Chapter 772

Qin Yun took out four beast skins and stacked them together. People don’t understand what Qin Yun is trying to do but they feel that it is very strange.

Jian Linglong is not far away, she asked through sound transmission : “Qin Yun what are you trying to do? Stop wasting time. Quickly start carving, if not you won’t be able to enter top three!”

Earlier she also saw that Qin Yun’s speed is rather slow while carving on the pearl. There is basically no hope of entering top three, so she is just trying to comfort him now.

Qin Yun clearly knows the disparity between him and the Dao Inscription Masters. Therefore, he can only try other methods.

“Sister Linglong, I might not me able to enter top three, it’s up to you now!”

He finished speaking and right away started carving Xuan rune on the stacked beast skin. Because he is not sure whether this will succeed or not, he temporarily threw away the notion of success and failure and single mindedly carving Xuan rune. Only this way, he can make the finesse of Xuan rune very high. When carving, Qin Yun used Mysterious Penetration Divine Ability’s property. Moreover, released a lot of Blood Soul power. This way, he can carve on four beast skin in one go. He only started short while ago, he is already delighted in his heart because this method is feasible.

“Although, mental power consumption is very big, it can increase speed by a lot. Maybe this way I can craft talisman in batches in the future!” Qin Yun secretly thought in his heart.

“If you practice and become accustomed to it, you will become faster! it is very suitable for batch production of Xuan talismans!” Ling Yuner said with smile : “Xiao Yun, Dao of Inscription and Martial Dao are the same, they are both all-embracing. You have to combine together the knowledge you have grasped, you must master them by comprehending them further!”

Qin Yun nodded his head.

Now, his activity has gained attention from many Dao Inscription Masters. Especially the Dao Inscription Masters outside the competition stage. They want to know what Qin Yun is trying to do. He looks like he has given up on the competition, however, he is also very serious.

Very quickly, a bit more than an hour passed by again.

Majority of the Dao Inscription Masters have already finished carving on two crystal pearls. And a very few have completed three and starting to carve on the fourth one. Jian Linglong has also started her fourth one, she is only a little bit slower than those few Dao Inscription Masters.

And Qin Yun used Mysterious Penetration Divine Ability to carve Xuan rune on four stacked beast skin at the same time! He requested four pearls from Jian Shitian!

“Little demon, what did you achieve this? You carved same Xuan rune on four beast skins in one go!” an Inscription Masters who is paying attention from the side asked. This Inscription Master is a Half Immortal and he is very amazed.

“This is my secret technique!” Qin Yun said and then wrapped up a pearl with one beast skin.

At this moment, many people realized what he is trying to do! He is actually trying to transfer the run on the beast skin, into the pearl! If he really succeeds, then he will be able to complete four pearls. This kind of technique is really unheard of among many Inscription Masters. Jian Linglong is also very amazed. She really did not expect that Qin Yun actually knows this kind of brilliant skill!

“Youngster, unorthodox way of thinking is an impassable path! Your way of thinking is pretty good but you are very naive!” a Dao Inscription Master said with sneer.

“You can carve runes on four beast skin simultaneously, this is indeed a very good technique! However, if you want to transfer the rune on the beast skin inside a tool, then you are indulging in fantasy!”

“Little demon, it is not like we never thought the same way you are thinking now. There are also many who tried to put them into practice but there has never been anyone who succeeded!”

“Hehe, he reminds me of my youth!”

“Who was not like this during youth? In order to take shortcut, we all thought of some weird tricks!”

A group of Dao Inscription Masters standing in circle and watching from the side of the stage, now can not help but talk about their youth, when they thought up many clever and odd tricks. Later they fumbled many times and then realized the reality. Then they all decided to honestly follow through the experience of their predecessors.

Qin Yun sued beast skin to cover the top of half a person size crystal pearl. Then he used a secret art of the Soul Refining Technique to condense a special Soul Shifting Power to move the Xuan rune and draw it inside the crystal pearl. As the Xuan rune was carved by Qin Yun using Blood Soul power, now the execution of Soul Shifting Power has been very smooth. Of course, to maintain the stability of Xuan rune, Ling Yuner released a type of special gravity that wrapped around the Xuan run, stopping any outside fluctuation from destroying the Xuan rune. This stage is the most crucial. Because if Xuan rune fluctuates even a little bit, then finesse will drop down a lot, even problem may arise in the whole rune.

The process of moving Xuan rune completely untouched requires extremely concentrated mental power, as well as incomparably precise control over mental power. As Qin Yun is conducting this action, his brows are beaded with sweat. Even though the scenery is very noise, all around filled with aura fluctuations, he can however still enter a very wonderful state. Now, he feels that he is inside a boundless white space. There are only him, the crystal pearl and Xuan rune, everything around him disappeared without trace. He is very calm and concentrated in this world. He can even see some colorful airflow arrive. This airflow is the aura of Heaven and Earth and every kind of spiritual energy. As he can clearly see those airflow, he can simply block them and not let them come near him. This way he can more accurately move the Xuan rune.

When he obtained the Soul Refining Technique, granny Qiao told him that combining runes and Soul Refining is the best. And now, he also understand what that means. The Xuan rune on the beast skin that is covering the top of the crystal pearl suddenly disappeared! And some runes appeared inside the the crystal pearl! He succeeded!

This caused the Inscription Masters on the scene to become dumbstruck. Each and every one of them find this hard to believe as they watched.

Jian Linglong and other Inscription Masters are all in the middle of earnestly carve Xuan rune, however they have no choice but to be distracted as they looked at the Xuan rune inside Qin Yun’s pearl.

Let’s not talk about what is the degree finesse, he at least took many people’s young age’s concept and implemented it! The runes on the beast skin have been moved on to the pearl! This kind of wildest of imagination, many Inscription Masters had them too and now, at last someone implemented it!

Qin Yun is also grinning, he moved on to the next one. His pace has become a lot faster. According to the time remaining time, he might possibly complete 5 pearls! This caused many leading Dao Inscription Masters to become nervous. Earlier they thought the little demon gave up and his way of thinking is too unorthodox. And now that unorthodox way of thinking has bore fruit!

Qin Yun has the experience of first success, following actions have also become more smooth. Although mental consumption is too big, however he can keep up until end. Competition time is almost over. Qin Yun also successfully moved runes from four beast skins to four pearls! Adding the one pearl he completed before, he has completed five pearls now! And those few Dao Inscription Masters who were on the lead, can only finish at most four.

“I am done!”

Qin Yun looked at Jian Shitian and said with playful laughter. He is very worn out now, his eyes are completely tired. However, his mental recovery rate is very fast, he can continue to endure. Those Dao Inscription Masters who are doing their utmost to fight against time, are all stunned and cursing endlessly in their hearts. They painstakingly carved runes and could only managed to complete at most four. However, this little demon who has not even entered Xuan Martial Realm used some unorthodox method to complete five! This means that in this competition the one who obtained first place is this little demon.

Although Jian Linglong is very happy, she is even more amazed. She really wants to learn this secret technique.

Now, everyone wants to know what that secret technique is. It can actually accomplish something that can not be accomplished.

The time is finally up. Jian Linglong and five other Dao Inscription Masters completed four pearls. And Qin Yun completed five pearls. The first place is bound to be him!

“Sword Sect Master, do his pearls meet the standard? What is the finesse?” and old man asked, he is very unconvinced.

“I also don’t know, I will go and check.” Jian Shitian took out an item that looks like a mirror and walked over to test.

After he tested, his faced showed an expression of shock, he said in astonishment : “Seventh level finesse!”

Carving a Royal grade Xuan rune with seventh level finesses is considerably high level.

Those Dao Inscription Masters don’t believe this, they walked over and conducted their own tests. The result of their tests is also the same, all five pearls have the same seventh level finesse! This truly cause people to be extremely astonished!

“This little demon, could it be that he has Xuan Master Inscription Spirit? He is so young yet his finesse is so high!”

“This damned little demon actually has Inscription Spirit!”

“Damnation, we painstakingly study for thousands upon thousands of years but can not compete against a little demon who has Inscription Spirit!”

“Aiiii... this is life!”

Those Dao Inscription Masters let out long sigh sorrowfully.

They speak this way so that other people don’t say that they are worse that the little demon because the little demon has Inscription Spirit. Inscription Spirit is a very heaven defying thing. Therefore, now everyone is convinced that this heaven defying little youth has Inscription Spirit. Even Jian Linglong, Yang Shiyue and others also think that Qin Yun has Xuan Master Inscription Spirit. Even though Qin Yun don’t have it, he doesn’t deny it because otherwise he would look too formidable and also completely against common sense.

Because there are many people with four pearls, their ranking will be decided by checking finesse. After the checking is over, people who don’t understand much about runes, realized why those Dao Inscription Masters are so sorrowful. Because the finesse level of their Xuan runes are at fifth or sixth level. In order to be fast, they did not control the degree of finesse. To these Dao Inscription Masters, a finesse level of five or six is a matter of great insult.

Only Jian Linglong is a bit better, she has one pearl with seventh level finesse, other people all have maximum sixth level, therefore she obtained second place.

Qin Yun is very scared looking at those Dao Inscription Masters’ finesse level, the disparity is just too high. The reason his finesse is so high is because of Mental Resonance Xuan Pen. Mental Resonance Xuan Pen can increase finesse by two level, this is indeed a magical item.

Qin Yun and Jian Linglong’s team monopolized first and second place.

First place can get Sun rune, second place can get Moon rune and Dao rune. Their relationship is very good so they will certainly share those runes.

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