
Chapter 252: The Truth

# 252. The Truth

As expected, Huaiqing, as the Empress’s daughter, surely had some clues about the man her mother was so determined to protect, even at the cost of being banished to the Cold Palace.

*If I’m Sherlock Holmes, then Huaiqing, you’re my Watson…* Xu Qi’an nodded and pressed, “Who is it?”

Huaiqing’s already cold face grew even more expressionless, her tone detached as she uttered two words: “Imperial Uncle.”

The mention of "Imperial Uncle" was like the key that unlocked the entire mystery, making everything suddenly clear to Xu Qi’an. The Consort Fu case finally made sense.

“This Imperial Uncle would be the Empress’s younger brother or elder brother, right.” Xu Qi’an clicked his tongue.

Only a full-blooded sibling could make the Empress take the blame to protect him.

Princess Huaiqing gave a slight nod, “The Imperial Uncle is mother’s younger brother, a debauched scoundrel, frivolous and uneducated, overly indulgent in women. The maids at Fengqi Palace despise him because whenever he visits my mother, he always harasses them.”

In her words, there was clear disdain and loathing for this uncle of hers.

“Only now do we recall a few things. The Imperial Uncle used to visit my mother occasionally, but a few years ago, he suddenly stopped. Looking back, it all makes sense now.”

Apart from the Imperial family, relatives of the Empress, Noble Consorts and regular Consorts could also enter the palace to visit them, as long as they reported to the palace beforehand.

Xu Qi’an squatted down, his hands soaking in the bucket of water, staring at the sky at a 45-degree angle, murmuring:

“Palace maid Huang Xiaorou was raped by the Imperial Uncle and became pregnant. She was so devastated that she tried to kill herself, but the Empress had people watching over her and saved her in time… No, that’s not right.”

Huaiqing, on the contrary, looked down at her feet and softly asked, “Didn’t you say she gave birth? But what about a miscarriage? If she miscarried, would the… cervical opening also close?

“A maid’s pregnancy is hard to hide, but if Huang Xiaorou managed to last until now, it means the child wasn’t born.”

Xu Qi’an responded with a hum, “Stretch marks would have appeared after three or four months, and after a miscarriage, the cervical opening would close. I’m more inclined to think the Empress had the child aborted because allowing the child to be born would have been the end for the Imperial Uncle.”

Huaiqing nodded, “So, palace maid Huang Xiaorou bore a deep grudge and teamed up with someone behind the scenes, superficially framing the Crown Prince but actually implicating the Empress and Duke Wei?”

“If that’s the case, Huang Xiaorou must have hated the Empress deeply. Well, it makes sense—after all, there’s no greater hatred than having one’s child killed. But I still feel like it’s not that simple.”

“What do you want to ask?”

“You are extremely clever, Your Highness… Why didn’t the Empress simply kill Huang Xiaorou? That would have solved everything.”

“My mother is too soft-hearted.” Huaiqing sighed, her tone expressing both disappointment and regret.

*So the Empress is a soft-hearted woman… If Huaiqing had been in her place, she probably would have killed Huang Xiaorou right away to eliminate future troubles… Huaiqing is a woman who can achieve great things; that much I can confirm.* Xu Qi’an raised his hand to stroke his chin, paused halfway, then jabbed it back into the water and said:

“Now the case is clear. The Empress must be paying close attention to the Consort Fu case. When she discovered that Huang Xiaorou was behind it, she realised that the person behind the scenes intended to use the Imperial Uncle to take her down.

“This is an open plot. She must either sacrifice the Imperial Uncle or sacrifice herself. But, thinking about it, the Empress is truly a ‘brother-supporting demon.’[^1]”

Huaiqing frowned, “Brother- What does that mean?”

“It means she’s willing to be banished to the Cold Palace for the sake of an unworthy brother. Once she’s deposed, the Fourth Prince will no longer be the legitimate son, making him lose his claim to the throne.”

Huaiqing glanced at him and sneered, “For women in the harem, what’s the difference between living in the Cold Palace and not?”

“That’s true.” Xu Qi’an met Huaiqing’s gaze. This was the first time the Princess had shown discontent towards Emperor Yuanjing in front of him.

“My mother has never cared about harem affairs and doesn’t cling to her title as Empress. Trading her position for the Imperial Uncle’s life is something she’d willingly do. But the Fourth Prince will surely harbour resentment.”

“Is that why you sent the Fourth Prince away?”

Huaiqing nodded and asked, “What about the yellow silk cloth?”

“The spring of the 31st year of Yuanjing should be when palace maid Huang Xiaorou was assaulted… Wait, there’s something odd. Huang Xiaorou’s suicide happened four years ago, and Yuanjing 31 was five years ago. We shouldn’t count Yuanjing 37, as it’s just begun.” Xu Qi’an suddenly frowned.

Princess Huaiqing understood his implication and said in her pleasant voice, “Based on the timeline, it happened after she was forced to have an abortion. After my mother aborted Huang Xiaorou’s child, she assigned He’er to care for her.”

“That matches our findings, but doesn’t it seem strange to you, Your Highness? You just mentioned that pregnancy and childbirth in the palace are impossible to hide. What gave Huang Xiaorou the audacity to do this, unless she had someone powerful backing her?”

“It couldn’t have been Father.” Huaiqing shook her head.

Xu Qi’an agreed.

Given Emperor Yuanjing’s obsession with immortality and Daoist cultivation, there was no way he would be involved with a mere palace maid.

“Let’s pay a visit to this Imperial Uncle. There’s no point in guessing further,” Xu Qi’an suggested.

Princess Huaiqing agreed without hesitation, as though she had been thinking the same.

The two immediately left the ice cellar and spotted the little eunuch’s distant figure. He hadn’t left yet.

*This little eunuch is quite diligent…* Xu Qi’an approached him and said, “Princess Huaiqing and I are leaving the palace for a while. You may rest now, and don’t be too quick to report today’s events to His Majesty.”

The eunuch looked at him, hesitant to speak.

“If you have something to say, just say it. Don’t beat around the bush.”

“Sir Xu, your humble servant is a little afraid.”

*Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle…* Xu Qi’an laughed heartily, “Rest assured, I won’t involve you in matters you shouldn’t know about. Just follow orders and you’ll be fine.”

Only then did the eunuch breathe a sigh of relief, “With your reassurance, your servant can rest easy.”

Xu Qi’an had originally thought he would ride in the carriage with Huaiqing, but to his surprise, the cold and indifferent princess had merely given him a fine steed.

Riding the horse and following the princess's carriage to the Imperial Uncle's residence, Xu Qi’an couldn’t help but think of his beloved little mare.

After being ambushed yesterday, he had driven the mare away. After killing the three assassins, he had gone to the constabulary to tend to his injuries. Until now, he still didn’t know the whereabouts of his mare.

However, before entering the palace this morning, he had instructed his colleagues to search for it.

The carriage window opened, and Huaiqing poked her head out. Her features were flawless, with a delicate nose and vivid red lips, and the corners of her mouth were as refined as if carved. Her beautiful eyes were like a clear autumn lake, pure and transparent.

"Even if Mother did indeed take the blame for Imperial Uncle, the person behind the scenes is still yet to be found," she sighed.

Xu Qi’an didn’t answer but instead asked, "What I don’t understand is, why did the person behind the scenes wait until now to act against the Empress?"

Neither spoke further.


The Imperial Uncle's residence was located within the Imperial City. When Xu Qi’an and the eldest princess arrived, they asked the guards, only to learn that the Imperial Uncle was not in the Imperial City but at his old residence in the Inner City.

"Go ask when the Imperial Uncle moved to the old residence," Huaiqing ordered the accompanying guards from the open carriage window.

The guard asked around and reported, "This morning."

*This morning? Emperor Yuanjing had proposed deposing the Empress during this morning's court session…* Xu Qi’an instinctively glanced at Huaiqing, only to find that the princess was also looking at him.

"To the old Shangguan residence," Huaiqing commanded coldly.

The luxurious carriage made of golden silk and *zhennan* wood slowly exited the Imperial City, taking over an hour to reach the Shangguan family’s ancestral home.

Surprisingly, the old residence of the Shangguan family was merely an ordinary three-layer courtyard house, not much grander than the mansion Xu Qi’an had purchased. Of course, in terms of refinement and luxury, it certainly outclassed the Xu estate.

Moreover, there were many guards stationed here.

As the carriage slowed to a stop, Xu Qi’an discreetly pulled out a piece of paper with the qi-watching technique he pre-prepared for the trip, and lit it with his qi.

Once the carriage halted outside the Shangguan residence, Huaiqing stepped down onto a small stool and walked directly into the residence. The guards at the door did not dare to stop her.

On the way, Huaiqing recounted the history of the Shangguan family. The Shangguan clan was not a particularly wealthy or powerful family. Huaiqing’s maternal grandfather, Shangguan Qing, had risen to the position of Left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Revenue and concurrently held the post of Grand Academician of the Eastern Pavilion.

However, this was only after Huaiqing’s mother had entered the Fengqi Palace as the Empress.

Before that, the Shangguan family was a small clan, and her maternal grandfather, Shangguan Qing, had only held the position of Assistant Director of Revenue, a mere sixth rank.

"The Wei family and the Shangguan family were long-time friends. When Duke Wei was young and impoverished, he once studied in the Shangguan household. Grandfather could be considered half his teacher," Princess Huaiqing said.

Xu Qi’an nodded. It was only today that he learned of the connection between Wei Yuan and the Empress.

"Then Duke Wei…" He hesitated, but eventually asked the question weighing on his mind, "How did he enter the palace?"

Huaiqing shook her head.

As they passed through the front yard, the sound of string and woodwind instruments reached their ears.

In the distance, they saw that the rear hall doors were open, and seven or eight dancers dressed in sheer veils were gracefully performing, while musicians played seductive tunes.

Xu Qi’an widened his eyes. To be honest, he was accustomed to such scenes at the Jiaofangsi, but even the dancers in the Jiaofangsi didn’t dress as boldly as these women.

These women wore neither undergarments nor loincloths, just a thin layer of gauze. Their movements exposed their intimate areas, flaunting their charms.

In the main hall, a middle-aged man with fair skin and fine features, sporting a small mustache, sat in the central seat, holding a beauty in each arm. He leered at the dancing women with lustful eyes.

To the sides sat several other revelers, all thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Xu Qi’an’s understanding of the Imperial Uncle's debauchery deepened. His elder sister was about to be deposed, yet he still indulged in such pleasures. Even more absurdly, the Empress was taking the blame for him.

Disgusted and irritated, Xu thought to himself, *When will enablers like these finally be held accountable?*

Princess Huaiqing stopped outside the hall, glanced sideways at Xu Qi’an.

Xu, understanding the gesture, removed his sword and approached the door, banging the hilt against the frame and shouting, "House inspection! Men to the left, women to the right! Hands on your heads, and have your ID cards ready!"

The revellers, immersed in their pleasure, were startled and only now noticed Xu Qi’an and Princess Huaiqing standing at the entrance.

The dancers halted their movements, the musicians stopped playing, and the Imperial Uncle, with his moustache, froze for a moment before furrowing his brows.

Huaiqing stepped over the threshold and into the hall, her voice as cold as a winter storm, "Everyone, leave this hall immediately. Anyone who comes within a hundred paces will be executed."

Xu Qi’an responded loudly, "Yes, Your Highness!"

With a flick of his thumb, his sword unsheathed half an inch, and he swept his gaze over the crowd, barking, "Get out!"

The musicians, dancers, and guests scattered in a panic.

"Don't go, don’t go..." the Imperial Uncle shouted, but he couldn't stop the fleeing crowd. Stomping his foot in frustration, he pointed at Xu Qi’an and cursed, "Which burrow did you come out of, you running dog? Guards! Guards!"

Xu Qi’an frowned and thought, No wonder Huaiqing despises this uncle so much. No wonder she suspected him immediately.

This is a 24K pure good-for-nothing.

After a few shouts and realising no one was coming to his aid, the Imperial Uncle stopped yelling. He squinted his eyes and turned to Huaiqing, "Huaiqing, what brings you from the palace to your uncle’s place?"

"Are you aware that Father is planning to depose the Empress?" Huaiqing’s voice was as cold as the harshest winter wind. "This morning, Father proposed deposing the Empress, yet here you are, drinking and making merry."

"Of course I know." the Imperial Uncle suddenly grew agitated. "But what can I do? I’m not Wei Yuan. Do you think just because I say the Empress shouldn’t be deposed, His Majesty will listen?"

"Do you know why Father is deposing the Empress?" Huaiqing asked.

"Isn't it because my sister is scheming to make the Fourth Prince the crown prince by framing the Eastern Palace?" the Imperial Uncle scoffed disdainfully.

Xu Qi’an cautiously glanced at Huaiqing. Throughout, she remained calm, or rather, indifferent.

Just as he was about to press the Imperial Uncle about Huang Xiaorou, he noticed Huaiqing gesture with her hand. The Princess coldly smiled, "Uncle, by royal decree, we are here to arrest you."

the Imperial Uncle was stunned. "Arrest me? On what grounds?"

Huaiqing finally revealed a chilling smile. "On the grounds of the palace maid Huang Xiaorou."

At these words, the Imperial Uncle was struck as if by lightning. His entire body trembled, and fear flickered in his eyes. He forced himself to hold on, stammering, "Huang Xiaorou? What are you talking about, Huaiqing? What nonsense are you spouting?!"

His stammer turned into an angry roar.

"Not until the coffin is in sight will one shed tears," Huaiqing remarked as she extended her hand, and Xu Qi’an passed the dull yellow silk cloth to her.

She grabbed it and flung it forcefully at the Imperial Uncle's face. "In the spring of the 31st year of Yuanjing, you know full well what you did to Huang Xiaorou."

The Imperial Uncle froze.

The yellow silk slipped off his face, as if stripping away the last trace of colour. His pupils dilated, and fear clouded his expression.

"Who told you? Who told you about Huang Xiaorou?" the Imperial Uncle muttered.

"Naturally, it was Her Majesty the Empress," Xu Qi’an chimed in, playing along.


the Imperial Uncle's reaction was surprisingly intense. Blood rushed back to his face, though it was unclear whether it was from agitation or rage. He shouted:

"I am the only son of the Shangguan family! How could she betray me? How dare she? How would she face our father in the afterlife? Don’t try to deceive me."

Xu Qi’an replied, "Because Huang Xiaorou was implicated in the Consort Fu case, her past was exposed, and the Empress had no choice but to confess. In the spring of the 31st year of Yuanjing, you violated Huang Xiaorou in the palace."

He spoke with certainty.

"Impossible! Huang Xiaorou has long been dead. My sister promised me she would silence her," the Imperial Uncle said in shock.

*The truth was, the Empress did not kill her. She merely forced Huang Xiaorou to abort the child… Huaiqing was right; the Empress was far too soft-hearted…* Xu Qi’an glanced at the Princess.

Huaiqing remained expressionless, her demeanor as cold as ever. "Confess truthfully to us. It would be far better than doing so in the Nightwatcher dungeon. Or does Imperial Uncle wish to experience the punishments the Nightwatchers deal in?"

The Imperial Uncle slumped into his seat, defeated.

“Yes, Huang Xiaorou and I had an affair, but she was willing. She thought I was the Emperor.

“I have always enjoyed the company of beautiful women, but I grew tired of the women from the brothels and the Jiaofangsi. The concubines in my household no longer excited me. Gradually, I realised that the women in the palace were far more alluring than those outside.

“It’s all my sister's fault. Her Fengqi Palace has so many palace maids, yet she wouldn’t even let me touch one. The Emperor has been obsessed with Daoism for years and has long ceased visiting the harem. So what’s wrong with me taking a few maids?

“She is the mistress of the harem. As long as she agrees, who can stop me? I’m not asking for the Emperor’s concubines. That day, when I visited Fengqi Palace to see the Empress, I saw a palace maid cleaning. She was delicate and lovely, utterly captivating. I thought she was a new maid in the palace, so I made advances.

"She mistook me for the Emperor, blushing with embarrassment, but didn’t dare refuse, allowing me to have my way."

*Huang Xiaorou entered the palace in the 28th year of Yuanjing, and by then, the Emperor had already turned to Daoism and no longer visited the harem... A mere palace maid would have had no idea what the Emperor looked like...* Xu Qi’an mused, the effects of his Qi-gazing watching still active, confirming that the Imperial Uncle wasn’t lying.

"When I saw that no one was around, I took her to a side chamber and shared a night of pleasure. Afterward, she was filled with joy, thinking she had served the Emperor, convinced that she was the one who had made him break his celibacy. Not just her—every woman in the harem, from concubines to maids, fantasises about being special enough to be favored by the Emperor."

*Impersonating the Emperor to seduce palace maids... No wonder the Empress was so desperate to protect you. Even ten lives wouldn’t be enough to atone for this...*

the Imperial Uncle swallowed nervously. “Later, I became addicted to the experience, often using visits to the Empress as an excuse to rendezvous with Huang Xiaorou. The feeling she gave me was unlike any other woman. But I never expected her to get pregnant…

"At that point, I panicked and told the Empress. She scolded me harshly, forbidding me from entering the palace again. She promised to silence Huang Xiaorou and clean up the mess."

Xu Qi’an said distantly, “So, Huang Xiaorou believed she was carrying the Emperor's child. When the Empress forced her to abort, she hated the Empress to the core. But when she later discovered that the man who had deceived her wasn’t the Emperor but you, the Imperial Uncle… The child was already gone, and the truth was out. Powerless to defy the Empress, she took her own life in shame and anger.

"But the Empress was too soft-hearted. She felt guilty for your actions and retrieved a miraculous elixir from the Imperial Pharmacy to save Huang Xiaorou's life. Yet, no one could have predicted that four years later, this buried secret would come back to haunt her."

"It's all her fault! If she had killed Huang Xiaorou back then, none of this would be happening now!" the Imperial Uncle cried out in rage. "It’s her fault! She ruined me!"

"You lie!" Xu Qi’an suddenly interrupted, his voice sharp. "If it were just Huang Xiaorou, the Empress wouldn’t need to take the fall. Huang Xiaorou is dead, and the dead tell no tales. The Empress could easily deny it.

"Since she confessed, it means that besides Huang Xiaorou, there’s another piece of evidence in someone else’s hands."


[^1]: This pun is impossible to translate, so I’ll have to let it go: “Brother-supporting demon” has the same pronunciation as Voldemort.

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