Chapter 781

Qin Yun deliberately set up fight with Yu Zhenshen. It is all to take revenge for that day. Yu Zhenshen is a petty, evil and vile person. He is very dangerous, in the future he will most definitely be a big problem.

As Qin Yun walked up to the stage, Yu Zhenshen also walked up opposite to him. Xuan Domian people are not at all worried about Yu Zhenshen considering his strength. Even though Qin Yun destroyed so many Vajra puppet earlier, it was also because he used Alchemy power.

Yu Zhenshen arrogantly looked at Qin Yun and asked : “Qin Yun, you were at the Remote Moon Mountain Range, right?”

“Qin Yun replied : “Yeah, what about it?”

Yu Zhenshen looked at Yang Shiyue standing below the stage and asked again : “Yang Shiyue is not an Inscription master and your relationship with Yang Shiyue is excellent! Is her Star Lord Inscription Spirit in your hands?”

Many elders of the great factions are also suspicious about this.

Yang Shiyue can not send Qin Yun voice transmission because he is inside the barrier of the battle stage. She is shaking her head to let Qin Yun know that he should not admit.

“Indeed, the Star Lord Inscription Spirit is in my hands!” Qin Yun replied in loud voice.

If he did not admit this, from now on Yang Shiyue would be hunted by even more powerful people.

This immediately caused many Dao Inscription Masters to feel envious, amazed, admiration or hatred.

“Qin Yun already had Wild Flame Inscription Spirit and now he has Star Lord Inscription Spirit, this guy is truly too lucky!”

“Qin Yun has the Star Lord Inscription Spirit, seems like we don’t need to go after Yang Shiyue anymore!”

“Can it be that he deliberately said it to protect Yang Shiyue?”

“This brat actually has the Star Lord Inscription Spirit...”

Not to mention those factions that have enmity with Immortal Weapon City, even Jian family Dao Inscription Masters all have some wicked thought in their mind.

Yu Zhenshen said with a sinister laugh : “Qin Yun, I will force you to hand over Star Lord Inscription Spirit!”

Qin Yun said with faint smile : “I am already fused with the Star Lord Inscription Spirit. If you kill me, it will die with me. Even if you capture me, you won’t be able to extract it.”

A Xuan Domain elder shouted loudly : “Impossible! You just fused with Wild Flame Inscription Spirit, it has not been even hundred years, you can not fuse with another Inscription Spirit, this will create conflict!”

Long family’s Half Immortal also shouted loudly : “Qin Yun, you can not deceive us, you are still too inexperienced! The fact that you don’t know this simple general knowledge shows that you are not worthy to have the Star Lord Inscription Spirit!”

Qin Yun started laughing loudly and said : “The unworthy ones are you people. I can fuse with two Inscription Spirits in a short while, that is precisely my talent!”

Yu Zhenshen coldly said : “Qin Yun, you have not fused with Star Lord Inscription Spirit! Don’t try act mysterious here, you can not fool us!”

Qin Yun suddenly took out a talisman paper and started carving, with very fast sped he finished carving Star runes on it in a short period of time.

“I have carved Star rune on this talisman!” Qin Yun finished speaking and threw the talisman at Yu Zhenshen.

Yu Zhenshen promptly caught the talisman but the talisman immediately exploded and released Star Flame! This explosion caused his hand to become inflamed. He felt his hand burning intensely. Watching this scene, those Xuan Domain people deeply breathed in cold air.

That was a fire element Star rune! Qin Yun possesses both Wild Flame and Star Lord Inscription Spirit, therefore his carving speed was very fast, finesse is also guaranteed to be very high, as a result it’s power is also extremely strong! As long as one is a Dao Inscription Master, it is not very difficult to see that Qin Yun’s talisman just now was very strong. Qin Yun has truly fused with the Star Lord Inscription Spirit. An Inscription Master with two Inscription Spirit, his potential is terrifying!

Divine Inscription Palace’s people are also here. They did not interfere in the grudge between Jian family and Long family. Therefore, their disciples are not participating in this competition. Now the higher ups of the Divine Inscription Palace are all endlessly jealous of Qin Yun’s Inscription Spirits. What they don’t know is, apart from Star Lord and Wild Flame Inscription Spirit, QIn Yun has three other : Beast King, Moon Lady and Dao Lord Inscription Spirit. If they knew, they would probably go insane out of anger.

Yu Zhenshen suddenly howled with laughter : “Qin Yun, you should not have let us know that you fused with Star Lord Inscription Spirit. We can no longer get it so there is no point of letting you live!”

Before they could at least capture Qin Yun to threaten Yang Shiyue. But now they can no longer obtain the Star Lord Inscription Spirit. The Xuan Domain and Long family Half Immortals both have very sad face, they feel that they missed the opportunity to obtain Star Lord Inscription Spirit.

“You are making me very furious! Star Lord Inscription Spirit never belonged to you, yet you always acted as if it is your property!” Qin Yun said with cold voice.

“If I were to kill you, a talented Inscription Master with two Inscription Spirit, I will become a celebrity of all ages!” Yu Zhenshen became even happier and laughed loudly.

Qin Yun sighed and said : “Aiiii... there is no sense of achievement killing trash like you, nobody will even remember it after a few days! That is the difference between me and a trash like you!”

“Qin Yun you are hoping that after you have revealed that you have fused with Star Lord Inscription Spirit, Yang Shiyue will not have any trouble right? Rest assured, I will use the most brutal method to kill her!”

Yu Zhenshen has been enraged by Qin Yun, he very fiercely looked at Yang Shiyue : “This kind of beauty, this body is truly top notch, so long as I can take a bite out of her, I will be satisfied!”

Qin Yun firmly clenched his fists. Even though he knows Yang Shiyue is not easy to deal with, after hearing Yu Zhenshen’s words he is secretly worried and even more so, furious.

Yang Shiyue has a completely expressionless face, she has already decided that if Qin Yun suffers any injury in this fight, she will spare no effort to kill those Xuan Domain geniuses.

Spectators also want to see, if Qin Yun, this talented Inscription Master with two Inscription Spirit, has fighting strength comparable to those Xuan Domain geniuses. If he does, then he would be a super-genius with unparalleled talent in both Martial Dao and Dao of Inscription.


The bell rang and the fight started!

Yu Zhenshen sinisterly laughed and turned into countless virtual images that are jumping about all over the stage. It is impossible to pinpoint is location.

“Junior brother Yu’s Myriad Shadow Untraceable Step is a Tian tier peak quality martial arts, moreover he mastered it to great perfection!” Long Shengkuang said with smile : “Even I am incapable of detecting his location in a short period of time!”

On the battle stage, many Yu Zhenshen shadows running about recklessly. It is as if wind scattering in all directions. Even many Marital Kings and Martial Emperors are unable to see where he is.

But Qin Yun knows. Qin Yun’s Nether Moon Mental power locked onto Yu Zhenshen from the beginning, no matter where he runs to, Qin Yun knows.

Qin Yun’s brows suddenly wrinkled, Yu Zhenshen’s attack arrived! He has released his mental power to the limits, so in a split second he can detect that the attack was performed with a weapon! In an instant, Qin Yun dodged!

All the Yu Zhenshen virtual images on the battle stage disappeared. Yu Zhenshen is standing on the battle stage and he is also shocked. Because now it is Qin Yun who disappeared! Qin Yun used Passing Shadow Extinction Breath Step!

“This guy actually has a weapon in his hand! This is a transparent small knife, it is impossible to see with eyes!” Qin Yun is alarmed in his heart : “The barrier around the stage can detect weapons but it did not detect this knife!”

Long Shengkuang and other few geniuses are secretly shocked in their hearts because Qin Yun clearly knows Yu Zhenshen’s location!

Qin Yun suddenly appeared and let Ling Yuner use super-gravity. Yu Zhenshen is shocked to the extreme because this strange power complete caught him unprepared.

A chance appeared!

Qin Yun attacked with Extinction Dragon Seven Palms for the sky. Along with a sorrowful dragon cry, the battle stage started trembling.

Many people can now also see, Qin Yun’s palm attack and Yang Shiyue’s previous one is the same. Now they are completely sure, Qin Yun and Yang Shiyue’s relationship is very intimate. They have actually jointly learned this kind of dreadful martial arts!

Qin Yun’ Extinction Dragon Seven Palm attack’s momentum is vast, might is fierce and it dropped on Yu Zhenshen’s body. However, Yu Zhenshen only coughed out a mouthful of blood.


Yu Zhenshen’s body suddenly trembled and released a type of very strange power that shook off the gravity. Then he lifted his hand and strike out many dao energy strength.

Hu Hu Hu!

Yu Zhenshen repeatedly threw many punches toward Qin Yun at the distance, a sinister monster virtual image suddenly flew out and devoured Qin Yun in an instant!

Qin Yun vigorously stamped his foot, his body trembled and released vibration power that dispersed the sinister monster virtual image.

At this moment, Yu Zhenshen already arrived in front of Qin Yun and his face is filled with evil smile.

“This is bad!” Qin Yun suddenly felt something entering his abdomen.

This is a transparent long needle and concealed weapon. He really did not expect that this guy Yu Zhenshen not only have a transparent knife but also has another concealed weapon!

“Qin Yun, you can not budge, right? You also can not speak, right?” Yu Zhenshen’s hands are clasped behind his back, he is laughing loudly looking at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun is also standing motionless, looking at the laughing Yu Zhenshen.

Yu Zhenshen proudly shouted : “Everyone one, I invite you to open your eyes wide, to see how I ravage a genius Inscription Master who has two Inscription Spirits!”

Now, Xuan Domain elders, as well as Long Shengkuang’s group all took a long breath. Because they know that Yu Zhenshen succeeded in using the concealed weapon!

Yu Zhenshen’s attack with concealed weapon was brilliant, moreover it did not pierce Qin Yun’s abdomen. Just like Mysterious Penetration Divine Ability, it passed through Qin Yun’s skin and flesh and entered his Nether Sun.

Yu Zhenshen proudly walked and arrived in front of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun suddenly forced out the transparent concealed weapon from Nether Sun and beat it into Yu Zhenshen’s abdomen!

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