Chapter 737  A Possible Ally

"The one coming here is doing so on a vehicle that can cover great distances in a short amount of time. He could be here in three hours if we can get him some escort vehicle to ensure a clear path."

Jack frowned slightly.

"Do you know how fast he would have to drive for that? That is beyond breaking laws. That is endangering himself and others."

Kary nodded her head.

"That's why I said he should have some escort vehicle. Something that ensures cars move out of the way, and he doesn't get in trouble."

Alex looked at her, making mental calculations. He wasn't very well versed in geography, but he was sure Syracuse was at least two hundred and fifty miles away.

Anything that could cover that in three hours would have to stop and refuel at least once on the way. This could only mean one type of vehicle.

"What kind of speed bike did he get his hands on? That's some serious speed."

Kary shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know the specifics. He just said he had a new Honda bike and wanted to show it off. That's why he was coming."

Jack sighed in annoyance. He didn't like enabling people to break laws.

But the situation obliged.

"I'll contact some friends in New York State and Ontario. I should be able to get him a helicopter escort. But if he kills himself on the way here, I will not be held responsible for this. You can take the full blame."

Kary giggled at the statement.

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

Jack shook his head in exasperation.

"I'll go make some calls. You should focus on finding more people to bring," he said, looking at David.

"Sure. I'll try my best. But there is no guarantee. I'm not exactly a social bug."

Jack went to sit behind his desk, dismissively waving his hand. That was Mr. Gu's cue to get them back downstairs.

He ushered them out of the office as Jack reached someone on the phone. His cheerful and boisterous greeting told them he had already activated 'Businessman' mode, and it was better not to bother him.

The ride back down was silent as the three young adults were thinking about who else they could contact, and Mr. Gu observed silently.

"Do you think we could reach anyone else from the guild?" Kary asked, holding her chin between her thumb and index.

"I doubt any of them have the time for this. And that is if they even awakened. It's not as common as you'd expect. If you two hadn't noticed the mana and actively circulated it, you wouldn't have awakened yet either," David dismissed.

"Yeah, well, that's no thanks to you," Alex replied sneeringly.

"Hey, back off. You don't seem to understand the weight of one's actions on the flow of time—everything you do differently than before affects us all. I can't just change everyone's future without eventually facing the consequences," David defended himself.

But Alex disagreed. Wasn't time already altered beyond repair, anyway?

What would changing it more do now?

"Regardless, I think you should have told more people. Just so we have better chances in the future," Alex replied flatly.

To which David only shook his head, annoyed at the rebuke.

"Think what you want. There is a time and place for everything. And that time hasn't yet come. Soon, though," David confided.

"Eh, whatever. In any case, I think I can get one more person with us. But it'll most likely require me to hire a mercenary. I hope I get a friends-and-family discount. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can afford him."

Kary tilted her head in curiosity.

"Who would you hire? Alfred?"

"Dear god, no. I'm sure Alfred wouldn't let me hire him even if I paid top dollars. No. I was thinking about one mercenary that work for Bellemare's company, Bellemare & Delphis Security.

"I saw him when I went there after a job I did for them, and he oozed mana. It was uncontrolled, but we could have another ally if he can control it now."

This made Kary think of another person who lacked control over his tiny amount of mana.

"What about Clark? Can't we bring him?"

Alex huffed at the question.

"Will he even want to come? After the forced testing this morning, I doubt he wants to see my face for a few days."

David chuckled.

"Look at you, making friends. I'm so proud of you," he mocked, making a patronizing grimace.

"Oh, fuck off, you zombie! It wasn't my fault. He attacked me; I only defended myself. It's not like I was trying to get him embroiled in all of this…" Alex complained.

He hoped Clark wouldn't ask him to find a new trainer. He liked the guy.

"Then you better go and apologize. If he's a chance at another fighter, we might need him," David said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. I'll call him when I get home. I'll see from there."

Kary giggled lightly.

The elevator dinged, signalling they had reached the ground floor, and Mr. Gu escorted them to the lobby.

"Alright. Then I suggest you all make calls from your side as well. MS. Deveille, When Mr Boudreau is done with his calls, I will contact you to tell you the arrangements. I trust you will relay the info to your friend."

Kary nodded her head.

"Good. In this case, I wish you all a pleasant ride home, as I will not be driving you home this time. I need to get busy as well. I have, however, prepared cars for you lads and lady. They will be waiting at the entrance. Have a good day."

Mr. Gu said his piece before pivoting on his heels and heading back to the elevators. His step was rushed, like he had an urgent matter to attend to.

Alex, Kary, and David headed outside, where two black sedans were parked. A driver was waiting in front of each one with a sign in hand.

One had Mr. Magnus on it, and the other had Mr. Leduc and Ms. Deveille written. They split up into their different cars and headed back home.

They had much to do and plan before leaving the following day. This was going to be another life-threatening experience; they knew it.

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