The tired-looking assistant brought her toward the containment cells, which made Kary nervous.

She had visited this part a few times in the last month as she brought in rogue awakened players, and heading there was already a bad sign in her mind.

When they got there, Mr. Gu led her to a cell in the corner, where she recognized the shoulders of the man sitting back facing them.

"Alex!" she exclaimed, running to the cell.

Alex turned his head slowly, smiling when his gaze met hers.

But his smile was bittersweet as he saw the signs of depression on her face. The dull look, the sunken eyes, the unkempt hair and loose clothes.

It hurt him to think about how his actions caused this.

"Hi, darling… How are you holding up?" he asked, his voice soft.

Kary started crying slowly as she realized it was still him.

"You came back… You really came back… I missed you so much…" she said, weeping softly.

Alex put his hand on the glass, looking at her with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry… I didn't think I would die from that attack. Is Violette okay? Did… Did I do anything to her?"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Kary rocked her head from side to side.

"Violette is fine. She was devastated at first, thinking you had died in her arms, but when we told her what we saw up that mountain, she settled down. But what do you mean, died?"

Alex sighed in relief. At least he hadn't hurt one of his friends when he was taken over.

"Just like I said. I died up on that mountain. If I hadn't had these two inside me, it would have been the end. Although, I'm not sure it was better that they save me…"

Kary looked at him, still in tears.

"No. You can't say that, not after being gone for a month without news. I'm glad they saved you, whoever they are. I'm glad they brought you back to me, safe and whole."

Alex's heart stung again.

'If you only knew…'

Kary spun her head toward Mr. Gu.

"Please let me inside the cell. I want to hold him."

Mr. Gu shook his head.

"I can't, Ms. Deveille. Procedures instruct that he must stay there as long as he hasn't been thoroughly tested. I'm already glad he accepted to go in there himself…"

Kary's tear-filled eyes turned to rage.

"Let me in there right this instant. I am not asking."

Mr. Gu took a step back, his eyes turning cold.

"Ms. Deveille… I know how you feel, but these are my orders. I can't disobey them. Please, let's not devolve into savagery. The testing shouldn't take too long, and you can embrace him as much as you want then."

Kary started heaving as anger filled her heart.

She had been in the dark for a month. And now that he was back, this man thought he could keep her from reaching out to him? From holding him in her arms?

Flames started covering her, her hair turning to a wildfire behind her, as her eyes flared up blue.

Alex looked at her with wide eyes.lightsnovel

'She's progressed so much in just one month. I don't know whether to be impressed or scared.'

Mr. Gu lowered his stance, making his twin swords appear in his hands. He was ready to defend himself, even if he doubted he was a match for her anymore.

"Enough," Alex's calm voice echoed from within his glass cell.

As he said this, the swords in Mr. Gu's hands disappeared, and Kary's flames extinguished. But their stupefied faces were a telltale sign that this wasn't their doing.

Both looked at Alex, who was staring at them.

Mr. Gu's phone was beeping loudly in his pocket, but he was too stunned to look at it.

"Mr. Gu. I know you have orders, but never threaten her again. I will not take kindly to it if it ever happens."

Mr. Gu was about to defend himself, but when his eyes locked on Alex's gaze, his vision swam, as he felt like he was getting stared at by a pair of black eyes with burning red irises. This made him instinctively shake.

He was trained to face Yaoguai. Nevertheless, his body froze before it started shivering.

'This is not a human,' he immediately understood.

Whatever was in that cell could no longer be called a person. This was an ascended being…

"As for you, Kary. I understand how you feel. But please. I don't want you in here. Not now. I'm still not sure I can trust myself. Can you wait until the testing is done? For my sake?"

Kary wanted to rebuke him. She wanted to tell him he had no right to ask this of her after leaving her like this.

But a warm feeling overcame her as a soft-spoken voice echoed in her mind. One she recognized from that mountaintop.

'He will be ok. Wait for him, just a few days more.'

Kary's rage mellowed out, even though she shot a stink-eye at Mr. Gu, but she slid her hand on the glass wall.

"Okay. I will wait. But please, don't vanish on me like this, ever again. Okay?" she asked, tears still streaking down her face.

Alex put his hand in front of hers, across the glass, and smiled.

"I won't. Now, head on home. Rest. You seem like you need it. And tell the others that I came back. I'm sure it'll boost morale a bit. I love you."

Kary's heart warmed up with his last words, and she finally felt like her missing piece was back.

"I will. I love you too."

She turned around to leave but stopped next to Mr. Gu momentarily.


This snapped Mr. Gu out of his terror vision, and he looked at her with shock.

"Pull your swords on me ever again, and no one will find your ashes," she threatened, her eyes flickering with blue flames.

Then she left the compound, heading back home the same way she came here.

"Women, am I right?" Alex tried joking to relieve the tension.

But Mr. Gu looked at him with wary eyes before leaving as well.

'Did I overdo it by suppressing them?' Alex wondered.

He shrugged before sitting back down on the bed in the cell. What was done was done.

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