. It's not like he's forcing you into anything. Just discuss your intentions and let's all set our own boundaries. This way, we can keep working together without issue. Don't you want that?" Alex said.

That was the last push he needed to agree. The rest of the meeting proceeded in a more roundtable fashion, everyone talking in turn and setting up their expectations.

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