"Doesn't matter. I had something else to ask you, and I forgot. So I had to catch up to you."

Clark looked at him, befuddled.

"Of course it matters! Couldn't you call me and tell me to wait here for a minute? Why was your first thought, 'Oh, hey! Let's jump off a fifty-two-story balcony!' That's crazy thinking!" Clark scolded him.

As he did, Clark also felt amazed at the feat.

It wasn't just anyone who could even consider this a viable idea. Most people would have fallen to their death.

Yet, Alex was confident in his plan enough not to hesitate.

He was either crazy or had balls of titanium.

"Yeah, I know. Not the smartest move. Listen. I don't want to hold you long, so you're coming back inside with me. What I want to discuss is not for a public area."

Clark shook his head in slight exasperation. But he at least owed him his attention for a bit longer.

As he turned back to enter the building, he heard Alex behind him.

"Nope. Too slow that way. Hang on!"

"Wha—WHAAA! What are you doing, you crazy asshole?!" Clark shouted as he felt arms grab under his armpits before his feet lifted off the ground.

Alex had already re-melded with Morpheus, this time a complete meld, and launched off the concrete ground.

Clark could hear the loud wing beats behind him, and he tried craning his neck around to look. Doing this, he ended up contorting a bit, and Alex's grip slipped a bit.

After almost dropping him, Alex scolded the trainer.

"Stop wiggling, you idiot. Do you want to fall?"

Seeing they were already thirty meters off the ground, Clark looked down, quickly shook his head no, and became as still as a metal rod.

People on the ground were already taking pictures and videos of this giant humanoid bat-looking thing abducting a person off the street. This would go viral in moments as soon as it hit the internet.

But strangely, the videos would disappear the next day, as if they had never been there, and the story was hushed to bed, never to be heard from again.

But, for now, the people were screaming in fear on the ground, calling the police and taking pictures by the dozen.

On the fifty-second floor, Kary had already returned to the kitchen island to sip her freshly made coffee when she heard loud flapping sounds from the still-open patio door.

'Urgh… Couldn't he take the elevator? People are going to see him if he keeps acting so recklessly…' she thought, turning her head to the balcony.

Moments later, what she saw almost made her choke on her coffee sip.

Two adult men were crashing onto the cement balcony, one white as chalk, while the other was already folding in gigantic bat wings.

Kary rushed out to the balcony.

"What the hell, Alex?! Are you trying to bring all the attention to yourself already? What if people saw you?!"

Alex chuckled as he got up on his feet.

"Oh, people saw me alright. I could hear the snapping of pictures and the voices of people recording themselves as I flew up. But I can't hide forever, can I? Might as well break that ice now, don't you think?"

His reasoning would have sounded sane had he not just transformed into a bat-looking, half-human monster. People would only care that he looked like a monster and not that he was a potential hero to humankind in the future.

She punched him on the shoulder, angry that he was taking this so lightly, and the next moment, another punch came in from the side, clocking him in the jaw.

Alex tripped on his feet, almost falling over the table, before caressing his jaw.

"Yup. Deserved that one too…" he mumbled as he held his mouth.

"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?! YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST WARNED ME!" Clark yelled, his face now red in anger.

"I did. I said hang on…" Alex whined.

Clark raised his fist again, ready to strike him, but Kary walked between them.

"Don't bother. He doesn't learn through violence," she said, looking him in the eyes.

Clark lowered his fist, growling to himself.

He had never been more terrified in his life. And that was saying a lot, given he had done extreme sports before.

Clark had tried everything from bungee jumping to base jumping and acrobatic free-fall. But he had never been only a slip away from falling to his death.

These were in controlled environments, with the proper security equipment in place.

Not while being carried by another man up the side of a building, with nothing to save him if he fell.

"Don't ever do that again! I'll kill you myself if you do!" Clark barked, stomping his way inside.

Alex chuckled at his reaction. But he knew it was a fair warning.

Kary walked in, following Clark, after glaring at Alexander.

"Coffee?" she asked the trainer.

"Yes, please," he grumbled, sitting at the kitchen island.

She nodded, walked toward the counter where the coffee machine was, and pulled out a cup and a coffee pod. Slipping the latter into the top of the machine and the former under it, she pressed the button.

Alex walked into the penthouse as well, sitting across from Clark.

He could have sat next to him, but he felt he was courting another punch to the face. So, he abstained from doing so.

"I'll let you have a few sips of your coffee to calm down before I ask you what I have to ask," Alex said, leaning on the counter.

He caressed his jaw again, trying to massage the pain away.

Clark had probably done so unknowingly, but that punch was infused with mana and had hurt a lot more than a regular punch.

If Alex's body hadn't already been tougher than average, the fact he hadn't coated his jaw with mana would have meant a nap for him.

Clark gave him a death glare but said nothing.

He waited for Kary to hand him the cup as she pushed milk and sugar in front of him.

"Thank you," he grumbled.

"Don't worry about it," she replied before sitting beside Alex.

They passed the next few minutes in uncomfortable silence, with only the sound of cups hitting the counter and sipping echoing through the kitchen.

"So," Clark finally broke the silence.

"What did you want to ask?"

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